This requires a change log request, AFAICS.

 - when building tarantool with bundled libcurl, link it with c-ares by default (gh-4591)
 - add bundled curl and c-ares versions to tarantool version output (gh-4591)

Serge Petrenko

3 марта 2020 г., в 19:46, Serge Petrenko <> написал(а):

Hi! Thanks for the review! I fixed your comments and performed the actions you expected me
to perform, except one. More info inline. The diff is below.

8 февр. 2020 г., в 22:42, Alexander Turenko <> написал(а):

I mostly okay with the patch, but expect several actions like filing
some issues against c-ares and curl and minor tweaks of the patch.

Re blocking in threaded resolver

Let's file an issue to curl, because it is inappropriate to block an
application that expect libcurl to give a control if something would
block. An error like 'DNS resolver thread pool is exhausted' is better,
because it can be handled on an application side somehow:

* do other work / be responsible until free resolver threads will be
* give a user an error for further requests;
* dynamically increase threads count (automatically or upon a user

There already exist 2 issues: [1] - closed by a bot, unintentionally, I think.
[2] - a duplicate of [1]. 

Re ExternalProject

In brief: let's file another issue as described below and postpone
further activities.

There is the way to link c-ares into libcurl w/o installing c-ares using
a pkgconfig file, because it allows to set different include and library
directories and is supported by libcurl's configure script (see [1]).

This however cannot be used with CMake (I didn't find a way). I propose
to file an issue (or even a PR) to curl to support different directories
for include and library files for c-ares (in CMake build). The
motivation is to use libcurl + c-ares as part of a parent build process
(like we going to do). It seems we just need to add two hints (one for
an include directory and one for a library directory) to
${CURL}/CMake/FindCARES.cmake (see [2]) like we do in
tarantool/modulekit (see [3]).

I’ll think some more about the issue you propose, and file it as soon as I
come up with good wording and reasoning. I’m a little bit out of context
right now.

Anyway, I'm okay with ExternalProject() and so installation of c-ares as
a part of build process for now. Hopefully we'll change it in the future
and so we'll not need to adjust flags like -isysroot in our cmake files.

Re c-ares dependencies

See [4].


BTW, maybe file another issue to lower minimal required CMake version is
c-ares to 2.8?

I’ve opened the pull request in c-ares repo [3].
I’ve updated the minimum cmake version to 2.8.12. This is the versrion we tested
on and the version that used to be the minimal requirement before it was raised to 3+.



+    # We buid both static and shared versions of curl, so ares

Typo: buid.


diff --git a/src/CMakeLists.txt b/src/CMakeLists.txt
index e12de6005..bdeec5f89 100644
--- a/src/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/src/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -227,7 +227,8 @@ if(BUILD_STATIC)
            # set variable to allow rescan (CMake depended)
-        elseif (${libstatic} STREQUAL bundled-libcurl)
+        elseif (${libstatic} STREQUAL bundled-libcurl OR
+                ${libstatic} STREQUAL bundled-ares)
            message("We don't need to export symbols from statically linked libcurl, skipped")

It would be good to adjust the message using ${libstatic} (because not
it is not only about libcurl).


I’ve also fixed your comments from [4], added an empty ARES_LIBRARIES var as a placeholder,
and filed an issue to c-ares regarding CMake linking unnecessary libraries [5].

Speaking of linking with unnecessary libraries, as you pointed out in [4], I just left it as-is for now,
since everything works in our CI. We may disable the libs altogether later, if it is needed.


diff --git a/cmake/BuildAres.cmake b/cmake/BuildAres.cmake
index 0f9f174ce..a38fa8f30 100644
--- a/cmake/BuildAres.cmake
+++ b/cmake/BuildAres.cmake
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ macro(ares_build)
-    # We buid both static and shared versions of curl, so ares
+    # We build both static and shared versions of curl, so ares
     # has to be built with -fPIC for the shared version.
     # Even though we set the external project's install dir
@@ -53,6 +53,7 @@ macro(ares_build)
     set_target_properties(bundled-ares PROPERTIES IMPORTED_LOCATION
     add_dependencies(bundled-ares bundled-ares-project)
+    set(ARES_LIBRARIES bundled-ares)
diff --git a/cmake/BuildLibCURL.cmake b/cmake/BuildLibCURL.cmake
index 756297878..5f8b15a63 100644
--- a/cmake/BuildLibCURL.cmake
+++ b/cmake/BuildLibCURL.cmake
@@ -164,7 +164,7 @@ macro(curl_build)
     set(CURL_LIBRARIES bundled-libcurl ${LIBZ_LIBRARY})
-        set(CURL_LIBRARIES ${CURL_LIBRARIES} bundled-ares)
diff --git a/src/CMakeLists.txt b/src/CMakeLists.txt
index bdeec5f89..7d865472d 100644
--- a/src/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/src/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -229,7 +229,7 @@ if(BUILD_STATIC)
         elseif (${libstatic} STREQUAL bundled-libcurl OR
                 ${libstatic} STREQUAL bundled-ares)
-            message("We don't need to export symbols from statically linked libcurl, skipped")
+            message("We don't need to export symbols from statically linked ${libstatic}, skipped")
             message(WARNING "${libstatic} should be a static")
diff --git a/third_party/c-ares b/third_party/c-ares
index 56a74c501..bbbffa4da 160000
--- a/third_party/c-ares
+++ b/third_party/c-ares
@@ -1 +1 @@
-Subproject commit 56a74c501a615c16ca54d608d1796e966f9a503a
+Subproject commit bbbffa4da8baf35b0e4e1c376e38018f9a8bcb4e

Serge Petrenko