[Tarantool-patches] [PATCH v1] gitlab-ci: integration testing vshard

Oleg Piskunov o.piskunov at tarantool.org
Mon May 18 15:46:13 MSK 2020

Sasha, thanks for review. Below my comments.
>> +test_module_vshard:
>> +       make -j
>Here is the Tarantool building and there is already special rule exists
>for it, let's use it, like:
>test_module_vshard: build_debian
The reason is that tarantoolctl needed for testing vshard module.
I’ll reuse «build_debian», but will add -DENABLE_DIST=ON option to it for enable
tarantoolctl during «make install».
>> +       make install
>> +       git clone  https://github.com/tarantool/vshard.git tarantool/vshard
>A little bit confising here, if you want additional directory like
>'tarantool' may be it's better to change it to some name like 'module'.
Sure, will change path to just «vshard»
>> +       cd tarantool/vshard && git submodule update --init --recursive \
>> +               && cmake . && make test
>Seems extra 'submodule update' call to git can be merged to its 'clone'
>call, like:
>git clone --recurse-submodules  https://...
Sure. Will do.
Oleg Piskunov
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