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From: Sergey Kaplun via Tarantool-patches <tarantool-patches@dev.tarantool.org>
To: Sergey Bronnikov <estetus@gmail.com>
Cc: tarantool-patches@dev.tarantool.org
Subject: Re: [Tarantool-patches] [PATCH luajit 2/2] OSX/iOS: Always generate 64 bit non-FAT Mach-O object files.
Date: Tue, 9 Jul 2024 16:03:30 +0300	[thread overview]
Message-ID: <Zo01Ikd223oIapdR@root> (raw)
In-Reply-To: <10ed208fcfacfa4c772f1cebe090595af3452ff3.1720182442.git.sergeyb@tarantool.org>

Hi, Sergey!
Thanks for the patch!
Please consider my comments below.

May we add the test [1] to verify that there will be no regression in the

On 05.07.24, Sergey Bronnikov wrote:
> Reported by Sergey Bronnikov.
> (cherry picked from commit 7110b935672489afd6ba3eef3e5139d2f3bd05b6)
> Previously, LuaJIT generated Mach-O FAT object files for ARM and
> ARM64 on macOS. The patch removes support of 32-bit ARM and
> FAT object files and now LuaJIT generate Mach-O object files for
> ARM64.

I suppose we should mention that no x86/x86_64 objects are generated

> Sergey Bronnikov:
> * added the description and the trimmed the test for the problem
> Part of tarantool/tarantool#10199
> ---
>  src/jit/bcsave.lua                            | 155 ++-------
>  ...-865-cross-generation-mach-o-file.test.lua | 294 +++---------------
>  2 files changed, 70 insertions(+), 379 deletions(-)
> diff --git a/src/jit/bcsave.lua b/src/jit/bcsave.lua
> index 26ec29c6..61953c2d 100644
> --- a/src/jit/bcsave.lua
> +++ b/src/jit/bcsave.lua


> diff --git a/test/tarantool-tests/lj-865-cross-generation-mach-o-file.test.lua b/test/tarantool-tests/lj-865-cross-generation-mach-o-file.test.lua
> index f008f3bd..6a58de95 100644
> --- a/test/tarantool-tests/lj-865-cross-generation-mach-o-file.test.lua
> +++ b/test/tarantool-tests/lj-865-cross-generation-mach-o-file.test.lua
> @@ -3,109 +3,11 @@ local test = tap.test('lj-865-cross-generation-mach-o-file')
>  local utils = require('utils')
>  local ffi = require('ffi')
> -test:plan(2)
> +test:plan(1)
>  -- The test creates an object file in Mach-O format with LuaJIT
>  -- bytecode and checks the validity of the object file fields.
> ---
> --- The original problem is reproduced with LuaJIT, which is built
> --- with enabled AVX512F instructions. The support for AVX512F
> --- could be checked in `/proc/cpuinfo` on Linux and
> --- `sysctl hw.optional.avx512f` on Mac. AVX512F must be
> --- implicitly enabled in a C compiler by passing a CPU codename.
> --- Please take a look at the GCC Online Documentation [1] for
> --- available CPU codenames. Also, see the Wikipedia for CPUs with
> --- AVX-512 support [2].
> --- Execute command below to detect the CPU codename:
> --- `gcc -march=native -Q --help=target | grep march`.
> ---
> --- 1. https://gcc.gnu.org/onlinedocs/gcc/x86-Options.html
> --- 2. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/AVX-512#CPUs_with_AVX-512
> ---
> --- Manual steps for reproducing are the following:
> ---
> --- $ CC=gcc TARGET_CFLAGS='skylake-avx512' cmake -S . -B build
> --- $ cmake --build build --parallel
> --- $ echo > test.lua
> --- $ LUA_PATH="src/?.lua;;" luajit -b -o osx -a arm test.lua test.o
> --- $ file test.o
> --- empty.o: DOS executable (block device driver)
> --- LuaJIT can generate so called Universal Binary with Lua
> --- bytecode. The Universal Binary format is a format for
> --- executable files that run natively on hardware platforms with
> --- different hardware architectures. This concept is more
> --- generally known as a fat binary.
> ---
> --- The format of the Mach-O is described in the document
> --- "OS X ABI Mach-O File Format Reference", published by Apple
> --- company. The copy of the (now removed) official documentation
> --- can be found here [1]. Yet another source of truth is
> --- XNU headers, see the definition of C-structures in:
> --- [2] (`nlist_64`), [3] (`fat_arch` and `fat_header`).
> ---
> --- There is a good visual representation of Universal Binary
> --- in "Mac OS X Internals" book (pages 67-68) [5] and in the [6].
> --- Below is the schematic structure of Universal Binary, which
> --- includes two executables for PowerPC and Intel i386 (omitted):
> ---
> ---   0x0000000 ---------------------------------------
> ---             |
> --- struct      | 0xcafebabe  FAT_MAGIC                 magic
> --- fat_header  | -------------------------------------
> ---             | 0x00000003                            nfat_arch
> ---             ---------------------------------------
> ---             | 0x00000012  CPU_TYPE_POWERPC          cputype
> ---             | -------------------------------------
> ---             | 0x00000000  CPU_SUBTYPE_POWERPC_ALL   cpusubtype
> --- struct      | -------------------------------------
> --- fat_arch    | 0x00001000  4096 bytes                offset
> ---             | -------------------------------------
> ---             | 0x00004224  16932 bytes               size
> ---             | -------------------------------------
> ---             | 0x0000000c  2^12 = 4096 bytes         align
> ---             ---------------------------------------
> ---             ---------------------------------------
> ---             | 0x00000007  CPU_TYPE_I386             cputype
> ---             | -------------------------------------
> ---             | 0x00000003  CPU_SUBTYPE_I386_ALL      cpusubtype
> --- struct      | -------------------------------------
> --- fat_arch    | 0x00006000  24576 bytes               offset
> ---             | -------------------------------------
> ---             | 0x0000292c  10540 bytes               size
> ---             | -------------------------------------
> ---             | 0x0000000c  2^12 = 4096 bytes         align
> ---             ---------------------------------------
> ---               Unused
> --- 0x00001000  ---------------------------------------
> ---             | 0xfeedface  MH_MAGIC                  magic
> ---             | ------------------------------------
> ---             | 0x00000012  CPU_TYPE_POWERPC          cputype
> ---             | ------------------------------------
> --- struct      | 0x00000000  CPU_SUBTYPE_POWERPC_ALL   cpusubtype
> --- mach_header | ------------------------------------
> ---             | 0x00000002  MH_EXECUTE                filetype
> ---             | ------------------------------------
> ---             | 0x0000000b  10 load commands          ncmds
> ---             | ------------------------------------
> ---             | 0x00000574  1396 bytes                sizeofcmds
> ---             | ------------------------------------
> ---             | 0x00000085  DYLDLINK TWOLEVEL         flags
> ---             --------------------------------------
> ---               Load commands
> ---             ---------------------------------------
> ---               Data
> ---             ---------------------------------------
> ---
> ---               < x86 executable >
> ---
> --- 1. https://github.com/aidansteele/osx-abi-macho-file-format-reference
> --- 2. https://github.com/apple-oss-distributions/xnu/blob/xnu-10002.1.13/EXTERNAL_HEADERS/mach-o/nlist.h
> --- 3. https://github.com/apple-oss-distributions/xnu/blob/xnu-10002.1.13/EXTERNAL_HEADERS/mach-o/fat.h
> --- 4. https://developer.apple.com/documentation/apple-silicon/addressing-architectural-differences-in-your-macos-code
> --- 5. https://reverseengineering.stackexchange.com/a/6357/46029
> --- 6. http://formats.kaitai.io/mach_o/index.html

I prefer to keep the non-FAT part of this comment since it is very

> ---
>  -- Using the same declarations as defined in <src/jit/bcsave.lua>.
>  ffi.cdef[[


>  local function create_obj_file(name, arch)
> @@ -212,108 +66,37 @@ local function create_obj_file(name, arch)
>    return mach_o_path
>  end
> --- Parses a buffer in the Mach-O format and returns the FAT magic
> --- number and `nfat_arch`.
> +-- Parses a buffer in the Mach-O format and returns its fields
> +-- in a table.
>  local function read_mach_o(buf, hw_arch)

I suggest renaming it to `read_mach_o_hdr()` and returning only the
header without any additional wrapping in the table.

> -  local res = {
> -    header = {
> -      magic = 0,
> -      nfat_arch = 0,
> -    },
> -    fat_arch = {},
> -  }
> -
>    local is64 = hw_arch == 'arm64'

Maybe it is better to use assert here, like we do for the
`build_and_check_mach_o()` routine?

> -  -- Mach-O FAT object.
> -  local mach_fat_obj_type = ffi.typeof(is64 and
> -                                       'mach_fat_obj_64 *' or
> -                                       'mach_fat_obj *')
> -  local obj = ffi.cast(mach_fat_obj_type, buf)
> +  -- Mach-O object.
> +  local mach_obj_type = ffi.typeof(is64 and 'mach_obj_64 *')

Maybe just use mach_obj_64 since there is no alternative?

> +  local obj = ffi.cast(mach_obj_type, buf)
> -  -- Mach-O FAT object header.
> -  local mach_fat_header = obj.fat
> -  -- Mach-O FAT is BE, target arch is LE.
> -  local be32 = bit.bswap
> -  res.header.magic = be32(mach_fat_header.magic)
> -  res.header.nfat_arch = be32(mach_fat_header.nfat_arch)
> +  -- Mach-O object header.
> +  local mach_header = obj.hdr
> -  -- Mach-O FAT object arches.
> -  for i = 0, res.header.nfat_arch - 1 do
> -    local fat_arch = obj.fat_arch[i]
> -    local arch = {
> -      cputype = be32(fat_arch.cputype),
> -      cpusubtype = be32(fat_arch.cpusubtype),
> -    }
> -    table.insert(res.fat_arch, arch)
> -  end
> -
> -  return res
> +  return {
> +    header = {
> +      magic = mach_header.magic,
> +      cputype = mach_header.cputype,
> +      cpusubtype = mach_header.cpusubtype,
> +      filetype = mach_header.filetype,
> +      ncmds = mach_header.ncmds,
> +    },
> +  }
>  end
> --- Universal Binary can contain executables for more than one
> --- CPU architecture. For simplicity, the test compares the *sum*
> --- of CPU types and CPU subtypes.
> ---
> --- <src/jit/bcsave.lua:bcsave_machobj> has the definitions of the
> --- numbers below. The original XNU source code may be found in
> --- <osfmk/mach/machine.h> [1].
> ---
> --- 1. https://opensource.apple.com/source/xnu/xnu-4570.41.2/osfmk/mach/machine.h.auto.html
> ---
> -local SUM_CPUTYPE = {
> -  -- x86 + arm.
> -  arm = 7 + 12,
> -  -- x64 + arm64.
> -  arm64 = 0x01000007 + 0x0100000c,
> -}
> -local SUM_CPUSUBTYPE = {
> -  -- x86 + arm.
> -  arm = 3 + 9,
> -  -- x64 + arm64.
> -  arm64 = 3 + 0,
> -}
> -
> --- The function builds Mach-O FAT object file and retrieves
> --- its header fields (magic and nfat_arch) and fields of each arch
> --- (cputype, cpusubtype).
> ---
> --- The Mach-O FAT object header can be retrieved with `otool` on
> --- macOS:
> ---
> --- $ otool -f empty.o
> --- Fat headers
> --- fat_magic 0xcafebabe
> --- nfat_arch 2
> --- <snipped>
> ---
> --- CPU type and subtype can be retrieved with `lipo` on macOS:
> ---
> --- $ luajit -b -o osx -a arm empty.lua empty.o
> --- $ lipo -archs empty.o
> --- i386 armv7
> --- $ luajit -b -o osx -a arm64 empty.lua empty.o
> --- $ lipo -archs empty.o
> --- x86_64 arm64
> +-- The function builds Mach-O object file and retrieves
> +-- its header fields.
>  local function build_and_check_mach_o(subtest)
>    local hw_arch = subtest.name
> -  assert(hw_arch == 'arm' or hw_arch == 'arm64')
> +  -- LuaJIT always generate 64-bit non-FAT Mach-O object files.

The fact that these files are generated only for M1 CPUs looks worth

> +  assert(hw_arch == 'arm64')
> -  subtest:plan(4)
> -  -- FAT_MAGIC is an integer containing the value 0xCAFEBABE in
> -  -- big-endian byte order format. On a big-endian host CPU,
> -  -- this can be validated using the constant FAT_MAGIC;
> -  -- on a little-endian host CPU, it can be validated using
> -  -- the constant FAT_CIGAM.
> -  --
> -  -- FAT_NARCH is an integer specifying the number of fat_arch
> -  -- data structures that follow. This is the number of
> -  -- architectures contained in this binary.
> -  --
> -  -- See the aforementioned "OS X ABI Mach-O File Format
> -  -- Reference".

The similar comment about Mach-O format will be appretiated.

> -  local FAT_MAGIC = '0xffffffffcafebabe'
> -  local FAT_NARCH = 2
> +  subtest:plan(5)
>    local MODULE_NAME = 'lango_team'
> @@ -327,24 +110,19 @@ local function build_and_check_mach_o(subtest)
>    assert(os.remove(mach_o_obj_path), 'remove an object file')
>    local magic_str = string.format('%#x', mach_o.header.magic)
> -  subtest:is(magic_str, FAT_MAGIC,
> -             'fat_magic is correct in Mach-O')
> -  subtest:is(mach_o.header.nfat_arch, FAT_NARCH,
> -             'nfat_arch is correct in Mach-O')
> -
> -  local total_cputype = 0
> -  local total_cpusubtype = 0
> -  for i = 1, FAT_NARCH do
> -    total_cputype = total_cputype + mach_o.fat_arch[i].cputype
> -    total_cpusubtype = total_cpusubtype + mach_o.fat_arch[i].cpusubtype
> -  end
> -  subtest:is(total_cputype, SUM_CPUTYPE[hw_arch],
> +  subtest:is(magic_str, '0xfeedfacf',

Please use MH_MAGIC_64 named constant for this magic string.

> +             'magic is correct in Mach-O')

Looks like this line may be joined with the previous one.

> +  local cputype_str = string.format('%#x', mach_o.header.cputype)
> +  subtest:is(cputype_str, '0x100000c',

Please use the named constant CPU_TYPE_ARM64 for this magic string.

>               'cputype is correct in Mach-O')

Looks like this line may be joined with the previous one.

> -  subtest:is(total_cpusubtype, SUM_CPUSUBTYPE[hw_arch],
> +  subtest:is(mach_o.header.cpusubtype, 0,

Please use the named constant CPU_SUBTYPE_ARM64 for this magic constant.

>               'cpusubtype is correct in Mach-O')

Looks like this line may be joined with the previous one.

> +  subtest:is(mach_o.header.filetype, 1,

What does the 1 filetype mean?
Please use the named constant.

> +             'filetype is correct in Mach-O')

Looks like this line may be joined with the previous one.

> +  subtest:is(mach_o.header.ncmds, 2,

Why there are 2 commands for Mach-O format?
Please use the named constant.

> +             'ncmds is correct in Mach-O')

Looks like this line may be joined with the previous one.

>  end
> -test:test('arm', build_and_check_mach_o)
>  test:test('arm64', build_and_check_mach_o)
>  test:done(true)
> -- 
> 2.34.1

[1]: https://github.com/LuaJIT/LuaJIT/issues/1181#issue-2202788411

Best regards,
Sergey Kaplun

  reply	other threads:[~2024-07-09 13:03 UTC|newest]

Thread overview: 11+ messages / expand[flat|nested]  mbox.gz  Atom feed  top
2024-07-05 13:10 [Tarantool-patches] [PATCH luajit 0/2] Fixes in Mach-O generation code Sergey Bronnikov via Tarantool-patches
2024-07-05 13:10 ` [Tarantool-patches] [PATCH luajit 1/2] Fix typo Sergey Bronnikov via Tarantool-patches
2024-07-09 12:15   ` Sergey Kaplun via Tarantool-patches
2024-07-11  9:15   ` Maxim Kokryashkin via Tarantool-patches
2024-07-05 13:10 ` [Tarantool-patches] [PATCH luajit 2/2] OSX/iOS: Always generate 64 bit non-FAT Mach-O object files Sergey Bronnikov via Tarantool-patches
2024-07-09 13:03   ` Sergey Kaplun via Tarantool-patches [this message]
2024-07-10 12:43     ` Sergey Bronnikov via Tarantool-patches
2024-07-11  7:29       ` Sergey Kaplun via Tarantool-patches
2024-07-23 20:07         ` Sergey Bronnikov via Tarantool-patches
2024-08-19  9:45           ` Maxim Kokryashkin via Tarantool-patches
2024-08-20  8:57             ` Sergey Bronnikov via Tarantool-patches

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