Thanks for explanation! 



On 20 Sep 2021, at 11:28, Sergey Kaplun <> wrote:

Hi, Sergos!

Thanks for the review!

On 15.09.21, sergos wrote:
Thanks for the patch!

On 9 Sep 2021, at 10:03, Sergey Kaplun <> wrote:

When the key of a table to compare via `tap.test:is_deeply()` is
non-concatable object (i.e. lightuserdata) concatenation with path
 ^^^^ does it mean the object has no __concat, while has __tostring?

As a result: is there a case an object has no __tostring?

Yes, for example, userdata may have no neither __tostring, nor __concat
metamethod, but tostring() will show us its value and prevent raising an

| luajit -e 'print(getmetatable(newproxy(true)).__tostring, getmetatable(newproxy(true)).__concat); local r = "ud: "..tostring(newproxy()) print(r)'
| nil     nil
| ud: userdata: 0x41edce48

raises an error.

This patch converts object to string to avoid this error.

Needed for tarantool/tarantool#5629
test/tarantool-tests/tap.lua | 4 ++--
1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

diff --git a/test/tarantool-tests/tap.lua b/test/tarantool-tests/tap.lua
index 44fcac3d..a1f54d20 100644
--- a/test/tarantool-tests/tap.lua
+++ b/test/tarantool-tests/tap.lua
@@ -166,7 +166,7 @@ local function is_deeply(test, got, expected, message, extra)

   for k, v in pairs(got) do
     has[k] = true
-      extra.path = path .. "." .. k
+      extra.path = path .. "." .. tostring(k)
     if not cmpdeeply(v, expected[k], extra) then
       return false
@@ -175,7 +175,7 @@ local function is_deeply(test, got, expected, message, extra)
   -- Check if expected contains more keys then got.
   for k, v in pairs(expected) do
     if has[k] ~= true and (extra.strict or v ~= NULL) then
-        extra.path = path .. "." .. k
+        extra.path = path .. "." .. tostring(k)
       extra.expected = "key (exists): " ..  tostring(k) = "key (missing): " .. tostring(k)
       return false

Best regards,
Sergey Kaplun