Hi, Sergey,

thanks for the comments!

On 10.02.2025 17:51, Sergey Kaplun via Tarantool-patches wrote:
Hi, Sergey!
Thanks for the patch!
Please consider my comments below.

On 04.02.25, Sergey Bronnikov wrote:
sysprof has a number of options and with any incorrect option it
returns `false` and error message "profiler misuse". This message
does not descriptive for sysprof users and make using sysprof
more complicated. The patch splits error `PROFILE_ERRUSE` to four
profiling mode ("C", callgraph) if it was not passed.
I don't like this approach:
Now we have profiler-specific statuses (valid only for sysprof) in the
public API. They have no meaning for memprof. Also, that makes the
definition of errors more twisted.

Also, sysprof has options that have no meaning for memprof:

mode and interval, and sysprof accepts a table when memprof accepts

a string. It is not considered as a problem for you, but specific messages

is a problem. Seems there is an inconsistency.

Plus, the error message is a little
bit incompatible with the previous version (you may notice this in test

We discussed this verbally (you, Sergos and me) and decided that it is

not a problem.

I suggest the following approach:
We append all additional details in the error message, so it looks
| profiler misuse: sysprof mode must be 'D', 'L' or 'C'

The implementation is also simple.

Honestly, it becomes more complicated in code, because error messages are not error messages,

but error prefixes, and now you should care about two things: error message and details.

We don't need any additional statuses
for error messages, just to return in the `char **` pointer to string as
additional details.

So the usage is the following:
`parse_sysprof_opts(L, &opts, &err_details);`
`sysprof_error(L, &opts, err_details); /*details may be NULL here */`

* No custom statuses for sysprof in the public API (or reserved for
  internal usage).
* More backward compatible with previous errors -- error message
  still matches with 'profiler misuse'.
* No additional custom error definitions.
* More consistent behaviour between Lua and C API -- as we operate only
  `PROFILER_MISUSE` status everywhere.
* It simplifies error handling in `sysprof_error()` -- we just need to
  check if the given argument is NULL.
Anyway, I agree that introducing error details is a compromise in a current situtation.
* Additional argument to the internal functions `sysprof_error()`,

Side note: I believe, since we have no valuable logic in the
`parse_opts()`, its body can be merged in the `parse_sysprof_opts()`).
See my comment below.

Friendly reminder: Also, I got the following error when building LuaJIT
with sysprof disabled (we discussed it online):

| src/luajit -e 'misc.sysprof.start()'
| LuaJIT ASSERT /home/burii/reviews/luajit/sysprof-fixes/src/lj_state.c:214: close_state: memory leak of 8388624 bytes
| Aborted (core dumped)

It seems that this is an old problem unrelated to your patchset. This
happens for a non-default mode if we use the build with disabled
sysprof. Looks like we still allocated the write buffer for sysprof for
some reason.
It is not reproduced with updated patchset.

 src/lib_misc.c                                | 47 ++++++++++++++-----
 src/lj_errmsg.h                               |  4 ++
 src/lmisclib.h                                |  5 ++
 .../profilers/misclib-sysprof-lapi.test.lua   | 45 ++++++++++++++++--
 4 files changed, 85 insertions(+), 16 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/lib_misc.c b/src/lib_misc.c
index 5b7a4b62..a28e4a3c 100644
--- a/src/lib_misc.c
+++ b/src/lib_misc.c
@@ -163,6 +163,7 @@ static int on_stop_cb_default(void *opt, uint8_t *buf)
 /* The default profiling interval equals to 10 ms. */
Why is the default mode C and not D?
Fixed. (I remember you told me that would be good to set "C" as default mode)

 #define SYSPROF_DEFAULT_OUTPUT "sysprof.bin"
 static int set_output_path(const char *path, struct luam_Sysprof_Options *opt) {
@@ -185,13 +186,16 @@ static int parse_sysprof_opts(lua_State *L, struct luam_Sysprof_Options *opt, in
     const char *mode = NULL;
     cTValue *mode_opt = lj_tab_getstr(options, lj_str_newlit(L, "mode"));
-    if (!mode_opt || !tvisstr(mode_opt)) {
-      return PROFILE_ERRUSE;
+    if (mode_opt) {
+      if (!tvisstr(mode_opt))
+        return PROFILE_ERRBADMODE;
+      mode = strVdata(mode_opt);
+      if (mode[1] != '\0')
If we have `mode = ''`, this will read the byte from `g->hookmask`. The
result is always `PROFILER_ERRBADMODE` (in the current terms), but it is
still dirty reads.

Fixed by checking a string len:

       mode = strVdata(mode_opt);
-      if (mode[1] != '\0') {
+      if (strlen(mode) > 0 && mode[1] != '\0') {
         *err_details = err2msg(LJ_ERR_PROF_DETAILS_BADMODE);
         return PROFILE_ERRUSE;
(1/1) Stage this h

+        return PROFILE_ERRBADMODE;
-    mode = strVdata(mode_opt);
-    if (mode[1] != '\0')
-      return PROFILE_ERRUSE;
+    if (!mode)
     switch (*mode) {
       case 'D':
@@ -204,7 +208,7 @@ static int parse_sysprof_opts(lua_State *L, struct luam_Sysprof_Options *opt, in
         opt->mode = LUAM_SYSPROF_CALLGRAPH;
-        return PROFILE_ERRUSE;
+        return PROFILE_ERRBADMODE;
@@ -215,7 +219,7 @@ static int parse_sysprof_opts(lua_State *L, struct luam_Sysprof_Options *opt, in
     if (interval && tvisnumber(interval)) {
       int32_t signed_interval = numberVint(interval);
       if (signed_interval < 1)
-        return PROFILE_ERRUSE;
       opt->interval = signed_interval;
@@ -231,7 +235,7 @@ static int parse_sysprof_opts(lua_State *L, struct luam_Sysprof_Options *opt, in
     if (!pathtv)
     else if (!tvisstr(pathtv))
-      return PROFILE_ERRUSE;
       path = strVdata(pathtv);
@@ -253,11 +257,12 @@ static int parse_sysprof_opts(lua_State *L, struct luam_Sysprof_Options *opt, in
 static int parse_options(lua_State *L, struct luam_Sysprof_Options *opt)
I suppose this helper function isn't needed. It is not related to
memprof, so its name is misleading. Its body may be merged with
`parse_sysprof_options()` to avoid these problems.
Removed parse_options.

-  if (lua_gettop(L) != 1)
-    return PROFILE_ERRUSE;
+  if (lua_gettop(L) != 1) {
If there are 2+ arguments with different content, we still create a
table. I suppose there is no need for table creation. We may just set
the default options at once without additional processing and creation
of the table.

Good advice! Thanks, fixed.

@@ -180,8 +180,11 @@ static int set_output_path(const char *path, struct luam_Sysprof_Options *opt) {
 static int parse_sysprof_opts(lua_State *L, struct luam_Sysprof_Options *opt,
                                  const char **err_details) {
-  if (lua_gettop(L) != 1) {
-    lua_createtable(L, 0, 0);
+  int n = (int)(L->top - L->base);
+  if (n != 1) {
+    opt->mode = LUAM_SYSPROF_DEFAULT;
+    opt->interval = SYSPROF_DEFAULT_INTERVAL;
+    goto set_path;
   if (!lua_istable(L, 1)) {
@@ -241,6 +244,8 @@ static int parse_sysprof_opts(lua_State *L, struct luam_Sysprof_Options *opt,
   /* Get output path. */
   if (opt->mode != LUAM_SYSPROF_DEFAULT)

Minor: Also, maybe it is better to use `(int)(L->top - L->base)` instead
of the call to the `lua_gettop()` for consistency with the internal
LuaJIT code base. I know that this function does the same thing, but
since it is the public API, this call isn't inlined.
Fixed, thanks!

+    lua_createtable(L, 0, 0);
+  }
   if (!lua_istable(L, 1))
-    return PROFILE_ERRUSE;
   return parse_sysprof_opts(L, opt, 1);
@@ -270,6 +275,26 @@ static int sysprof_error(lua_State *L, int status)
       lua_pushstring(L, err2msg(LJ_ERR_PROF_MISUSE));
       lua_pushinteger(L, EINVAL);
       return 3;
+      lua_pushnil(L);
+      lua_pushstring(L, err2msg(LJ_ERR_PROF_BADMODE));
+      lua_pushinteger(L, EINVAL);
+      return 3;
+      lua_pushnil(L);
+      lua_pushstring(L, err2msg(LJ_ERR_PROF_BADINTERVAL));
+      lua_pushinteger(L, EINVAL);
+      return 3;
+      lua_pushnil(L);
+      lua_pushstring(L, err2msg(LJ_ERR_PROF_BADPATH));
+      lua_pushinteger(L, EINVAL);
+      return 3;
+      lua_pushnil(L);
+      lua_pushstring(L, err2msg(LJ_ERR_PROF_BADTABLE));
+      lua_pushinteger(L, EINVAL);
+      return 3;
diff --git a/src/lj_errmsg.h b/src/lj_errmsg.h
index 19c41f0b..9713d6c7 100644
--- a/src/lj_errmsg.h
+++ b/src/lj_errmsg.h
@@ -183,6 +183,10 @@ ERRDEF(FFI_NYICALL,	"NYI: cannot call this C function (yet)")
 /* Profiler errors. */
 ERRDEF(PROF_MISUSE,	"profiler misuse")
+ERRDEF(PROF_BADMODE, "profiler mode must be 'D', 'L' or 'C'")
+ERRDEF(PROF_BADINTERVAL, "profiler interval must be greater than 1")
+ERRDEF(PROF_BADPATH, "profiler path does not exist")
+ERRDEF(PROF_BADTABLE, "profiler expects a table with parameters")
The errors are sysprof-specific, so they should be defined under the
corresponding ifdef. The comment is irrelevant if you consider my
suggestion above.


 ERRDEF(PROF_ISRUNNING,	"profiler is running already")
 ERRDEF(PROF_NOTRUNNING,	"profiler is not running")
diff --git a/src/lmisclib.h b/src/lmisclib.h
index 9084319c..b4eb0b57 100644
--- a/src/lmisclib.h
+++ b/src/lmisclib.h
@@ -142,6 +142,11 @@ struct luam_Sysprof_Options {
 #define PROFILE_ERRMEM  3
 #define PROFILE_ERRIO   4
The errors are sysprof-specific, so they should be defined under the
corresponding ifdef. Also, they are blocking the future introduction of
profiler-general errors. The comment is irrelevant if you consider my
suggestion above.
these additional err codes were removed

 LUAMISC_API int luaM_sysprof_set_writer(luam_Sysprof_writer writer);
 LUAMISC_API int luaM_sysprof_set_on_stop(luam_Sysprof_on_stop on_stop);
diff --git a/test/tarantool-tests/profilers/misclib-sysprof-lapi.test.lua b/test/tarantool-tests/profilers/misclib-sysprof-lapi.test.lua
index 581fb7fd..68a4b72f 100644
--- a/test/tarantool-tests/profilers/misclib-sysprof-lapi.test.lua
+++ b/test/tarantool-tests/profilers/misclib-sysprof-lapi.test.lua
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ local test = tap.test("misc-sysprof-lapi"):skipcond({
   ["Disabled due to #10803"] = os.getenv("LUAJIT_TEST_USE_VALGRIND"),
 -- XXX: Run JIT tuning functions in a safe frame to avoid errors
@@ -65,9 +65,25 @@ end
 -- Wrong profiling mode.
 local res, err, errno = misc.sysprof.start{ mode = "A" }
-test:ok(res == nil and err:match("profiler misuse"), "res with no parameters")
+test:ok(res == nil, "res with no parameters")
+test:ok(err:match("profiler mode must be 'D', 'L' or 'C'"),
+        "error with no parameters")
 test:ok(type(errno) == "number", "errno with no parameters")
+-- Missed profiling mode.
+res, err, errno = misc.sysprof.start{}
+test:is(res, true, "res with missed profiling mode")
+test:is(err, nil, "error with missed profiling mode")
Typo: s/error/no error/

+test:is(errno, nil, "errno with missed profiling mode")
Typo: s/errno/no errno/

+assert(misc.sysprof.stop(), "sysprof is not stopped")
I would rather drop the "sysprof is not stopped" -- in that case we will
see the reason _why_ it is not stopped successfully instead.

+-- Not a table.
+res, err, errno = misc.sysprof.start("NOT A TABLE")
+test:ok(res == nil, "res with not a table")
+test:ok(err:match("profiler expects a table with parameters"),
+        "error with not a table")
+test:ok(type(errno) == "number", "errno with not a table")
 -- Already running.
 res, err = misc.sysprof.start{ mode = "D" }
 assert(res, err)
@@ -90,10 +106,29 @@ res, err, errno = misc.sysprof.start({ mode = "C", path = BAD_PATH })
 test:ok(res == nil and err:match("No such file or directory"), "res and error with bad path")
 test:ok(type(errno) == "number", "errno with bad path")
--- Bad interval.
+-- Bad interval (-1).
 res, err, errno = misc.sysprof.start{ mode = "C", interval = -1 }
-test:ok(res == nil and err:match("profiler misuse"), "res and error with bad interval")
-test:ok(type(errno) == "number", "errno with bad interval")
+test:ok(res == nil, "res with bad interval -1")
+test:ok(err:match("profiler interval must be greater than 1"),
+        "error with bad interval -1")
+test:ok(type(errno) == "number", "errno with bad interval -1")
+-- Bad interval (0).
+res, err, errno = misc.sysprof.start{ mode = "C", interval = 0 }
+test:ok(res == nil, "res with bad interval 0")
+test:ok(err:match("profiler interval must be greater than 1"),
+        "error with bad interval 0")
+test:ok(type(errno) == "number", "errno with bad interval 0")
+-- Good interval (1).
+res, err, errno = misc.sysprof.start{
Here we created a file and don't delete it after the test ends. Maybe it
is better to use '/dev/null', since we don't care about the content of
the file.

+    mode = "C",
+    interval = 1,
+test:is(res, true, "res with good interval 1")
+test:is(err, nil, "error with good interval 1")
+test:is(errno, nil, "errno with good interval 1")