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From: Sergey Kaplun <skaplun@tarantool.org>
To: Igor Munkin <imun@tarantool.org>,
	Sergey Ostanevich <sergos@tarantool.org>
Cc: tarantool-discussions@dev.tarantool.org
Subject: [Tarantool-discussions] [RFC luajit v3] rfc: describe a LuaJIT memory profiler
Date: Fri, 25 Dec 2020 14:34:31 +0300	[thread overview]
Message-ID: <20201225113431.9538-1-skaplun@tarantool.org> (raw)

Part of #5442

RFC on branch: https://github.com/tarantool/tarantool/blob/skaplun/gh-5442-luajit-memory-profiler/doc/rfc/5442-luajit-memory-profiler.md

Changes in v3:
* More comments in example.
* More verbose benchmark information.
* Grammar and spelling fixes.

Changes in v2:
* Removed C API, Tarantool integration and description of additional
  features -- they will be added in another RFC if necessary.
* Removed checking profile is running from the public API.
* Added benchmarks and more meaningful example.
* Grammar fixes.

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+# LuaJIT memory profiler
+* **Status**: In progress
+* **Start date**: 24-10-2020
+* **Authors**: Sergey Kaplun @Buristan skaplun@tarantool.org,
+               Igor Munkin @igormunkin imun@tarantool.org,
+               Sergey Ostanevich @sergos sergos@tarantool.org
+* **Issues**: [#5442](https://github.com/tarantool/tarantool/issues/5442)
+## Summary
+LuaJIT memory profiler is a toolchain for analysis of memory usage by user's
+## Background and motivation
+Garbage collector (GC) is a curse of performance for most of Lua applications.
+Memory usage of Lua application should be profiled to locate various
+memory-unoptimized code blocks. If the application has memory leaks they can be
+found with the profiler also.
+## Detailed design
+The whole toolchain of memory profiling will be divided into several parts:
+1) [Prerequisites](#prerequisites).
+2) [Recording information about memory usage and saving it](#information-recording).
+3) [Reading saved data and display it in human-readable format](#reading-and-displaying-saved-data).
+### Prerequisites
+This section describes additional changes in LuaJIT required for the feature
+implementation. This version of LuaJIT memory profiler does not support verbose
+reporting allocations from traces. All allocation from traces are reported as
+internal. But trace code semantics should be totally the same as for the Lua
+interpreter (excluding sink optimizations). Also all deallocations reported as
+internal too.
+There are two different representations of functions in LuaJIT: the function's
+prototype (`GCproto`) and the function object so called closure (`GCfunc`).
+The closures are represented as `GCfuncL` and `GCfuncC` for Lua and C closures
+correspondingly. Also LuaJIT has a special function's type aka Fast Function.
+It is used for LuaJIT builtins.
+Tail call optimization does not create a new call frame, so all allocations
+inside the function called via `CALLT`/`CALLMT` are attributed to its caller.
+Usually developers are not interested in information about allocations inside
+builtins. So if fast function was called from a Lua function all
+allocations are attributed to this Lua function. Otherwise attribute this event
+to a C function.
+Assume we have the following Lua chunk named <test.lua>:
+1  jit.off()
+2  misc.memprof.start("memprof_new.bin")
+3  -- Lua does not create a new frame to call string.rep and all allocations are
+4  -- attributed not to `append()` function but to the parent scope.
+5  local function append(str, rep)
+6    return string.rep(str, rep)
+7  end
+9  local t = {}
+10 for _ = 1, 1e5 do
+11   -- table.insert is a builtin and all corresponding allocations
+12   -- are reported in the scope of main chunk
+13   table.insert(t,
+14     append('q', _)
+15   )
+16 end
+17 misc.memprof.stop()
+If one run the chunk above the profiler reports approximately the following
+(see legend [here](#reading-and-displaying-saved-data)):
+@test.lua:0, line 14: 1002      531818  0
+@test.lua:0, line 13: 1 24      0
+@test.lua:0, line 9: 1  32      0
+@test.lua:0, line 7: 1  20      0
+@test.lua:0, line 13: 9 16424   8248
+        Overrides:
+                @test.lua:0, line 13
+@test.lua:0, line 14: 5 1984    992
+        Overrides:
+                @test.lua:0, line 14
+INTERNAL: 20    0       1481
+@test.lua:0, line 14: 3 0       7168
+        Overrides:
+                @test.lua:0, line 14
+So we need to know a type of function being executed by the virtual machine
+(VM). Currently VM state identifies C function execution only, so Fast and Lua
+functions states will be added.
+To determine currently allocating coroutine (that may not be equal to currently
+executed one) a new field called `mem_L` is added to `global_State` structure
+to keep the coroutine address. This field is set at each reallocation to
+corresponding `L` with which it was called.
+There is a static function (`lj_debug_getframeline`) that returns line number
+for current `BCPos` in `lj_debug.c` already. It will be added to the debug
+module API to be used in memory profiler.
+### Information recording
+Each allocate/reallocate/free is considered as a type of event that are
+reported. Event stream has the following format:
+** Event stream format:
+** stream         := symtab memprof
+** symtab         := see symtab description
+** memprof        := prologue event* epilogue
+** prologue       := 'l' 'j' 'm' version reserved
+** version        := <BYTE>
+** reserved       := <BYTE> <BYTE> <BYTE>
+** event          := event-alloc | event-realloc | event-free
+** event-alloc    := event-header loc? naddr nsize
+** event-realloc  := event-header loc? oaddr osize naddr nsize
+** event-free     := event-header loc? oaddr osize
+** event-header   := <BYTE>
+** loc            := loc-lua | loc-c
+** loc-lua        := sym-addr line-no
+** loc-c          := sym-addr
+** sym-addr       := <ULEB128>
+** line-no        := <ULEB128>
+** oaddr          := <ULEB128>
+** naddr          := <ULEB128>
+** osize          := <ULEB128>
+** nsize          := <ULEB128>
+** epilogue       := event-header
+** <BYTE>   :  A single byte (no surprises here)
+** <ULEB128>:  Unsigned integer represented in ULEB128 encoding
+** (Order of bits below is hi -> lo)
+** version: [VVVVVVVV]
+**  * VVVVVVVV: Byte interpreted as a plain integer version number
+** event-header: [FUUUSSEE]
+**  * EE   : 2 bits for representing allocation event type (AEVENT_*)
+**  * SS   : 2 bits for representing allocation source type (ASOURCE_*)
+**  * UUU  : 3 unused bits
+**  * F    : 0 for regular events, 1 for epilogue's *F*inal header
+**           (if F is set to 1, all other bits are currently ignored)
+It is enough to know the address of LUA/C function to determine it. Symbolic
+table (symtab) is dumped at the start of profiling to avoid dumping function
+location on each memory event for saving both CPU usage and binary profile
+Each line contains the address, Lua chunk definition as the filename and line
+number of the function's declaration. This table of symbols has the following
+format described at <lj_memprof.h>:
+** symtab format:
+** symtab         := prologue sym*
+** prologue       := 'l' 'j' 's' version reserved
+** version        := <BYTE>
+** reserved       := <BYTE> <BYTE> <BYTE>
+** sym            := sym-lua | sym-final
+** sym-lua        := sym-header sym-addr sym-chunk sym-line
+** sym-header     := <BYTE>
+** sym-addr       := <ULEB128>
+** sym-chunk      := string
+** sym-line       := <ULEB128>
+** sym-final      := sym-header
+** string         := string-len string-payload
+** string-len     := <ULEB128>
+** string-payload := <BYTE> {string-len}
+** <BYTE>   :  A single byte (no surprises here)
+** <ULEB128>:  Unsigned integer represented in ULEB128 encoding
+** (Order of bits below is hi -> lo)
+** version: [VVVVVVVV]
+**  * VVVVVVVV: Byte interpreted as a plain numeric version number
+** sym-header: [FUUUUUTT]
+**  * TT    : 2 bits for representing symbol type
+**  * UUUUU : 5 unused bits
+**  * F     : 1 bit marking the end of the symtab (final symbol)
+So when memory profiling starts the current allocation function is replaced by
+the new allocation function additionally wrapped to write the profiling events.
+When profiler stops the previous allocation function is restored.
+Starting profiler from Lua is quite simple:
+local started, err, errno = misc.memprof.start(fname)
+where `fname` is name of the file where profile events are written. Writer for
+this function perform `fwrite()` for each call retrying in case of `EINTR`.
+When the profiling is stopped the `fclose()` is called. If it is impossible to
+open a file for writing or profiler fails to start, returns `nil` on failure
+(plus an error message as a second result and a system-dependent error code as
+a third result). Otherwise returns some true value.
+Stopping profiler from Lua is simple too:
+local stopped, err, errno = misc.memprof.stop()
+If there is any error occurred at profiling stopping (an error when file
+descriptor was closed) `memprof.stop()` returns `nil` (plus an error message as
+a second result and a system-dependent error code as a third result). Returns
+`true` otherwise.
+If you want to build LuaJIT without memory profiler, you should build it with
+`-DLUAJIT_DISABLE_MEMPROF`. If it is disabled `misc.memprof.start()` and
+`misc.memprof.stop()` always return `false`.
+Memory profiler is expected to be thread safe, so it has a corresponding
+lock/unlock at internal mutex whenever you call corresponding memprof
+functions. If you want to build LuaJIT without thread safety use
+### Reading and displaying saved data
+Binary data can be read by `lj-parse-memprof` utility. It parses the binary
+format provided by memory profiler and render it on human-readable format.
+The usage is very simple:
+$ ./luajit-parse-memprof --help
+luajit-parse-memprof - parser of the memory usage profile collected
+                       with LuaJIT's memprof.
+luajit-parse-memprof [options] memprof.bin
+Supported options are:
+  --help                            Show this help and exit
+Plain text of profiled info has the following format:
+@<filename>:<function_line>, line <line where event was detected>: <number of events>	<allocated>	<freed>
+See the example [above](#prerequisites).
+`INTERNAL` means that these allocations are caused by internal LuaJIT
+structures. Note that events are sorted from the most often to the least.
+`Overrides` means what allocation this reallocation overrides.
+## Benchmarks
+Benchmarks were taken from repo:
+Example of measuring:
+/usr/bin/time -f"array3d %U" ./luajit $BENCH_DIR/array3d.lua 300 >/dev/null
+This table shows performance deviation in relation to REFerence value (before
+commit) with stopped and running profiler. The table shows the average value
+for 11 runs. The first field of the column indicates the change in the average
+time in seconds (less is better). The second field is the standard deviation
+for the found difference.
+     Name       | REF  | AFTER, memprof off | AFTER, memprof on
+array3d         | 0.21 |    +0.00 (0.01)    |    +0.00 (0.01)
+binary-trees    | 3.25 |    -0.01 (0.06)    |    +0.53 (0.10)
+chameneos       | 2.97 |    +0.14 (0.04)    |    +0.13 (0.06)
+coroutine-ring  | 1.00 |    +0.01 (0.04)    |    +0.01 (0.04)
+euler14-bit     | 1.03 |    +0.01 (0.02)    |    +0.00 (0.02)
+fannkuch        | 6.81 |    -0.21 (0.06)    |    -0.20 (0.06)
+fasta           | 8.20 |    -0.07 (0.05)    |    -0.08 (0.03)
+life            | 0.46 |    +0.00 (0.01)    |    +0.35 (0.01)
+mandelbrot      | 2.65 |    +0.00 (0.01)    |    +0.01 (0.01)
+mandelbrot-bit  | 1.97 |    +0.00 (0.01)    |    +0.01 (0.02)
+md5             | 1.58 |    -0.01 (0.04)    |    -0.04 (0.04)
+nbody           | 1.34 |    +0.00 (0.01)    |    -0.02 (0.01)
+nsieve          | 2.07 |    -0.03 (0.03)    |    -0.01 (0.04)
+nsieve-bit      | 1.50 |    -0.02 (0.04)    |    +0.00 (0.04)
+nsieve-bit-fp   | 4.44 |    -0.03 (0.07)    |    -0.01 (0.07)
+partialsums     | 0.54 |    +0.00 (0.01)    |    +0.00 (0.01)
+pidigits-nogmp  | 3.47 |    -0.01 (0.02)    |    -0.10 (0.02)
+ray             | 1.62 |    -0.02 (0.03)    |    +0.00 (0.02)
+recursive-ack   | 0.20 |    +0.00 (0.01)    |    +0.00 (0.01)
+recursive-fib   | 1.63 |    +0.00 (0.01)    |    +0.01 (0.02)
+scimark-fft     | 5.72 |    +0.06 (0.09)    |    -0.01 (0.10)
+scimark-lu      | 3.47 |    +0.02 (0.27)    |    -0.03 (0.26)
+scimark-sor     | 2.34 |    +0.00 (0.01)    |    -0.01 (0.01)
+scimark-sparse  | 4.95 |    -0.02 (0.04)    |    -0.02 (0.04)
+series          | 0.95 |    +0.00 (0.02)    |    +0.00 (0.01)
+spectral-norm   | 0.96 |    +0.00 (0.02)    |    -0.01 (0.02)

             reply	other threads:[~2020-12-25 11:35 UTC|newest]

Thread overview: 7+ messages / expand[flat|nested]  mbox.gz  Atom feed  top
2020-12-25 11:34 Sergey Kaplun [this message]
2021-01-15 13:14 ` Igor Munkin via Tarantool-discussions
2021-01-20  8:19   ` Sergey Kaplun via Tarantool-discussions
2021-01-20 14:26     ` Sergey Ostanevich via Tarantool-discussions
2021-01-20 14:57       ` Sergey Kaplun via Tarantool-discussions
2021-01-21 18:41     ` Igor Munkin via Tarantool-discussions
2021-01-21 18:42 ` Igor Munkin via Tarantool-discussions

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