Hi, Sergey,

thanks for the patch! LGTM with nit below

On 25.06.2024 18:54, Sergey Kaplun wrote:
From: Mike Pall <mike>

Reported by minoki.
Recent C compilers 'take advantage' of the undefined behavior.
This completely changes the meaning of expressions like (k == -k).

(cherry picked from commit 8a5e398c52c7f8ca3e1a0e574cc2ba38224b759b)

This patch changes all possibly dangerous -x operations on integers to
the corresponding two's complement. Also, it removes all related UBSAN
suppressions, since they are fixed.

Also, this patch limits the `bit.tohex()` result by 254 characters.

There is no testcase for `strscan_oct()`, `strscan_dec()` or/and
`STRSCAN_U32` format since first the unary minus is parsed first and
only after the number itself is parsed during parsing C syntax. So the
error is raised in `cp_expr_prefix()` instead. For parsing the exponent
header, there is no testcase, since the power is limited by

Sergey Kaplun:
* added the description and the test for the problem

Part of tarantool/tarantool#9924
Relates to tarantool/tarantool#8473


diff --git a/test/tarantool-tests/lj-928-int-min-negation.test.lua b/test/tarantool-tests/lj-928-int-min-negation.test.lua
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..26f4ed8e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/tarantool-tests/lj-928-int-min-negation.test.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
+local tap = require('tap')
+-- Test file to demonstrate LuaJIT's UBSan failures during
+-- `INT*_MIN` negation.
+-- See also: https://github.com/LuaJIT/LuaJIT/issues/928.
+local test = tap.test('lj-928-int-min-negation.'):skipcond({

dot could be omitted in a test's name.

+  ['Test requires JIT enabled'] = not jit.status(),
+local INT32_MIN = -0x80000000
+local INT64_MIN = -0x8000000000000000
+local TOBIT_CHAR_MAX = 254
+-- XXX: Many tests (`tonumber()`-related) are failed under UBSan
+-- with DUALNUM enabled. They are included to avoid regressions in
+-- the future if such a build becomes the default.
+local ffi = require('ffi')
+local LL_T = ffi.typeof(1LL)
+-- Temporary variable for the results.
+local r
+-- <src/lj_vmmath.c>:`lj_vm_modi()`
+for _ = 1, 4 do
+  -- Use additional variables to avoid folding during parsing.
+  -- Operands should be constants on the trace.
+  local x = -0x80000000
+  local y = -0x80000000
+  r = x % y
+test:is(r, 0, 'no UB during lj_vm_modi')
+-- <src/lj_strfmt.c>:`lj_strfmt_wint()`
+for _ = 1, 4 do
+  -- Operand should be the constant on the trace.
+  r = tostring(bit.tobit(0x80000000))
+test:is(r, '-2147483648', 'no UB during lj_strfmt_wint')
+-- <src/lj_strfmt.c>:`lj_strfmt_putfxint()`
+test:is(('%d'):format(INT64_MIN), '-9223372036854775808',
+        'no UB during lj_strfmt_putfxint')
+-- <src/lj_parse.c>:`bcemit_unop()`
+local int64_min_cdata = -0x8000000000000000LL
+test:ok(true, 'no UB during bcemit_unop')
+-- <src/lj_carith.c>:`carith_int64()`
+-- Use the additional variable to avoid folding during
+-- `bcemit_unop()`.
+test:is(-int64_min_cdata, int64_min_cdata, 'no UB during carith_int64')
+-- <src/lj_ctype.c>:`lj_ctype_repr_int64()`
+-- Use cast to separate the test case from `bcemit_unop()`.
+test:is(tostring(LL_T(INT64_MIN)), '-9223372036854775808LL',
+        'no UB during lj_ctype_repr_int64')
+-- <src/lib_bit.c>:`bit_tohex()`
+-- The second argument is the number of bytes to be represented.
+-- The negative value stands for uppercase.
+test:is(bit.tohex(0, INT32_MIN), TOHEX_EXPECTED, 'no UB during bit_tohex')
+-- <src/lj_crecord.c>:`recff_bit64_tohex()`
+-- The second argument is the number of bytes to be represented.
+-- The negative value stands for uppercase.
+for _ = 1, 4 do
+  -- The second argument should be the constant on the trace.
+  r = bit.tohex(0, -0x80000000)
+test:is(r, TOHEX_EXPECTED, 'no UB during recording bit.tohex')
+-- <src/lj_opt_fold.c>:`simplify_intsub_k()`
+r = 0
+for _ = 1, 4 do
+  r = r - 0x8000000000000000LL
+test:is(r, 0LL, 'no UB during simplify_intsub_k')
+-- <src/lj_strscan.c>:`strscan_hex()`
+test:is(tonumber('-0x80000000'), INT32_MIN, 'no UB during strscan_hex')
+-- <src/lj_strscan.c>:`strscan_bin()`
+test:is(tonumber('-0b10000000000000000000000000000000'), INT32_MIN,
+        'no UB during strscan_bin')
+-- <src/lj_strscan.c>:`lj_strscan_scan()`
+test:is(tonumber('-2147483648'), INT32_MIN, 'no UB during strscan_scan')
+-- Test for 32bit long, just in case.
+-- <src/lib_base.c>:`tonumber()`
+test:is(tonumber('-2000000000000000', 4), INT32_MIN,
+        'no UB during tonumber, base 4')
+-- <src/lj_cparse.c>:`cp_expr_prefix()`
+-- According to ISO/IEC 9899:2023 [1]:
+-- | Each constant expression shall evaluate to a constant that is
+-- | in the range of representable values for its type.
+-- It means that since 0x80000000 does not fit in the int32_t
+-- range, -0x80000000 does not fit in the int32_t range either.
+-- In the case when the enumeration has no fixed underlying type,
+-- the type of the enum is implementation defined [2][3].
+-- Hence, we used -INT32_MAX - 1 since both values fit into
+-- int32_t, so it can't be ambiguous.
+-- luacheck: ignore (too long line)
+-- [1]: https://www.open-std.org/jtc1/sc22/wg14/www/docs/n3096.pdf#subsection.6.2.6
+-- [2]: https://www.open-std.org/jtc1/sc22/wg14/www/docs/n1256.pdf#%5B%7B%22num%22%3A232%2C%22gen%22%3A0%7D%2C%7B%22name%22%3A%22Fit%22%7D%5D
+-- [3]: https://www.open-std.org/jtc1/sc22/wg14/www/docs/n3096.pdf#subsubsection.
+ffi.cdef[[typedef enum {enum_int32_min = -0x7fffffff - 1} enum_t;]]
+test:is(ffi.new('enum_t', 'enum_int32_min'), LL_T(INT32_MIN),
+        'no UB during cp_expr_prefix')