Hi, Leonid.

The first patch ("Add the chdir option for make" 8e8db7f) looks good to
me. I hope you'll be able to find time and propose it to upstream, in my
opinion it'll helpful there too.

As of the second one ("Delete flags which can't be used with
tarantoolctl rocks" 1b51b2f), I'm worried that our fork every day goes
farther from upstream. You didn't say a word about necessity to remove
it, but it looks like another postponed problem. Luarocks version is
already 3.3.1, while we still basing 3.1.1. And every such commit makes
it harder to rebase.

The last time we were upgrading luarocks we've spent several weeks of
worktime to resolve all the problems. And, disappointingly, those
changes weren't merged to 1.10, so my colleagues usually come back with
the same problems as 2 years ago. Please, don't screw over our future

Speaking about the patch in tarantool itself ("rocks: forward options to
luarocks" 28a3b55f), I've run some commands and it seems to be OK.
But I agree with Vlad that documentation should be more detailed. You
can't just link the luarocks wiki (at first, because our version
differs, but, moreover, because it's imperfect too). I don't believe
anybody but you would be able to tell supported features from
unsupported and find mistakes in wiki, so I suggest to clarify it
somewhere (in the commit message or in any other place you like).

On Fri, 10 Apr 2020 at 03:00, Vladislav Shpilevoy <v.shpilevoy@tarantool.org> wrote:

Thanks for the patchset!


But please, next time don't silently respond with a new patch
on my comments. I may be wrong sometimes. Honestly I am wrong
quite often. Like Vladimir said once, "mailing list exists for

I added Yaroslav to CC since he expressed a will to join the

On 09/04/2020 08:33, Leonid Vasiliev wrote:
> https://github.com/tarantool/tarantool/issues/4629
> https://github.com/tarantool/luarocks/tree/lvasiliev/gh-4629-add-chdir-to-make
> See corresponding patch for tarantoolctl
> (https://github.com/tarantool/tarantool/tree/lvasiliev/gh-4629-forward-flags)
> Motivation:
> Imperfect integretion of the Luarocks to tarantoolctl
> (malfunctioning flags, disabled commands)
> Was done:
> whitelist of tarantoolctl don't used for luarocks flags
> Option chdir has been moved from tarantoolctl to luarocks
> @ChangeLog - see a comment in tarantool
> Leonid Vasiliev (2):
>   Add the chdir option for make
>   Delete flags which can't be used with tarantoolctl rocks
>  src/luarocks/cmd/help.lua | 5 -----
>  src/luarocks/cmd/make.lua | 8 ++++++++
>  src/luarocks/util.lua     | 5 +----
>  3 files changed, 9 insertions(+), 9 deletions(-)

С уважением. 
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