Hi, Sergey

thanks for review! Please see my comment below.

On 08.04.2024 18:01, Sergey Kaplun wrote:
Hi, Sergey!
Thanks for the patch!
I'll proceed with the version from the branch.

Please consider my comments below.

Please rebase your branch to the tarantool/master and solve the

On 26.03.24, Sergey Bronnikov wrote:
Subject: [PATCH 2/3] OSX/iOS/ARM64: Fix generation of Mach-O object files.

Thanks to Carlo Cabrera.

(cherry picked from commit 3065c910ad6027031aabe2dfd3c26a3d0f014b4f)


Part of tarantool/tarantool#9595
 .github/workflows/exotic-builds-testing.yml   |   6 +-
 src/jit/bcsave.lua                            |   6 +-
 test/LuaJIT-tests/CMakeLists.txt              |   9 +
 test/LuaJIT-tests/lib/ffi/index               |   2 +-
 ...generation_of_mach-o_object_files.test.lua | 343 ++++++++++++++++++
 5 files changed, 361 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 test/tarantool-tests/lj-865-fix_generation_of_mach-o_object_files.test.lua

diff --git a/.github/workflows/exotic-builds-testing.yml b/.github/workflows/exotic-builds-testing.yml
index 859603bd..9cace0bc 100644
--- a/.github/workflows/exotic-builds-testing.yml
+++ b/.github/workflows/exotic-builds-testing.yml
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ jobs:
         BUILDTYPE: [Debug, Release]
         ARCH: [ARM64, x86_64]
         GC64: [ON, OFF]
-        FLAVOR: [checkhook, dualnum, gdbjit, nojit, nounwind]
+        FLAVOR: [checkhook, dualnum, gdbjit, nojit, nounwind, avx512]
Please sort entries alphabetically.


--- a/.github/workflows/exotic-builds-testing.yml
+++ b/.github/workflows/exotic-builds-testing.yml
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ jobs:
         BUILDTYPE: [Debug, Release]
         ARCH: [ARM64, x86_64]
         GC64: [ON, OFF]
-        FLAVOR: [checkhook, dualnum, gdbjit, nojit, nounwind, avx512]
+        FLAVOR: [ avx512, checkhook, dualnum, gdbjit, nojit, nounwind ]
           - BUILDTYPE: Debug

           - BUILDTYPE: Debug
@@ -50,12 +50,16 @@ jobs:
           - FLAVOR: nounwind
+          - FLAVOR: avx512
+            CMAKEFLAGS: -DCMAKE_C_FLAGS=-march=skylake-avx512 -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=gcc
Is there any guarantee that the given runner has avx512 support?
If not, our tests will fail due to illegal instruction error.

I'll add a check for AVX support and condition that will skip job if there is no AVX support.

           - ARCH: ARM64
             GC64: OFF
           # DUALNUM is default for ARM64, no need for additional testing.
           - FLAVOR: dualnum
             ARCH: ARM64
+          - FLAVOR: avx512
+            ARCH: ARM64
Please sort entries alphabetically.


--- a/.github/workflows/exotic-builds-testing.yml
+++ b/.github/workflows/exotic-builds-testing.yml
@@ -34,12 +34,14 @@ jobs:
         BUILDTYPE: [Debug, Release]
         ARCH: [ARM64, x86_64]
         GC64: [ON, OFF]
-        FLAVOR: [checkhook, dualnum, gdbjit, nojit, nounwind, avx512]
+        FLAVOR: [ avx512, checkhook, dualnum, gdbjit, nojit, nounwind ]
           - BUILDTYPE: Debug
           - BUILDTYPE: Release
             CMAKEFLAGS: -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=RelWithDebInfo
+          - FLAVOR: avx512
+            CMAKEFLAGS: -DCMAKE_C_FLAGS=-march=skylake-avx512 -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=gcc
           - FLAVOR: dualnum
           - FLAVOR: checkhook


     runs-on: [self-hosted, regular, Linux, '${{ matrix.ARCH }}']
     name: >
       LuaJIT ${{ matrix.FLAVOR }}
diff --git a/src/jit/bcsave.lua b/src/jit/bcsave.lua
index a287d675..7aec1555 100644
--- a/src/jit/bcsave.lua
+++ b/src/jit/bcsave.lua
@@ -446,18 +446,18 @@ typedef struct {
   uint32_t value;
 } mach_nlist;
 typedef struct {
-  uint32_t strx;
+  int32_t strx;
   uint8_t type, sect;
   uint16_t desc;
   uint64_t value;
 } mach_nlist_64;
 typedef struct
-  uint32_t magic, nfat_arch;
+  int32_t magic, nfat_arch;
 } mach_fat_header;
 typedef struct
-  uint32_t cputype, cpusubtype, offset, size, align;
+  int32_t cputype, cpusubtype, offset, size, align;
 } mach_fat_arch;
 typedef struct {
   struct {
diff --git a/test/LuaJIT-tests/CMakeLists.txt b/test/LuaJIT-tests/CMakeLists.txt
index a0fb5440..29146113 100644
--- a/test/LuaJIT-tests/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/test/LuaJIT-tests/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -64,6 +64,15 @@ if(LUAJIT_NO_UNWIND)
   set(LUAJIT_TEST_TAGS_EXTRA +internal_unwinder)
+if(CMAKE_C_FLAGS MATCHES "-march=skylake-avx512")
+  # Test <bit64.lua> verifies bitwise operations on numbers.
Maybe we should add FIXME: tag here. Fill free to ignore.


+  # There is a known issue - bitop doesn't working in LuaJIT
Typo: s/working/work/


+  # built with enabled AVX512 instruction set,
Typo: s/enabled/the enabled/


+  # see https://github.com/tarantool/tarantool/issues/6787.
+  # Hence, skip this when "skylake-avx512" is passed.
+  set(LUAJIT_TEST_TAGS_EXTRA +avx512)
 add_custom_command(TARGET LuaJIT-tests
   COMMENT "Running LuaJIT-tests"
diff --git a/test/LuaJIT-tests/lib/ffi/index b/test/LuaJIT-tests/lib/ffi/index
index e3a34e30..e7c168c2 100644
--- a/test/LuaJIT-tests/lib/ffi/index
+++ b/test/LuaJIT-tests/lib/ffi/index
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-bit64.lua +luajit>=2.1
+bit64.lua +luajit>=2.1 -avx512
Do we need to skip all tests instead of only failed one?

diff --git a/test/tarantool-tests/lj-865-fix_generation_of_mach-o_object_files.test.lua b/test/tarantool-tests/lj-865-fix_generation_of_mach-o_object_files.test.lua
Please, use "-" instead of "_" as a separator, according to other test
Also, the test name is too long. I suggest something like the

| lj-865-cross-generation-mach-o-file.test.lua

Don't forget to update the testname below as well.


new file mode 100644
index 00000000..40bd1c74
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/tarantool-tests/lj-865-fix_generation_of_mach-o_object_files.test.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,343 @@
+local tap = require('tap')
+local test = tap.test('lj-865-fix_generation_of_mach-o_object_files')
+-- The test creates an object file in Mach-O format with LuaJIT
+-- bytecode and checks the validness of the object file fields.
Typo? s/validness/validity/
IINM, validness is the obsolete form.


+-- The original problem is reproduced with LuaJIT that built with
Typo: s/LuaJIT that built/LuaJIT, which is built/

+-- enabled AVX512F instructions. The support for AVX512F could be
+-- checked in `/proc/cpuinfo` on Linux and
+-- `sysctl hw.optional.avx512f` on Mac. AVX512F must be
+-- implicitly enabled in a C compiler by passing CPU codename.
Typo: s/CPU codename/a CPU codename/

+-- Please consult for the available model architecture on
+-- GCC Online Documentation [1] for available CPU codenames.
+-- and Wikipedia for CPUs with AVX-512 support [2].
I suggest the following rewording:

| Please consult the GCC Online Documentation [1] for available CPU
| codenames. Also, see the Wikipedia for CPUs with AVX-512 support [2].

Or the follwing:

| Please take a look at the GCC Online Documentation [1] for available
| CPU codenames. Also, see the Wikipedia for CPUs with AVX-512 support [2].

Feel free to reword it like you want.

What's wrong with provided text?

Why should I change it?

+-- To detect CPU codename execute:
Typo: s/CPU codename/the CPU codename/


+-- `gcc -march=native -Q --help=target | grep march`.
+-- 1. https://gcc.gnu.org/onlinedocs/gcc/x86-Options.html
+-- 2. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/AVX-512#CPUs_with_AVX-512
+-- Manual steps for reproducing are the following:
I suppose you mean "from the original issue". Or we can use
| -DCMAKE_C_FLAGS="-march=skylake-avx512"
These steps works in our fork too.

+-- $ make CC=gcc TARGET_CFLAGS='skylake-avx512' -f Makefile.original
+-- $ echo > test.lua
+-- $ LUA_PATH="src/?.lua;;" luajit -b -o osx -a arm test.lua test.o
+-- $ file test.o
+-- empty.o: DOS executable (block device driver)
+local ffi = require('ffi')
+-- LuaJIT can generate so called Universal Binary with Lua bytetcode.
Comment width is more than 66 symbols.

+-- The Universal Binary format is a format for executable files
+-- that run natively on hardware platforms with different hardware
+-- architectures. This concept is more generally known as a fat binary.
+-- Format of the Mach-O is described in the document
Typo: s/Format/The format/

+-- "OS X ABI Mach-O File Format Reference", published by Apple company.
Typo? s/Reference",/Reference,"/
Don't get it. Why comma should be inside quotes?

+-- Copy of the (now removed) official documentation can be found
Typo: s/Copy/The copy/

+-- here [1]. Yet another source of thruth are XNU headers,
Typo: s/thruth/truth/


+-- see definition of C-structures in: [2] (`nlist_64`),
Typo: s/definition/the definition/

+-- [3] (`fat_arch` and `fat_header`).
+-- There are a good visual representation of Universal Binary
Typo: s/are/is/


+-- in "Mac OS X Internals" book (pages 67-68) [5] and in [6].
Typo: s/in/in the/g


+-- Below is schematic structure of Universal Binary that
Typo: s/schematic/the schematic/
Typo: s/Binary that/Binary, which/


+-- includes two executables for PowerPC and Intel i386 (omitted):
+--   0x0000000 ---------------------------------------
+--             |
+-- struct      | 0xcafebabe  FAT_MAGIC                 magic
+-- fat_header  | -------------------------------------
+--             | 0x00000003                            nfat_arch
+--             ---------------------------------------
+--             | 0x00000012  CPU_TYPE_POWERPC          cputype
+--             | -------------------------------------
+--             | 0x00000000  CPU_SUBTYPE_POWERPC_ALL   cpusubtype
+-- struct      | -------------------------------------
+-- fat_arch    | 0x00001000  4096 bytes                offset
+--             | -------------------------------------
+--             | 0x00004224  16932 bytes               size
+--             | -------------------------------------
+--             | 0x0000000c  2^12 = 4096 bytes         align
+--             ---------------------------------------
+--             ---------------------------------------
+--             | 0x00000007  CPU_TYPE_I386             cputype
+--             | -------------------------------------
+--             | 0x00000003  CPU_SUBTYPE_I386_ALL      cpusubtype
+-- struct      | -------------------------------------
+-- fat_arch    | 0x00006000  24576 bytes               offset
+--             | -------------------------------------
+--             | 0x0000292c  10540 bytes               size
+--             | -------------------------------------
+--             | 0x0000000c  2^12 = 4096 bytes         align
+--             ---------------------------------------
+--               Unused
+-- 0x00001000  ---------------------------------------
+--             | 0xfeedface  MH_MAGIC                  magic
+--             | ------------------------------------
+--             | 0x00000012  CPU_TYPE_POWERPC          cputype
+--             | ------------------------------------
+-- struct      | 0x00000000  CPU_SUBTYPE_POWERPC_ALL   cpusubtype
+-- mach_header | ------------------------------------
+--             | 0x00000002  MH_EXECUTE                filetype
+--             | ------------------------------------
+--             | 0x0000000b  10 load commands          ncmds
+--             | ------------------------------------
+--             | 0x00000574  1396 bytes                sizeofcmds
+--             | ------------------------------------
+--             | 0x00000085  DYLDLINK TWOLEVEL         flags
+--             --------------------------------------
+--               Load commands
+--             ---------------------------------------
+--               Data
+--             ---------------------------------------
Side note: This diagramm is amazing thanks!

+--               < x86 executable >
Nit: excess empty line.


+-- 1. https://github.com/aidansteele/osx-abi-macho-file-format-reference
+-- 2. https://github.com/apple-oss-distributions/xnu/blob/xnu-10002.1.13/EXTERNAL_HEADERS/mach-o/nlist.h
+-- 3. https://github.com/apple-oss-distributions/xnu/blob/xnu-10002.1.13/EXTERNAL_HEADERS/mach-o/fat.h
+-- 4. https://developer.apple.com/documentation/apple-silicon/addressing-architectural-differences-in-your-macos-code
+-- 5. https://reverseengineering.stackexchange.com/a/6357/46029
+-- 6. http://formats.kaitai.io/mach_o/index.html
+-- Using the same declarations as defined in <src/jit/bcsave.lua>.
+typedef struct
+  uint32_t magic, cputype, cpusubtype, filetype, ncmds, sizeofcmds, flags;
+} mach_header;
+typedef struct
+  mach_header; uint32_t reserved;
+} mach_header_64;
+typedef struct {
+  uint32_t cmd, cmdsize;
+  char segname[16];
+  uint32_t vmaddr, vmsize, fileoff, filesize;
+  uint32_t maxprot, initprot, nsects, flags;
+} mach_segment_command;
+typedef struct {
+  uint32_t cmd, cmdsize;
+  char segname[16];
+  uint64_t vmaddr, vmsize, fileoff, filesize;
+  uint32_t maxprot, initprot, nsects, flags;
+} mach_segment_command_64;
+typedef struct {
+  char sectname[16], segname[16];
+  uint32_t addr, size;
+  uint32_t offset, align, reloff, nreloc, flags;
+  uint32_t reserved1, reserved2;
+} mach_section;
+typedef struct {
+  char sectname[16], segname[16];
+  uint64_t addr, size;
+  uint32_t offset, align, reloff, nreloc, flags;
+  uint32_t reserved1, reserved2, reserved3;
+} mach_section_64;
+typedef struct {
+  uint32_t cmd, cmdsize, symoff, nsyms, stroff, strsize;
+} mach_symtab_command;
+typedef struct {
+  int32_t strx;
+  uint8_t type, sect;
+  int16_t desc;
+  uint32_t value;
+} mach_nlist;
+typedef struct {
+  uint32_t strx;
Should we use here `int32_t` as it is after the changes?
Yes, fixed.

+  uint8_t type, sect;
+  uint16_t desc;
+  uint64_t value;
+} mach_nlist_64;
+typedef struct
+  uint32_t magic, nfat_arch;
Should we use here `int32_t` as it is after the changes?

+} mach_fat_header;
+typedef struct
+  uint32_t cputype, cpusubtype, offset, size, align;

Should we use here `int32_t` as it is after the changes?


+} mach_fat_arch;
+typedef struct {
+  mach_fat_header fat;
+  mach_fat_arch fat_arch[2];
+  struct {
+    mach_header hdr;
+    mach_segment_command seg;
+    mach_section sec;
+    mach_symtab_command sym;
+  } arch[2];
+  mach_nlist sym_entry;
+  uint8_t space[4096];
+} mach_fat_obj;
+typedef struct {
+  mach_fat_header fat;
+  mach_fat_arch fat_arch[2];
+  struct {
+    mach_header_64 hdr;
+    mach_segment_command_64 seg;
+    mach_section_64 sec;
+    mach_symtab_command sym;
+  } arch[2];
+  mach_nlist_64 sym_entry;
+  uint8_t space[4096];
+} mach_fat_obj_64;
Should this part be defined in the next patch, since there is no such
cdef at the moment?

OTOH, it makes test more arch-agnostic. So, the adding of the other case
is more simple.
Moved to the third patch.

+local function create_obj_file(name, arch)
+  local mach_o_path = os.tmpname() .. '.o'
+  local lua_path = os.getenv('LUA_PATH')
+  local lua_bin = require('utils').exec.luacmd(arg):match('%S+')
+  local cmd_fmt = 'LUA_PATH="%s" %s -b -n "%s" -o osx -a %s -e "print()" %s'
+  local cmd = (cmd_fmt):format(lua_path, lua_bin, name, arch, mach_o_path)
+  local ret = os.execute(cmd)
+  assert(ret == 0, 'cannot create an object file')
+  return mach_o_path
+-- Parses a buffer in the Mach-O format and returns
+-- the FAT magic number and `nfat_arch`.
+local function read_mach_o(buf, hw_arch)
+  local res = {
+    header = {
+      magic = 0,
+      nfat_arch = 0,
+    },
+    fat_arch = {},
+  }
+  local is64 = hw_arch == 'arm64'
+  -- Mach-O FAT object.
+  local mach_fat_obj_type = ffi.typeof(is64 and
+                                       'mach_fat_obj_64 *' or 'mach_fat_obj *')
+  local obj = ffi.cast(mach_fat_obj_type, buf)
+  -- Mach-O FAT object header.
+  local mach_fat_header_type = ffi.typeof('mach_fat_header *')
+  local mach_fat_header = ffi.cast(mach_fat_header_type, obj.fat)
Looks like this cast is excess:
| src/luajit -e '
| local ffi = require"ffi"
| ffi.cdef[[
| struct test {int a; int b;};
| struct test_outer { struct test t; int c;};
| ]]
| local s = ffi.new("struct test_outer", {{0}, 0})
| print(s.t.a)
| '
| 0

Code in the test casts cdata to ffi type, you snippet demonstrate how to create cdata using ffi.new.

It is similar cases?

+  local be32 = bit.bswap -- Mach-O FAT is BE, target arch is LE.
Please, use the separate line for the comment.
Moved to a new line.

+  res.header.magic = be32(mach_fat_header.magic)
+  res.header.nfat_arch = be32(mach_fat_header.nfat_arch)
+  -- Mach-O FAT object arches.
+  local mach_fat_arch_type = ffi.typeof('mach_fat_arch *')
+  for i = 0, res.header.nfat_arch - 1 do
+    local fat_arch = ffi.cast(mach_fat_arch_type, obj.fat_arch[i])
Looks like this cast is excess.

+    local arch = {
+      cputype = be32(fat_arch.cputype),
+      cpusubtype = be32(fat_arch.cpusubtype),
+    }
+    table.insert(res.fat_arch, arch)
+  end
+  return res
+-- Universal Binary can contain executables for more than one
+-- CPU architecture. For simplicity the test compares
Typo: s/For simplicity/For simplicity,/
Nit: The comment line is "underfilled".

+-- sum of CPU types and CPU subtypes.
Typo: s/sum/the sum/

+-- Numbers below are defined in <src/jit/bcsave.lua:bcsave_machobj>.
Typo: s/Numbers/The numbers/

There is no space for "<src/jit/bcsave.lua:bcsave_machob>" on the line

after adding "The"as you requested. And line become underfileld if

"<src/jit/bcsave.lua:bcsave_machob>" moved to the next line. How do it better:

leave a free space on the line or left "Number" without article?

+-- Original source is XNU source code, <osfmk/mach/machine.h> [1].
Typo: s/Original/The original/
Typo: s/XNU/the XNU/
the same as above, with added articles line looks underfilled and therefore it looks ugly.

+-- 1. https://opensource.apple.com/source/xnu/xnu-4570.41.2/osfmk/mach/machine.h.auto.html
+local sum_cputype = {
+  x86 = 7,
+  x64 = 0x01000007,
+  arm = 7 + 12,
+  arm64 = 0x01000007 + 0x0100000c,
+local sum_cpusubtype = {
+  x86 = 3,
+  x64 = 3,
+  arm = 3 + 9,
+  arm64 = 3 + 0,
I suggest the following for the clarification:

| local cputype = {
|   x86 = 7,
|   x64 = 0x01000007,
|   arm = 7,
|   arm64 = 0x0100000c,
| }
| local cpusubtype = {
|   x86 = 3,
|   x64 = 3,
|   arm = 9,
|   arm64 = 0,
| }

And declare next:

| local sum_cputype = {
|   arm = cputype.arm + cputype.x86,
|   arm64 = cputype.arm64 + cputype.x64,
| }
| local sum_cpusubtype = {
|   arm = cpusubtype.arm + cpusubtype.x86,
|   arm64 = cpusubtype.arm64 + cpusubtype.x64,
| }

You proposed changes breaks the test.

See original dictionaries


  local cputype = ({ x86={7}, x64={0x01000007}, arm={7,12}, arm64={0x01000007,0x0100000c} })[ctx.arch]

converted to sum_cputype = { x86 = 7, x64 = 0x01000007, arm = 7 + 12, arm64 = 0x01000007 + 0x0100000c}

  local cpusubtype = ({ x86={3}, x64={3}, arm={3,9}, arm64={3,0} })[ctx.arch]

converted to sum_cpusubtype = { x86 = 3, x64 = 3, arm = 3 + 9, arm64 = 3 + 0 }

I don't know how to make this place in the test more clear. See comment that explains these arrays:

  -- Universal Binary can contain executables for more than one                    
  -- CPU architecture. For simplicity, the test compares the sum of                
  -- CPU types and CPU subtypes.                                                   
  -- Numbers below are defined in <src/jit/bcsave.lua:bcsave_machobj>.             
  -- The original source is the XNU source code,                                   
  -- <osfmk/mach/machine.h> [1].                                                   


Also, it is preferable to use upper case since values are constants.

Made everything uppercase.

+-- The function builds Mach-O FAT object file and retrieves
+-- its header fields (magic and nfat_arch)
+-- and fields of the each arch (cputype, cpusubtype).
Typo: s/the each/each/
Fixed. Also line above was underfilled, fixed that.

+-- Mach-O FAT object header can be retrieved with `otool` on macOS:
Typo: s/Mach-O FAT object/A Mach-O FAT object/
Fixed to "The Mach-O FAT object".
Typo: s/header/headers/
single header, why "s"?

+-- $ otool -f empty.o
+-- Fat headers
+-- fat_magic 0xcafebabe
+-- nfat_arch 2
+-- <snipped>
Minor: it is better to separate quoting in the comment like the
following to simplify reading:

| $ otool -f empty.o
| Fat headers
| fat_magic 0xcafebabe
| nfat_arch 2
| ...

Feel free to ignore.

+-- CPU type and subtype can be retrieved with `lipo` on macOS:
+-- $ luajit -b -o osx -a arm empty.lua empty.o
+-- $ lipo -archs empty.o
+-- i386 armv7
+-- $ luajit -b -o osx -a arm64 empty.lua empty.o
+-- $ lipo -archs empty.o
+-- x86_64 arm64
+local function build_and_check_mach_o(hw_arch)
Maybe it is better to use a subtest here:
The number of tests is fixed for this function, and it becomes more
clear when we add the additional arch for testing.

+  assert(hw_arch == 'arm' or hw_arch == 'arm64')
+  -- FAT_MAGIC is an integer containing the value 0xCAFEBABE in
+  -- big-endian byte order format. On a big-endian host CPU,
+  -- this can be validated using the constant FAT_MAGIC;
+  -- on a little-endian host CPU, it can be validated using
+  -- the constant FAT_CIGAM.
+  --
+  -- FAT_NARCH is an integer specifying the number of fat_arch
+  -- data structures that follow. This is the number of
+  -- architectures contained in this binary.
+  --
+  -- See aforementioned "OS X ABI Mach-O File Format Reference".
Typo: s/aforementioned/the aforementioned/

With added article I need to move name of the reference to a next line,

and line looks under-filled and ugly.

+  --
Excess empty line.

It is a visual splitter.

+  local FAT_MAGIC = '0xffffffffcafebabe'
+  local FAT_NARCH = 2
+  local MODULE_NAME = 'lango_team'
+  local mach_o_obj_path = create_obj_file(MODULE_NAME, hw_arch)
+  local mach_o_buf = require('utils').tools.read_file(mach_o_obj_path)
Please move `require` of the necessary tool to the start of the file to
be consistent with the code style in tests.


I found that 20 tests in our repository are not consistent too:

test/tarantool-tests/lj-946-print-errors-from-gc-fin-default.test.lua:local script = require('utils').exec.makecmd(arg, { redirect = '2>&1' })
test/tarantool-tests/unit-jit-parse.test.lua:local jparse = require('utils').jit.parse
test/tarantool-tests/lj-981-folding-0.test.lua:local jparse = require('utils').jit.parse
test/tarantool-tests/lj-366-strtab-correct-size.test.lua:  local lua_bin = require('utils').exec.luacmd(arg):match('%S+')
test/tarantool-tests/lj-366-strtab-correct-size.test.lua:local elf_content = require('utils').tools.read_file(elf_filename)
test/tarantool-tests/fix-argv2ctype-cts-L-init.test.lua:local script = require('utils').exec.makecmd(arg)
grep: test/tarantool-tests/.lj-736-BC_UCLO-triggers-infinite-loop.lua.swp: binary file matches
test/tarantool-tests/fix-mips64-spare-side-exit-patching.test.lua:local generators = require('utils').jit.generators
test/tarantool-tests/fix-mips64-spare-side-exit-patching.test.lua:local frontend = require('utils').frontend
test/tarantool-tests/lj-1128-table-new-opt-tnew.test.lua:local jparse = require('utils').jit.parse
test/tarantool-tests/gh-6098-fix-side-exit-patching-on-arm64.test.lua:local generators = require('utils').jit.generators
test/tarantool-tests/gh-6098-fix-side-exit-patching-on-arm64.test.lua:local frontend = require('utils').frontend
test/tarantool-tests/lj-351-print-tostring-number.test.lua:local script = require('utils').exec.makecmd(arg)
test/tarantool-tests/lj-flush-on-trace.test.lua:local script = require('utils').exec.makecmd(arg, {
test/tarantool-tests/lj-366-strtab-correct-size.test.lua_:  local lua_bin = require('utils').exec.luacmd(arg):match('%S+')
test/tarantool-tests/lj-366-strtab-correct-size.test.lua_:local elf_content = require('utils').tools.read_file(elf_filename)
test/tarantool-tests/fix-gc-setupvalue.test.lua:local gcisblack = require('utils').gc.isblack
test/tarantool-tests/misclib-getmetrics-lapi.test.lua:local MAXNINS = require('utils').jit.const.maxnins
test/tarantool-tests/gh-4427-ffi-sandwich.test.lua:local script = require('utils').exec.makecmd(arg, {
test/tarantool-tests/fix-jit-dump-ir-conv.test.lua:local jparse = require('utils').jit.parse
test/tarantool-tests/lj-802-panic-at-mcode-protfail.test.lua:local script = require('utils').exec.makecmd(arg, {
test/tarantool-tests/lj-962-stack-overflow-report.test.lua:local LUABIN = require('utils').exec.luabin(arg)

+  assert(mach_o_buf == nil or #mach_o_buf ~= 0, 'cannot read an object file')
Should it be:
| mach_o_buf ~= nil and #mach_o_buf ~= 0

Fixed to " assert(mach_o_buf ~= nil and #mach_o_buf ~= 0, 'cannot read an object file')".

+  local mach_o = read_mach_o(mach_o_buf, hw_arch)
+  -- Teardown.
+  local retcode = os.remove(mach_o_obj_path)
+  assert(retcode == true, 'remove an object file')
Minor: I suggest refactoring this as the following (`retcode` isn't used
anywhere else):

| assert(os.remove(mach_o_obj_path), 'remove an object file')


+  local magic_str = string.format('0x%02x', mach_o.header.magic)
Why do we need 02 in the format string?
Also, you may use '%#x' for the same result.


+  test:is(magic_str, FAT_MAGIC,
+          'fat_magic is correct in Mach-O, ' .. hw_arch)
+  test:is(mach_o.header.nfat_arch, FAT_NARCH,
+          'nfat_arch is correct in Mach-O, ' .. hw_arch)
+  local total_cputype = 0
+  local total_cpusubtype = 0
+  for i = 1, mach_o.header.nfat_arch do
Minor: I suggest using `FAT_NARCH` here since we've checked their
equality above.


+    total_cputype = total_cputype + mach_o.fat_arch[i].cputype
+    total_cpusubtype = total_cpusubtype + mach_o.fat_arch[i].cpusubtype
+  end
+  test:is(total_cputype, sum_cputype[hw_arch],
+          'cputype is correct in Mach-O, ' .. hw_arch)
+  test:is(total_cpusubtype, sum_cpusubtype[hw_arch],
+          'cpusubtype is correct in Mach-O, ' .. hw_arch)