[tarantool-patches] Re: [PATCH v1 1/1] sql: disallow division by zero

Vladislav Shpilevoy v.shpilevoy at tarantool.org
Fri Jul 13 12:50:23 MSK 2018

Hello. Thanks for the patch!

See 3 comments below.

On 12/07/2018 14:16, Kirill Shcherbatov wrote:
> Dissallowed division by zero in SQL to follow ANSI standard.

1. Typo.

> This also affects some unobvious scenarios when divider indirectly
> casts to zero like
> SELECT 'word1' / 'word2';
> Closes #2135.
> ---
> https://github.com/tarantool/tarantool/compare/kshch/gh-2135-dissallow-div-by-zero
> https://github.com/tarantool/tarantool/issues/2135
> diff --git a/test/sql-tap/e_expr.test.lua b/test/sql-tap/e_expr.test.lua
> index d617f09..d7b8820 100755
> --- a/test/sql-tap/e_expr.test.lua
> +++ b/test/sql-tap/e_expr.test.lua
> @@ -460,18 +469,30 @@ literals = {
>   for _, op in ipairs(oplist) do
>       for n1, rhs in ipairs(literals) do
>           for n2, lhs in ipairs(literals) do
> -            local t = test:execsql(string.format(" SELECT typeof(%s %s %s) ", lhs, op, rhs))[1]
> -            test:do_test(
> -                string.format("e_expr-7.%s.%s.%s", opname[op], n1, n2),
> -                function()
> -                    --print("\n op "..op.." t "..t)
> -                    return (((op == "||") and ((t == "text") or
> -                            (t == "null"))) or
> -                            ((op ~= "||") and (((t == "integer") or
> -                                    (t == "real")) or
> -                                    (t == "null")))) and 1 or 0
> -                end, 1)
> -
> +            local res = test:catchsql(string.format(" SELECT typeof(%s %s %s) ", lhs, op, rhs))
> +            local testname = string.format("e_expr-7.%s.%s.%s", opname[op], n1, n2)
> +            if res[1] ~= 0 then
> +                --
> +                -- gh-2135: Division by zero is forbiden.
> +                --
> +                test:do_test(
> +                    testname,
> +                    function()
> +                        return res[2] == "Failed to execute SQL statement: division by zero"
> +                    end, true)
> +            else
> +                local t = res[2][1]
> +                test:do_test(
> +                    testname,
> +                    function()
> +                        --print("\n op "..op.." t "..t)

2. Garbage comment.

> +                        return (((op == "||") and ((t == "text") or
> +                                (t == "null"))) or
> +                                ((op ~= "||") and (((t == "integer") or
> +                                        (t == "real")) or
> +                                        (t == "null")))) and 1 or 0
> +                    end, 1)
> +            end
>           end
>       end
>   end
> diff --git a/test/sql-tap/randexpr1.test.lua b/test/sql-tap/randexpr1.test.lua
> index 5665fff..7074b18 100755
> --- a/test/sql-tap/randexpr1.test.lua
> +++ b/test/sql-tap/randexpr1.test.lua
> @@ -16534,15 +16534,10 @@ test:do_test(
>           -- </randexpr-2.1649>
>       })
> -test:do_test(
> +test:do_catchsql_test(
>       "randexpr-2.1650",
> -    function()
> -        return test:execsql "SELECT f+case when 17-t1.f in (select ~count(distinct (abs((abs(c)/abs(c)))/abs((abs(11)/abs(+case  -t1.a when t1.d then  -13 else 17 end))))-t1.c) from t1 union select ~case cast(avg(t1.c) AS integer) when  -~ -count(*)*max((t1.f))+count(*) then (min(d)) else max(a) end-count(distinct t1.a)+ -count(*)-count(*) from t1) then d when b not between t1.f and t1.e then a else 11 end+t1.a FROM t1 WHERE NOT ((exists(select 1 from t1 where case when exists(select 1 from t1 where case when (t1.e+case (t1.b) when f then case t1.c when 11 |  -13-coalesce((select max(d) from t1 where c not in ( -t1.e,t1.c,17) and t1.c<17),e)*17+t1.a then t1.b else 11 end else d end)+t1.f not in (d,13,d) then f else t1.d end not between (c) and f) then t1.e else f end-t1.c in (t1.b,t1.a,f))))"
> -    end, {
> -        -- <randexpr-2.1650>
> -        800
> -        -- </randexpr-2.1650>
> -    })
> +    "SELECT f+case when 17-t1.f in (select ~count(distinct (abs((abs(c)/abs(c)))/abs((abs(11)/abs(+case  -t1.a when t1.d then  -13 else 17 end))))-t1.c) from t1 union select ~case cast(avg(t1.c) AS integer) when  -~ -count(*)*max((t1.f))+count(*) then (min(d)) else max(a) end-count(distinct t1.a)+ -count(*)-count(*) from t1) then d when b not between t1.f and t1.e then a else 11 end+t1.a FROM t1 WHERE NOT ((exists(select 1 from t1 where case when exists(select 1 from t1 where case when (t1.e+case (t1.b) when f then case t1.c when 11 |  -13-coalesce((select max(d) from t1 where c not in ( -t1.e,t1.c,17) and t1.c<17),e)*17+t1.a then t1.b else 11 end else d end)+t1.f not in (d,13,d) then f else t1.d end not between (c) and f) then t1.e else f end-t1.c in (t1.b,t1.a,f))))",
> +    {1, "Failed to execute SQL statement: division by zero"})

3. Such huge test for division by zero is overkill. Please, fix the test to
avoid division by zero. Obviously it was not about divisions.

>   test:do_test(
>       "randexpr-2.1651",

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