* Vladislav Shpilevoy <v.shpilevoy@tarantool.org> [18/03/22 22:18]:The patch generally looks good to me, I can only nitpick on newthings. How about renaming do_connect to connect_impl and wrap_connect towrap_socket or simply wrap, or maybe bless or imbue?
+ if existing_connection then
+ connection = existing_connection
+ existing_connection = nil
Why is it necessary to set it to nil?
On reconnect it will call protocol_sm again, and it must no get old existing_connection again.
+ assert(greeting)
+ assert(greeting.protocol ~= 'Lua console')
Please keep in mind that in Lua there are no asserts - it's aruntime check.
+local function wrap_socket(connection, greeting, url, opts)
+ if connection == nil or type(greeting) ~= 'table' then
+ error('Usage: netbox.wrap_socket(socket, greeting, [opts])')
+ end
+ if greeting.protocol == 'Lua console' then
+ error('Can not wrap console socket')
+ end
+ opts = opts or {}
+ if not opts.user and not opts.password then
+ opts.user, opts.password = url.login, url.password
+ end
+ return do_connect(url.host, url.service, opts, connection, greeting)
Looks like you should make the next step, i.e. take the piece ofdo_connect which establishes a connection and move it toconnect(), and then you can the remains of do_connect into wrap()and call wrap() connect().Did you try to do it? Had any trouble?
Connection establishment must be in connect inside create_transport, because even if an existing socket was wrapped, it still can have opts.reconnect_after option and the following scenario:
socket = ...
con = netbox.wrap_socket(socket, ..., {reconnect_after = ...})
-- use connection ...
Suppose it is broken due to error. Then netbox will try to establish a new connection after 'reconnect_after' seconds.