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From: Timur Safin via Tarantool-patches <tarantool-patches@dev.tarantool.org>
To: tarantool-patches@dev.tarantool.org, imeevma@tarantool.org
Subject: [Tarantool-patches] [PATCH 3/3] sql: introduced explicit casts test e_casts.test.lua
Date: Tue, 25 May 2021 12:01:02 +0300	[thread overview]
Message-ID: <a6617484e2b9eb954aaa6ae10fd667082d6915de.1621894609.git.tsafin@tarantool.org> (raw)
In-Reply-To: <cover.1621894609.git.tsafin@tarantool.org>

* e_casts.test.lua is generating expressions of `cast(input as output)`
  form. And checks whether we expectedly succeed or fail, given the
  previously agreed excplicit conversion table from

* At the moment we skip DECIMALs, UUIDs, ARRAYs and MAPs as not yet
  fully supported. Need to be reenabled later;

* there is `-verbose` mode one may activate to enable more detailed

Relates to #5910, #6009
Part of #4407
 test/sql-tap/e_casts.test.lua | 355 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 355 insertions(+)
 create mode 100755 test/sql-tap/e_casts.test.lua

diff --git a/test/sql-tap/e_casts.test.lua b/test/sql-tap/e_casts.test.lua
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..eafebd5bc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/sql-tap/e_casts.test.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,355 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env tarantool
+local test = require("sqltester")
+local yaml = require("yaml")
+local ffi = require("ffi")
+local verbose = 0
+if arg[1] == '-v' or arg[1] == '--verbose' then
+    verbose = 1
+ffi.cdef [[
+    enum field_type {
+        FIELD_TYPE_ANY = 0,
+        FIELD_TYPE_MAP,
+        field_type_MAX
+    };
+-- Date/time/interval types to be uncommented and used
+-- once corresponding box implementation completed
+local t_any = ffi.C.FIELD_TYPE_ANY
+local t_unsigned = ffi.C.FIELD_TYPE_UNSIGNED
+local t_string = ffi.C.FIELD_TYPE_STRING
+local t_number = ffi.C.FIELD_TYPE_NUMBER
+local t_double = ffi.C.FIELD_TYPE_DOUBLE
+local t_integer = ffi.C.FIELD_TYPE_INTEGER
+local t_boolean = ffi.C.FIELD_TYPE_BOOLEAN
+local t_varbinary = ffi.C.FIELD_TYPE_VARBINARY
+local t_scalar = ffi.C.FIELD_TYPE_SCALAR
+local t_decimal = ffi.C.FIELD_TYPE_DECIMAL
+-- local t_date = -1
+-- local t_time = -2
+-- local t_timestamp = -3
+-- local t_interval = -4
+local t_uuid = ffi.C.FIELD_TYPE_UUID
+local t_array = ffi.C.FIELD_TYPE_ARRAY
+local t_map = ffi.C.FIELD_TYPE_MAP
+local proper_order = {
+    t_any,
+    t_unsigned,
+    t_string,
+    t_double,
+    t_integer,
+    t_boolean,
+    t_varbinary,
+    t_number,
+    t_decimal,
+    t_uuid,
+    -- t_date,
+    -- t_time,
+    -- t_timestamp,
+    -- t_interval,
+    t_array,
+    t_map,
+    t_scalar,
+local type_names = {
+    [t_any]       = 'any',
+    [t_unsigned]  = 'unsigned',
+    [t_string]    = 'string',
+    [t_double]    = 'double',
+    [t_integer]   = 'integer',
+    [t_boolean]   = 'boolean',
+    [t_varbinary] = 'varbinary',
+    [t_number]    = 'number',
+    [t_decimal]   = 'decimal',
+    [t_uuid]      = 'uuid',
+    -- [t_date]      = 'date',
+    -- [t_time]      = 'time',
+    -- [t_timestamp] = 'timestamp',
+    -- [t_interval]  = 'interval',
+    [t_array]     = 'array',
+    [t_map]       = 'map',
+    [t_scalar]    = 'scalar',
+-- not all types implemented/enabled at the moment
+-- but we do keep their projected status in the
+-- spec table
+local enabled_type = {
+    [t_any]       = false, -- there is no way in SQL to instantiate ANY type expression
+    [t_unsigned]  = true,
+    [t_string]    = true,
+    [t_double]    = true,
+    [t_integer]   = true,
+    [t_boolean]   = true,
+    [t_varbinary] = true,
+    [t_number]    = true,
+    [t_decimal]   = false,
+    [t_uuid]      = false,
+    -- [t_date]     = false,
+    -- [t_time]     = false,
+    -- [t_timestamp]= false,
+    -- [t_interval] = False,
+    [t_array]     = false,
+    [t_map]       = false,
+    [t_scalar]    = true,
+-- table of _TSV_ (tab separated values)
+-- copied from sql-lua-tables-v5.xls // TNT implicit today
+local explicit_casts_table_spec = {
+    [t_any] =     {"Y", "S", "Y", "S", "S", "S", "S", "S", "S", "S", "S", "S", "S"},
+    [t_unsigned]= {"Y", "Y", "Y", "Y", "Y", "" , "" , "Y", "Y", "" , "" , "" , "Y"},
+    [t_string] =  {"Y", "S", "Y", "S", "S", "S", "Y", "S", "S", "S", "S", "S", "Y"},
+    [t_double] =  {"Y", "S", "Y", "Y", "S", "" , "" , "Y", "Y", "" , "" , "" , "Y"},
+    [t_integer] = {"Y", "S", "Y", "Y", "Y", "" , "" , "Y", "Y", "" , "" , "" , "Y"},
+    [t_boolean] = {"Y", "" , "Y", "" , "" , "Y", "" , "" , "" , "" , "" , "" , "Y"},
+    [t_varbinary]={"Y", "" , "Y", "N", "" , "" , "Y", "" , "" , "S", "" , "" , "Y"},
+    [t_number] =  {"Y", "S", "Y", "Y", "S", "" , "" , "Y", "Y", "" , "" , "" , "Y"},
+    [t_decimal] = {"Y", "S", "Y", "S", "S", "" , "" , "Y", "Y", "" , "" , "" , "Y"},
+    [t_uuid] =    {"Y", "" , "Y", "" , "" , "" , "Y", "" , "" , "Y", "" , "" , "Y"},
+    [t_array] =   {"Y", "N", "Y", "N", "N", "N", "" , "" , "" , "" , "Y", "" , "N"},
+    [t_map] =     {"Y", "N", "Y", "N", "N", "N", "" , "" , "" , "" , "" , "Y", "N"},
+    [t_scalar] =  {"Y", "S", "Y", "S", "S", "S", "S", "S", "S", "S", "" , "" , "Y"},
+-- local extra_checks = false
+local explicit_casts = {}
+-- local implicit_casts = {}
+-- implicit conversion table is considered consistent if
+-- it's sort of symmetric against diagonal
+-- (not necessary that always/sometimes are matching
+-- but at least something should be presented)
+--[[ local function check_table_consistency(table)
+    for _, i in ipairs(proper_order) do
+        local string = ''
+        for _, j in ipairs(proper_order) do
+            print(i, j)
+            -- local item = implicit_casts[i][j]
+            -- string = string .. (xlat[item] or ' ')
+        end
+        print(string)
+    end
+    -- if there is enabled extra checks then check ocnsistency of input tables
+    -- just to make sure their sanity
+--[[     if extra_checks then
+        check_table_consistency()
+    end
+ ]]
+local c_no = 0
+local c_maybe = 1
+local c_yes = 2
+local function normalize_cast(v)
+    local xlat =  {
+        ['Y'] = c_yes,
+        ['S'] = c_maybe,
+        ['N'] = c_no,
+    }
+    return xlat[v ~= nil and v or 'N']
+local function human_cast(v)
+    local xlat = {
+        [c_yes] = 'Y',
+        [c_maybe] = 'S',
+        [c_no] = ' '
+    }
+    return xlat[v ~= nil and v or c_no]
+local function load_casts_spec(spec_table)
+    local casts = {}
+    for i, t_from  in ipairs(proper_order) do
+        local row = spec_table[t_from]
+        casts[t_from] = {}
+        for j, t_to  in ipairs(proper_order) do
+            if enabled_type[t_from] and enabled_type[t_to] then
+                casts[t_from][t_to] = normalize_cast(spec_table[t_from][j])
+            end
+        end
+    end
+    -- if there is enabled extra checks then check ocnsistency of input tables
+    -- just to make sure their sanity
+--[[     if extra_checks then
+        check_table_consistency()
+    end ]]
+    return casts
+explicit_casts = load_casts_spec(explicit_casts_table_spec)
+if verbose > 0 then
+    local function show_casts_table(table)
+        local max_len = #"12. varbinary" + 1
+        -- show banner
+        local col_names = ''
+        for i, t_val in ipairs(proper_order) do
+            col_names = col_names .. string.format("%2d |", t_val)
+        end
+        col_names = string.sub(col_names, 1, #col_names-1)
+        print(string.format("%"..max_len.."s|%s|", "", col_names))
+        -- show splitter
+        local banner = '+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+'
+        print(string.format("%"..max_len.."s%s", "", banner))
+        for i, from in ipairs(proper_order) do
+            local line = ''
+            for j, to in ipairs(proper_order) do
+                line = line .. string.format("%2s |", human_cast(table[from][to]))
+            end
+            line = string.sub(line, 1, #line-1)
+            local s = string.format("%2d.%10s |%s|", from, type_names[from], line)
+            print(s)
+        end
+        print(string.format("%"..max_len.."s%s", "", banner))
+    end
+    show_casts_table(explicit_casts)
+local function merge_tables(...)
+    local n = select('#', ...)
+    local tables = {...}
+    local result = {}
+    for i=1,n do
+        local t = tables[i]
+        --print(yaml.encode(t))
+        assert(type(tables[i]) == 'table')
+        for j,v in pairs(t) do
+            table.insert(result, v)
+        end
+    end
+    return result
+local gen_type_samples = {
+        [t_unsigned]  = {"0", "1", "2"},
+        [t_integer]   = {"-678", "-1", "0", "1", "2", "3", "678"},
+        [t_double]    = {"0.0", "123.4", "-567.8"},
+        [t_string]    = {"''", "'1'", "'abc'", "'def'", "'TRUE'", "'FALSE'"},
+        [t_boolean]   = {"false", "true", "null"},
+        [t_varbinary] = {"X'312E3233'", "X'2D392E3837'", "X'302E30303031'"},
+local function gen_type_exprs(type)
+    if type == t_number then
+        return merge_tables(gen_type_samples[t_unsigned],
+                            gen_type_samples[t_integer],
+                            gen_type_samples[t_double])
+    end
+    if type == t_scalar then
+        return merge_tables(gen_type_samples[t_unsigned],
+                            gen_type_samples[t_integer],
+                            gen_type_samples[t_double],
+                            gen_type_samples[t_string],
+                            gen_type_samples[t_boolean],
+                            gen_type_samples[t_varbinary])
+    end
+    return gen_type_samples[type] or {}
+local function gen_sql_cast_from_to(t_from, t_to)
+    local queries = {}
+    local from_exprs = gen_type_exprs(t_from)
+    local to_typename = type_names[t_to]
+    for _, expr in pairs(from_exprs) do
+        local query = string.format([[ select cast(%s as %s); ]], expr, to_typename)
+        table.insert(queries, query)
+    end
+    return queries
+local function catch_query(query)
+    local result = {pcall(box.execute, query)}
+    if not result[1] or result[3] ~= nil then
+        return false, result[3]
+    end
+    return true, result[2]
+local function label_for(from, to, query)
+    local parent_frame = debug.getinfo(2, "nSl")
+    local filename = parent_frame.source:sub(1,1) == "@" and parent_frame.source:sub(2)
+    local line = parent_frame.currentline
+    return string.format("%s+%d:[%s,%s] %s", filename, line,
+                         type_names[from], type_names[to], query)
+for i, from in ipairs(proper_order) do
+    for j, to in ipairs(proper_order) do
+        -- skip ANY, DECIMAL, UUID, etc.
+        if enabled_type[from] and enabled_type[to] then
+            local cell = explicit_casts[from][to]
+            local gen = gen_sql_cast_from_to(from, to)
+            local failures = {}
+            local successes = {}
+            local castable = false
+            local expected = explicit_casts[from][to]
+            if verbose > 0 then
+                print(expected, yaml.encode(gen))
+            end
+            for i, v in pairs(gen) do
+                local ok, result
+                ok, result = catch_query(v)
+                if verbose > 0 then
+                    print(string.format("ok = %s, result = %s, query = %s",
+                         ok, result, v))
+                end
+                -- print(v, 'ok'..yaml.encode(ok), 'result'..yaml.encode(result))
+                if expected == c_yes then
+                    test:ok(true == ok, label_for(from, to, v))
+                elseif expected == c_no then
+                    test:ok(false == ok, label_for(from, to, v))
+                else
+                -- we can't report immediately for c_maybe because some 
+                -- cases allowed to fail, so postpone decision
+                    if ok then
+                        castable = true
+                        table.insert(successes, {result, v})
+                    else
+                        table.insert(failures, {result, v})
+                    end
+                end
+            end
+            -- ok, we aggregated stats for c_maybe mode - check it now
+            if expected == c_maybe then
+                    test:ok(castable, label_for(from, to, #gen and gen[1] or ''),
+                            failures)
+            end
+        end
+    end

  parent reply	other threads:[~2021-05-25  9:03 UTC|newest]

Thread overview: 13+ messages / expand[flat|nested]  mbox.gz  Atom feed  top
2021-05-25  9:00 [Tarantool-patches] [PATCH 0/3] sql: modify explicit conversion tables Timur Safin via Tarantool-patches
2021-05-25  9:01 ` [Tarantool-patches] [PATCH 1/3] sql: fixes for boolean expressions in explicit converstion tables Timur Safin via Tarantool-patches
2021-06-01 14:02   ` Mergen Imeev via Tarantool-patches
2021-06-02 21:03     ` Timur Safin via Tarantool-patches
2021-06-02 21:10     ` Timur Safin via Tarantool-patches
2021-05-25  9:01 ` [Tarantool-patches] [PATCH 2/3] sql: enabled ANY as target for explicit conversions Timur Safin via Tarantool-patches
2021-06-01 14:02   ` Mergen Imeev via Tarantool-patches
2021-06-02 21:04     ` Timur Safin via Tarantool-patches
2021-05-25  9:01 ` Timur Safin via Tarantool-patches [this message]
2021-06-01 14:02   ` [Tarantool-patches] [PATCH 3/3] sql: introduced explicit casts test e_casts.test.lua Mergen Imeev via Tarantool-patches
2021-06-02 21:04     ` Timur Safin via Tarantool-patches
2021-06-01 14:02 ` [Tarantool-patches] [PATCH 0/3] sql: modify explicit conversion tables Mergen Imeev via Tarantool-patches
2021-06-02 21:04   ` Timur Safin via Tarantool-patches

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