[Tarantool-patches] [PATCH v2 luajit 00/30] Adapt PUC-Rio Lua 5.1 test suite

Sergey Kaplun skaplun at tarantool.org
Wed Mar 31 12:41:23 MSK 2021


Thanks for the review!

On 31.03.21, Igor Munkin wrote:
> Sergey,
> Thanks for the series! I have two global comments for it:
> * 'LuaJIT:' tag usage looks inconsistent: let's move all of them to the
>   beginning of the related comments.

OK, I'll fix it with the new one series version, if you don't mind.

> * Typo: s/LuaJIT's/LuaJIT/g.
>   E.g. you never say "room's door" or "street's name". If you find the
>   rule of possessives adjectives usage with inanimate subjects, please,
>   share it with me.

According to "The Oxford Dictionary of American Usage and Style" by
Bryan A.  Garner, **POSSESIVES**, **H Inanimate things** section,
page 262:

| **Inanimate Things**. Possessives of nouns denoting inanimate objects
| are generally unobjectionable. Indeed, they allow writers to avoid
| awkward uses of `of` -- e.g.: `the book's title`, `the article's main
| point`, `the system's hub`, `the envelope's contents`, `the car's
| price tag`.
| The old line was that it's better to use an "`of` phrase rather than
| the `'s` to indicate possession when the possessor is an inanimate
| object. Write `foot of the bed`, not `the bed's foot`" (Robert C.
| Whitford & James R. Foster, Concise Dictionary of American and Usage,
| 1955). `Foot of the bed`, of course, is a SET PHRASE, the example is
| not a fair one. As a general principle, though, whenever it's not a
| violation of idiom, the possessive in `'s` is preferable <the hotel's
| front entrance> - <the earth's surface>.
| But such possessives can be overdone for example, avoid using the
| possessive form of a year -- e.g.: "Mr. Rogers, 41, took the show by
| storm in 1993 winning 28 blue ribbons and the Show Sweepstakes with a
| total of 1,120 points (which really upped the ante: `1992's winner`
| [read `the 1992 winner`] scored only 387 points" (N. Y. Times).

> * You use "PUC-Lua", "PUC Lua" and just "PUC" or "Lua" in commit
>   subjects. Let's choose the single way referencing this Lua language
>   implementation (and the corresponding test suite).

Let's use "PUC" phrase everywhere, if you don't mind --
"test:" prefix of commit message defines belonging to the test suite.

> -- 
> Best regards,
> IM

Best regards,
Sergey Kaplun

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