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From: Kirill Shcherbatov <kshcherbatov@tarantool.org>
To: tarantool-patches@freelists.org,
	Georgy Kirichenko <georgy@tarantool.org>
Subject: [tarantool-patches] Re: [PATCH v1 2/2] box: functional and multikey indexes
Date: Tue, 20 Nov 2018 15:18:09 +0300	[thread overview]
Message-ID: <eb3c9745-64f8-b33b-612e-f815bcc41a1a@tarantool.org> (raw)
In-Reply-To: <45d55e70c60c5c4b5806c8e7ce3330957a8dc0ce.1542460247.git.kshcherbatov@tarantool.org>

53,6 +55,22 @@ box_lua_call(struct call_request *request, struct port *port);
 box_lua_eval(struct call_request *request, struct port *port);
+/** Set functional index trap trigger on space. */
+lua_func_idx_trigger_set(const char *space_name, const char *idx_name,
+			 int32_t *trigger_ref);
+ * Make and register a new LUA function object by func_code
+ * string.
+ */
+lua_func_new(const char *func_code, int32_t *func_ref);
+/** Release registered LUA function object. */
+lua_func_delete(uint32_t func_ref);
 #if defined(__cplusplus)
 } /* extern "C" */
 #endif /* defined(__cplusplus) */
diff --git a/src/box/lua/func_idx.lua b/src/box/lua/func_idx.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8ffc7a1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/box/lua/func_idx.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,347 @@
+-- func_idx.lua (internal file)
+local function func_idx_space_name(space_name, idx_name)
+    return '_i_' .. idx_name .. '_' .. space_name
+local function test_a_in_b(a, b)
+    local test = {}
+    for _, v in pairs(b) do
+            test[v] = true
+    end
+    for _, v in pairs(a) do
+            if test[v] == nil then return false end
+    end
+    return true
+local function func_idx_keys_equal(a, b)
+    return test_a_in_b(a, b) and test_a_in_b(b, a)
+local function func_idx_key_in_set(key, set)
+    for _, r in pairs(set) do
+        if func_idx_keys_equal(key, r) then return true end
+    end
+    return false
+local function func_idx_select_do(index, key, iterator, func, arg)
+    local space = box.space[index.space_id]
+    local ispace_name = func_idx_space_name(space.name, index.name)
+    local ispace = box.space[ispace_name]
+    local pkey_offset = index.functional.pkey_offset
+    local unique_filter = {}
+    for _, k in ispace:pairs(key, {iterator = iterator}) do
+        local pkey = {}
+        for _, p in pairs(space.index[0].parts) do
+            table.insert(pkey, k[#pkey + pkey_offset + 1])
+        end
+        -- test tuple uniqueness for multikey index
+        if (index.is_multikey == false) or
+           (func_idx_key_in_set(pkey, unique_filter) == false) then
+            table.insert(unique_filter, pkey)
+            if func(arg, space, pkey) ~= 0 then break end
+        end
+    end
+local function func_idx_select(index, key, opts)
+    box.internal.check_index_arg(index, 'select')
+    key = key or {}
+    local iterator, offset, limit =
+        box.internal.check_select_opts(opts, #key < index.functional.pkey_offset)
+    local res = {}
+    local curr_offset, done = 0, 0
+    func_idx_select_do(index, key, iterator,
+                       function(container, space, pkey)
+                            if done >= limit then return 1 end
+                            if curr_offset >= offset then
+                                local tuple = space:get(pkey)
+                                table.insert(container, tuple)
+                                done = done + 1
+                            end
+                            curr_offset = curr_offset + 1
+                            return 0
+                       end, res)
+    return res
+local function func_idx_get(index, key)
+    box.internal.check_index_arg(index, 'get')
+    if not index.unique then
+        box.error(box.error.MORE_THAN_ONE_TUPLE, "")
+    end
+    ret = func_idx_select(index, key, {limit = 1})[1]
+    if ret ~= nil then
+        return ret
+    end
+local function func_idx_bsize(index)
+    box.internal.check_index_arg(index, 'bsize')
+    local space = box.space[index.space_id]
+    local ispace = box.space[func_idx_space_name(space.name, index.name)]
+    local ispace_pk = ispace.index[0]
+    return ispace_pk:bsize()
+local function func_idx_random(index, seed)
+    box.internal.check_index_arg(index, 'random')
+    local space = box.space[index.space_id]
+    return space.index[0]:random(seed)
+local function func_idx_count(index, key, opts)
+    box.internal.check_index_arg(index, 'count')
+    key = key or {}
+    local iterator, offset, limit =
+        box.internal.check_select_opts(opts, #key < index.functional.pkey_offset)
+    local res = {count = 0}
+    func_idx_select_do(index, key, iterator,
+                       function(container, space, pkey)
+                            container.count = container.count + 1
+                            return 0
+                       end, res)
+    return res.count
+local function func_idx_rename(index, name)
+    box.internal.check_index_arg(index, 'rename')
+    local space = box.space[index.space_id]
+    local ispace = box.space[func_idx_space_name(space.name, index.name)]
+    local new_ispace_name = func_idx_space_name(space.name, name)
+    ispace:rename(new_ispace_name)
+    return box.schema.index.rename(space.id, index.id, name)
+local function func_idx_min(index, key)
+    box.internal.check_index_arg(index, 'min')
+    return func_idx_select(index, key, {limit = 1, iterator = 'EQ'})
+local function func_idx_max(index, key)
+    box.internal.check_index_arg(index, 'max')
+    return func_idx_select(index, key, {limit = 1, iterator = 'REQ'})
+local function func_idx_drop(index, key)
+    box.internal.check_index_arg(index, 'drop')
+    local space = box.space[index.space_id]
+    space:on_replace(nil, index.functional.trigger)
+    local ispace = box.space[func_idx_space_name(space.name, index.name)]
+    ispace:drop()
+    return box.schema.index.drop(space.id, index.id)
+local function func_idx_delete(index, key)
+    box.internal.check_index_arg(index, 'delete')
+    if not index.unique then
+        box.error(box.error.MORE_THAN_ONE_TUPLE, "")
+    end
+    key = key or {}
+    local iterator, offset, limit = box.internal.check_select_opts({}, false)
+    local ret = {}
+    func_idx_select_do(index, key, iterator,
+                       function(container, space, pkey)
+                            local tuple = space:delete(pkey)
+                            if tuple ~= nil then
+                                table.insert(container, tuple)
+                            end
+                            return 1
+                       end, ret)
+    if ret[1] ~= nil then
+        return ret[1]
+    end
+local function func_idx_update(index, key, ops)
+    box.internal.check_index_arg(index, 'update')
+    if not index.unique then
+        box.error(box.error.MORE_THAN_ONE_TUPLE, "")
+    end
+    local iterator, offset, limit = box.internal.check_select_opts({}, false)
+    local ret = {}
+    func_idx_select_do(index, key, iterator,
+                       function(container, space, pkey)
+                            local tuple = space:update(pkey, ops)
+                            if tuple ~= nil then
+                                table.insert(container, tuple)
+                            end
+                            return 1
+                       end, ret)
+    if ret[1] ~= nil then
+        return ret[1]
+    end
+local function func_idx_pairs_next(param, state)
+    local state, tuple = param.gen(param.gen_param, state)
+    if state == nil then
+        param.filter_set = {}
+        return nil
+    else
+        local pkey_offset = param.index.functional.pkey_offset
+        local pkey = {}
+        for _, p in pairs(param.space.index[0].parts) do
+            table.insert(pkey, tuple[#pkey + pkey_offset + 1])
+        end
+        return state, param.space:get(pkey)
+    end
+local function func_idx_pairs(index, key, opts)
+    box.internal.check_index_arg(index, 'pairs')
+    local space = box.space[index.space_id]
+    local ispace_name = func_idx_space_name(space.name, index.name)
+    local ispace = box.space[ispace_name]
+    key = key or {}
+    local iterator, offset, limit =
+        box.internal.check_select_opts(opts, #key < index.functional.pkey_offset)
+    local obj, param, state = ispace:pairs(key, {iterator = iterator})
+    param = {filter_set = {}, gen_param = param, gen = obj.gen,
+             index = index, space = space}
+    obj.gen = function(param, state)
+        local state, tuple = func_idx_pairs_next(param, state)
+        while state ~= nil and func_idx_key_in_set(tuple, param.filter_set) == true do
+            state, tuple = func_idx_pairs_next(param, state)
+        end
+        if state == nil then
+            param.filter_set = {}
+            return nil
+        else
+            table.insert(param.filter_set, tuple)
+            return state, tuple
+        end
+    end
+    return obj, param, state
+local function func_idx_unique_filter(keys)
+    local ret = {}
+    for _, k in pairs(keys) do
+        if func_idx_key_in_set(k, ret) then goto continue end
+        table.insert(ret, k)
+        ::continue::
+    end
+    return ret
+local function func_idx_fkeys(func, tuple, is_multikey)
+    local fkeys = func(tuple)
+    if is_multikey then
+        fkeys = func_idx_unique_filter(fkeys)
+    else
+        fkeys = {{fkeys}}
+    end
+    return fkeys
+local func_idx = {}
+func_idx.space_trigger_set = function (space_name, idx_name)
+    local space = box.space[space_name]
+    assert(space ~= nil)
+    local ispace = box.space[func_idx_space_name(space_name, idx_name)]
+    assert(ispace ~= nil)
+    local trigger = function (old, new)
+        if box.info.status ~= 'running' then
+            return
+        end
+        local findex = space.index[idx_name]
+        local func = findex.functional.func
+        local pkey = {}
+        local tuple = old or new
+        for _, p in pairs(space.index[0].parts) do
+            table.insert(pkey, tuple[p.fieldno])
+        end
+        if old ~= nil then
+            local fkeys = func_idx_fkeys(func, old, findex.is_multikey)
+            for _, key in pairs(fkeys) do
+                if findex.unique == false then
+                    for _, v in pairs(pkey) do
+                        table.insert(key, v)
+                    end
+                end
+                ispace:delete(key)
+            end
+        end
+        if new ~= nil then
+            local fkeys = func_idx_fkeys(func, new, findex.is_multikey)
+            for _, key in pairs(fkeys) do
+                for _, v in pairs(pkey) do
+                    table.insert(key, v)
+                end
+                ispace:insert(key)
+            end
+        end
+    end
+    space:on_replace(trigger)
+    return trigger
+func_idx.ispace_create = function (space, name, func_code, func_format,
+                                   is_unique, is_multikey)
+    local func, err = loadstring(func_code)
+    if func == nil then
+        box.error(box.error.ILLEGAL_PARAMS,
+                  "functional index extractor routine is invalid: "..err)
+    end
+    func = func()
+    local iformat = {}
+    local iparts = {}
+    for _, f in pairs(func_format) do
+        table.insert(iformat, {name = 'i' .. tostring(#iformat), type = f.type})
+        table.insert(iparts, {#iparts + 1, f.type,
+                              is_nullable = f.is_nullable,
+                              collation = f.collation})
+    end
+    local pkey_offset = #func_format
+    local pkey = box.internal.check_primary_index(space)
+    for _, p in pairs(pkey.parts) do
+        table.insert(iformat, {name = 'i' .. tostring(#iformat), type = p.type})
+        if is_unique == false then
+            table.insert(iparts, {#iparts + 1, p.type})
+        end
+    end
+    local ispace = box.schema.space.create('_i_' .. name .. '_' .. space.name,
+                                           {engine = space.engine})
+    ispace:format(iformat)
+    ispace:create_index('pk', {parts = iparts})
+    for _, tuple in space:pairs() do
+        local pkey = {}
+        for _, p in pairs(space.index[0].parts) do
+            table.insert(pkey, tuple[p.fieldno])
+        end
+        local fkeys = func_idx_fkeys(func, tuple, is_multikey)
+        for _, key in pairs(fkeys) do
+            for _, v in pairs(pkey) do
+                table.insert(key, v)
+            end
+            ispace:insert(key)
+        end
+    end
+func_idx.monkeypatch = function (index)
+    local meta = getmetatable(index)
+    meta.select = func_idx_select
+    meta.get = func_idx_get
+    meta.bsize = func_idx_bsize
+    meta.random = func_idx_random
+    meta.count = func_idx_count
+    meta.rename = func_idx_rename
+    meta.min = func_idx_min
+    meta.max = func_idx_max
+    meta.drop = func_idx_drop
+    meta.delete = func_idx_delete
+    meta.update = func_idx_update
+    meta.pairs = func_idx_pairs
+    meta.alter = nil
+    meta.compact = nil
+    meta.stat = nil
+return func_idx
diff --git a/src/box/lua/schema.lua b/src/box/lua/schema.lua
index b6693b1..93f7a6c 100644
--- a/src/box/lua/schema.lua
+++ b/src/box/lua/schema.lua
@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ local fun = require('fun')
 local log = require('log')
 local fio = require('fio')
 local json = require('json')
+local func_idx = require('func_idx')
 local session = box.session
 local internal = require('box.internal')
 local function setmap(table)
@@ -281,6 +282,10 @@ local function check_param_table(table, template)
+function func_idx_trigger_set(space_name, idx_name)
+    return func_idx.space_trigger_set(space_name, idx_name)
  @brief Common function to check type parameter (of function)
  Calls box.error(box.error.ILLEGAL_PARAMS, ) on error
@@ -700,6 +705,9 @@ local index_options = {
     range_size = 'number',
     page_size = 'number',
     bloom_fpr = 'number',
+    is_multikey = 'boolean',
+    func_code = 'string',
+    func_format = 'table'
@@ -745,16 +753,31 @@ box.schema.index.create = function(space_id, name, options)
     options_defaults = type_dependent_defaults[options.type]
             or type_dependent_defaults.other
-    if not options.parts then
-        local fieldno = options_defaults.parts[1]
-        if #format >= fieldno then
-            local t = format[fieldno].type
-            if t ~= 'any' then
-                options.parts = {{fieldno, format[fieldno].type}}
+    if not options.func_code then
+        if not options.parts then
+            local fieldno = options_defaults.parts[1]
+            if #format >= fieldno then
+                local t = format[fieldno].type
+                if t ~= 'any' then
+                    options.parts = {{fieldno, format[fieldno].type}}
+                end
+        options = update_param_table(options, options_defaults)
+    elseif options.parts ~= nil then
+        box.error(box.error.ILLEGAL_PARAMS,
+                  "options.parts: parts can't be set for functional index")
+    end
+    if (options.func_code == nil) ~= (options.func_format == nil) then
+         box.error(box.error.ILLEGAL_PARAMS,
+                  "options.func_: bouth of parameters func_code and "..
+                  "func_format should be specified for functional index")
+    end
+    if options.is_multikey and (options.func_code == nil) then
+        box.error(box.error.ILLEGAL_PARAMS,
+                  "options.is_multikey: can't specify is_multikey option for "..
+                  "non-functional index")
-    options = update_param_table(options, options_defaults)
     if space.engine == 'vinyl' then
         options_defaults = {
             page_size = box.cfg.vinyl_page_size,
@@ -792,8 +815,11 @@ box.schema.index.create = function(space_id, name, options)
-    local parts, parts_can_be_simplified =
-        update_index_parts(format, options.parts)
+    local parts, parts_can_be_simplified = {}, false
+    if not options.func_code then
+        parts, parts_can_be_simplified =
+            update_index_parts(format, options.parts)
+    end
     -- create_index() options contains type, parts, etc,
     -- stored separately. Remove these members from index_opts
     local index_opts = {
@@ -805,6 +831,9 @@ box.schema.index.create = function(space_id, name, options)
             run_count_per_level = options.run_count_per_level,
             run_size_ratio = options.run_size_ratio,
             bloom_fpr = options.bloom_fpr,
+            is_multikey = options.is_multikey,
+            func_code = options.func_code,
+            func_format = options.func_format,
     local field_type_aliases = {
         num = 'unsigned'; -- Deprecated since 1.7.2
@@ -849,6 +878,11 @@ box.schema.index.create = function(space_id, name, options)
     if parts_can_be_simplified then
         parts = simplify_index_parts(parts)
+    if options.func_code ~= nil then
+        func_idx.ispace_create(space, name, options.func_code,
+                               options.func_format, options.unique or false,
+                               options.is_multikey or false)
+    end
     _index:insert{space_id, iid, name, options.type, index_opts, parts}
     if sequence ~= nil then
         _space_sequence:insert{space_id, sequence, sequence_is_generated}
@@ -1319,6 +1353,7 @@ local function check_select_opts(opts, key_is_nil)
     return iterator, offset, limit
+box.internal.check_select_opts = check_select_opts
 base_index_mt.select_ffi = function(index, key, opts)
     check_index_arg(index, 'select')
@@ -1546,6 +1581,7 @@ local function wrap_schema_object_mt(name)
     return mt
 function box.schema.space.bless(space)
     local index_mt_name
     if space.engine == 'vinyl' then
@@ -1560,6 +1596,9 @@ function box.schema.space.bless(space)
         for j, index in pairs(space.index) do
             if type(j) == 'number' then
                 setmetatable(index, wrap_schema_object_mt(index_mt_name))
+                if index.functional ~= nil then
+                    func_idx.monkeypatch(index)
+                end
diff --git a/src/box/lua/space.cc b/src/box/lua/space.cc
index 7cae436..227dd20 100644
--- a/src/box/lua/space.cc
+++ b/src/box/lua/space.cc
@@ -312,6 +312,30 @@ lbox_fillspace(struct lua_State *L, struct space *space, int i)
 		lua_settable(L, -3); /* space.index[k].parts */
+		if (index_is_functional(index_def)) {
+			lua_pushstring(L, "functional");
+			lua_newtable(L);
+			lua_pushstring(L, index_def->opts.func_code);
+			lua_setfield(L, -2, "func_code");
+			lua_pushinteger(L, index_def->opts.pkey_offset);
+			lua_setfield(L, -2, "pkey_offset");
+			lua_rawgeti(L, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, index->func_ref);
+			assert(lua_isfunction(L, -1));
+			lua_setfield(L, -2, "func");
+			lua_rawgeti(L, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, index->func_trigger_ref);
+			assert(lua_isfunction(L, -1));
+			lua_setfield(L, -2, "trigger");
+			lua_settable(L, -3);
+		}
+		lua_pushboolean(L, index_opts->is_multikey);
+		lua_setfield(L, -2, "is_multikey");
 		lua_pushstring(L, "sequence_id");
 		if (k == 0 && space->sequence != NULL) {
 			lua_pushnumber(L, space->sequence->def->id);
diff --git a/src/box/memtx_engine.c b/src/box/memtx_engine.c
index 6a91d0b..6369c02 100644
--- a/src/box/memtx_engine.c
+++ b/src/box/memtx_engine.c
@@ -1293,6 +1293,12 @@ memtx_index_def_change_requires_rebuild(struct index *index,
 	if (!old_def->opts.is_unique && new_def->opts.is_unique)
 		return true;
+	if (index_is_functional(old_def) != index_is_functional(new_def))
+		return true;
+	else if (index_is_functional(old_def) &&
+		 strcmp(old_def->opts.func_code, new_def->opts.func_code) != 0)
+		return true;
 	const struct key_def *old_cmp_def, *new_cmp_def;
 	if (index_depends_on_pk(index)) {
 		old_cmp_def = old_def->cmp_def;
diff --git a/src/box/vinyl.c b/src/box/vinyl.c
index b09b6ad..7aa370d 100644
--- a/src/box/vinyl.c
+++ b/src/box/vinyl.c
@@ -955,6 +955,12 @@ vinyl_index_def_change_requires_rebuild(struct index *index,
 	if (!old_def->opts.is_unique && new_def->opts.is_unique)
 		return true;
+	if (index_is_functional(old_def) != index_is_functional(new_def))
+		return true;
+	else if (index_is_functional(old_def) &&
+		 strcmp(old_def->opts.func_code, new_def->opts.func_code) != 0)
+		return true;
 	const struct key_def *old_cmp_def = old_def->cmp_def;
 	const struct key_def *new_cmp_def = new_def->cmp_def;
diff --git a/src/lua/init.c b/src/lua/init.c
index 3728a57..3d58876 100644
--- a/src/lua/init.c
+++ b/src/lua/init.c
@@ -81,6 +81,7 @@ bool start_loop = true;
 extern char strict_lua[],
+	func_idx_lua[],
@@ -120,6 +121,7 @@ extern char strict_lua[],
 static const char *lua_modules[] = {
 	/* Make it first to affect load of all other modules */
 	"strict", strict_lua,
+	"func_idx", func_idx_lua,
 	"fun", fun_lua,
 	"tarantool", init_lua,
 	"errno", errno_lua,
diff --git a/test/engine/functional_idx.result b/test/engine/functional_idx.result
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9bd3164
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/engine/functional_idx.result
@@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
+msgpack = require('msgpack')
+env = require('test_run')
+test_run = env.new()
+engine = test_run:get_cfg('engine')
+format = {{'id','unsigned'}, {'name','string'},{'address', 'string'}}
+s = box.schema.space.create('clients', {engine = engine, format=format})
+addr_extractor = [[return function(tuple) if type(tuple.address) ~= 'string' then return nil, 'Invalid field type' end local t = tuple.address:lower():split() for k,v in pairs(t) do t[k] = {v} end return t end]]
+addr_extractor_format = {{type='str', collation='unicode_ci'}}
+s:create_index('address', {func_code = addr_extractor, func_format = addr_extractor_format, unique=true})
+- error: 'No index #0 is defined in space ''clients'''
+pk = s:create_index('pk')
+s:insert({1, 'Vasya Pupkin', 'Russia Moscow Dolgoprudny Moscow Street 9А'})
+- [1, 'Vasya Pupkin', 'Russia Moscow Dolgoprudny Moscow Street 9А']
+s:create_index('address', {func_code = addr_extractor, unique=true})
+- error: 'Illegal parameters, options.func_: bouth of parameters func_code and func_format
+    should be specified for functional index'
+s:create_index('address', {func_format = addr_extractor_format, unique=true})
+- error: 'Illegal parameters, options.func_: bouth of parameters func_code and func_format
+    should be specified for functional index'
+s:create_index('address', {func_code = addr_extractor..'err', func_format = addr_extractor_format, unique=true})
+- error: 'Illegal parameters, functional index extractor routine is invalid: [string
+    "return function(tuple) if type(tuple.address)..."]:1: ''end'' expected near ''enderr'''
+addr_low = s:create_index('address', {func_code = addr_extractor, func_format = addr_extractor_format, unique=true, is_multikey=true})
+assert(box.space.clients:on_replace()[1] == addr_low.functional.trigger)
+- true
+s:insert({2, 'James Bond', 'GB London Mi6'})
+- [2, 'James Bond', 'GB London Mi6']
+s:insert({3, 'Kirill Alekseevich', 'Russia Moscow Dolgoprudny RocketBuilders 1'})
+- error: Duplicate key exists in unique index 'pk' in space '_i_address_clients'
+s:insert({4, 'Jack London', 'GB'})
+- error: Duplicate key exists in unique index 'pk' in space '_i_address_clients'
+- 2
+- 1
+- 1
+addr_extractor = [[return function(tuple) if type(tuple.address) ~= 'string' then return nil, 'Invalid field type' end return tuple.address:upper():split()[1] end]]
+addr_high = s:create_index('address2', {func_code = addr_extractor, func_format = addr_extractor_format, unique=true, is_multikey=false})
+- - [2, 'James Bond', 'GB London Mi6']
+  - [1, 'Vasya Pupkin', 'Russia Moscow Dolgoprudny Moscow Street 9А']
+addr_high:select({}, {limit = 1})
+- - [2, 'James Bond', 'GB London Mi6']
+addr_high:select({}, {limit = 1, offset=1})
+- - [1, 'Vasya Pupkin', 'Russia Moscow Dolgoprudny Moscow Street 9А']
+- []
+for _, v in addr_low:pairs() do print(v.name) end
+_ = addr_low:delete({'moscow'})
+- []
diff --git a/test/engine/functional_idx.test.lua b/test/engine/functional_idx.test.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b4eb5b4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/engine/functional_idx.test.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+msgpack = require('msgpack')
+env = require('test_run')
+test_run = env.new()
+engine = test_run:get_cfg('engine')
+format = {{'id','unsigned'}, {'name','string'},{'address', 'string'}}
+s = box.schema.space.create('clients', {engine = engine, format=format})
+addr_extractor = [[return function(tuple) if type(tuple.address) ~= 'string' then return nil, 'Invalid field type' end local t = tuple.address:lower():split() for k,v in pairs(t) do t[k] = {v} end return t end]]
+addr_extractor_format = {{type='str', collation='unicode_ci'}}
+s:create_index('address', {func_code = addr_extractor, func_format = addr_extractor_format, unique=true})
+pk = s:create_index('pk')
+s:insert({1, 'Vasya Pupkin', 'Russia Moscow Dolgoprudny Moscow Street 9А'})
+s:create_index('address', {func_code = addr_extractor, unique=true})
+s:create_index('address', {func_format = addr_extractor_format, unique=true})
+s:create_index('address', {func_code = addr_extractor..'err', func_format = addr_extractor_format, unique=true})
+addr_low = s:create_index('address', {func_code = addr_extractor, func_format = addr_extractor_format, unique=true, is_multikey=true})
+assert(box.space.clients:on_replace()[1] == addr_low.functional.trigger)
+s:insert({2, 'James Bond', 'GB London Mi6'})
+s:insert({3, 'Kirill Alekseevich', 'Russia Moscow Dolgoprudny RocketBuilders 1'})
+s:insert({4, 'Jack London', 'GB'})
+addr_extractor = [[return function(tuple) if type(tuple.address) ~= 'string' then return nil, 'Invalid field type' end return tuple.address:upper():split()[1] end]]
+addr_high = s:create_index('address2', {func_code = addr_extractor, func_format = addr_extractor_format, unique=true, is_multikey=false})
+addr_high:select({}, {limit = 1})
+addr_high:select({}, {limit = 1, offset=1})
+for _, v in addr_high:pairs() do print(v.name) end
+_ = addr_low:delete({'moscow'})

      parent reply	other threads:[~2018-11-20 12:18 UTC|newest]

Thread overview: 5+ messages / expand[flat|nested]  mbox.gz  Atom feed  top
2018-11-17 13:16 [tarantool-patches] [PATCH v1 0/2] " Kirill Shcherbatov
2018-11-17 13:16 ` [tarantool-patches] [PATCH v1 1/2] box: refactor index termination on space drop Kirill Shcherbatov
2018-11-19 12:22 ` [tarantool-patches] Re: [PATCH] functional and multikey indexes RFC Kirill Shcherbatov
2018-11-20 12:18   ` Kirill Shcherbatov
     [not found] ` <45d55e70c60c5c4b5806c8e7ce3330957a8dc0ce.1542460247.git.kshcherbatov@tarantool.org>
2018-11-20 12:18   ` Kirill Shcherbatov [this message]

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