[Tarantool-discussions] Rules for comparing numbers using Tarantool indexes in SQL.

Peter Gulutzan pgulutzan at ocelot.ca
Fri Mar 13 19:25:26 MSK 2020


On 2020-03-10 7:23 a.m., Mergen Imeev wrote:
 > Hi all,
 > I would like to discuss comparison between numbers using an index
 > in SQL. I admit that I was wrong when I said that we can compare
 > numbers without any explicit conversion.

Do you mean that you will require explicit conversion
i.e. the CAST function when comparing numbers, sometimes?

 > To achieve the same result as if we would not use any index, I
 > propose the following rules.
 > Column names in the tables below:
 > opcode - original operation ('>' == GT, etc.);
 > conditions - additional conditions on the value of the variable;
 > iter - iterator that will be used to search in Tarantool;
 > value - value that will be used to search in Tarantool;
 > is_none - flag, is_none == true if tuples will not be found.

I'll assume that when you say "the value of the variable",
you mean the value in the index. So later, when you say
"d < 0", you mean "the value in the index is less than 0".

I'll assume that when you say "is_none == true if tuples will be found",
you do not mean that is_none == false implies that tuples
will be found, that is unknown.
And of course when you put "No" and "Yes" in the is_none column,
you mean False and True respectively.

I'll assume that when you put "-" in the value column, you mean
that value can be anything.

I'll assume that when you say "d < 0" in the conditions column
and "-" in the value column and "Yes" in the is_none column,
you do not mean "if the index contains any value that is less
than 0 then there will be no returned tuples", you mean
"if the value in the index is less than 0 then the tuple
associated with that value will not be returned (but for
another value in the index there might be a returned tuple)".

 > I) Field type of index part == UNSIGNED:
 > 1) mp_type of value == MP_INT:
 > All values with mp_type == MP_INT are less than 0 by definition.
 > | opcode   | conditions | iter   | value | is_none |
 > --------------------------------------------------------
 > | GE/GT    | -          | GE     | 0     | No      |
 > | LE/LT/EQ | -          | -      | -     | Yes     |

MessagePack definition
does not say that numbers in the "int" family are all less than 0.
So I'll assume that when you say MP_INT values are less than 0
"by definition", you do not mean MessagePack definition, you
mean that you will guarantee that any search values which are
greater than or equal to 0 will not be identified as MP_INT.

 > 2) mp_type of value == MP_DOUBLE:
 > | opcode   | conditions     | iter   | value      | is_none |
 > -------------------------------------------------------------
 > | GE/GT    | d < 0          | GE     | 0          | No |
 > | LE/LT/EQ | d < 0          | -      | -          | Yes |
 > | GE/GT/EQ | d > UINT64_MAX | -      | -          | Yes |
 > | LE/LT    | d > UINT64_MAX | LE     | UINT64_MAX | No |

Because of the assumptions that I made about what you mean,
I think that these statements are true:
If index on column1 has -1: column1 >= 0.0 maybe will return tuples.
If index on column1 has -1: column1 <= 0.0 will not return tuples.
If index on column1 has UINT64_MAX+1: column1 > 0.0 will not return tuples.
If index on column1 has UINT64_MAX+1: column1 < 0.0 maybe will return 

But those results are impossible or absurd.

Therefore some or all of my assumptions, about what you mean,
must be incorrect. Perhaps you can explain what I did wrong?

Peter Gulutzan

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