Hi, Igor!
Thanks for the patch!
Best regards,
Maxim Kokryashkin
Fixed 149 occurrences of E302 ("expected 2 blank lines, found 1") error
reported by pycodestyle[1].

[1]: https://www.flake8rules.com/rules/E302.html

Signed-off-by: Igor Munkin <imun@tarantool.org>
 src/luajit-gdb.py | 73 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 src/luajit_lldb.py | 76 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 149 insertions(+)

diff --git a/src/luajit-gdb.py b/src/luajit-gdb.py
index f87063f8..9c51be0b 100644
--- a/src/luajit-gdb.py
+++ b/src/luajit-gdb.py
@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ if LEGACY:
 gtype_cache = {}
 def gtype(typestr):
     global gtype_cache
     if typestr in gtype_cache:
@@ -31,13 +32,16 @@ def gtype(typestr):
     gtype_cache[typestr] = gtype
     return gtype
 def cast(typestr, val):
     return gdb.Value(val).cast(gtype(typestr))
 def lookup(symbol):
     variable, _ = gdb.lookup_symbol(symbol)
     return variable.value() if variable else None
 def parse_arg(arg):
     if not arg:
         return None
@@ -49,15 +53,19 @@ def parse_arg(arg):
     return ret
 def tou64(val):
     return cast('uint64_t', val) & 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
 def tou32(val):
     return cast('uint32_t', val) & 0xFFFFFFFF
 def i2notu32(val):
     return ~int(val) & 0xFFFFFFFF
 def strx64(val):
     return re.sub('L?$', '',
                   hex(int(cast('uint64_t', val) & 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF)))
@@ -81,6 +89,7 @@ LJ_T = {
     'NUMX': i2notu32(13),
 def typenames(value):
     return {
         LJ_T[k]: 'LJ_T' + k for k in LJ_T.keys()
@@ -105,6 +114,7 @@ FRAME = {
     'PCALLH': 0x7,
 def frametypes(ft):
     return {
         FRAME['LUA']: 'L',
@@ -113,43 +123,55 @@ def frametypes(ft):
         FRAME['VARG']: 'V',
     }.get(ft, '?')
 def bc_a(ins):
     return (ins >> 8) & 0xff
 def frame_ftsz(framelink):
     return cast('ptrdiff_t', framelink['ftsz'] if LJ_FR2 \
                 else framelink['fr']['tp']['ftsz'])
 def frame_pc(framelink):
     return cast('BCIns *', frame_ftsz(framelink)) if LJ_FR2 \
         else mref('BCIns *', framelink['fr']['tp']['pcr'])
 def frame_prevl(framelink):
     return framelink - (1 + LJ_FR2 + bc_a(frame_pc(framelink)[-1]))
 def frame_ispcall(framelink):
     return (frame_ftsz(framelink) & FRAME['PCALL']) == FRAME['PCALL']
 def frame_sized(framelink):
     return (frame_ftsz(framelink) & ~FRAME_TYPEP)
 def frame_prevd(framelink):
     return cast('TValue *', cast('char *', framelink) - frame_sized(framelink))
 def frame_type(framelink):
     return frame_ftsz(framelink) & FRAME_TYPE
 def frame_typep(framelink):
     return frame_ftsz(framelink) & FRAME_TYPEP
 def frame_islua(framelink):
     return frametypes(int(frame_type(framelink))) == 'L' \
         and int(frame_ftsz(framelink)) > 0
 def frame_prev(framelink):
     return frame_prevl(framelink) if frame_islua(framelink) \
         else frame_prevd(framelink)
 def frame_sentinel(L):
     return mref('TValue *', L['stack']) + LJ_FR2
@@ -174,23 +196,29 @@ LIGHTUD_LO_MASK = (1 << LJ_LIGHTUD_BITS_LO) - 1
 # }}}
 def itype(o):
     return cast('uint32_t', o['it64'] >> 47) if LJ_GC64 else o['it']
 def mref(typename, obj):
     return cast(typename, obj['ptr64'] if LJ_GC64 else obj['ptr32'])
 def gcref(obj):
     return cast('GCobj *', obj['gcptr64'] if LJ_GC64
                 else cast('uintptr_t', obj['gcptr32']))
 def gcval(obj):
     return cast('GCobj *', obj['gcptr64'] & LJ_GCVMASK if LJ_GC64
                 else cast('uintptr_t', obj['gcptr32']))
 def gcnext(obj):
     return gcref(obj)['gch']['nextgc']
 def L(L=None):
     # lookup a symbol for the main coroutine considering the host app
     # XXX Fragile: though the loop initialization looks like a crap but it
@@ -205,9 +233,11 @@ def L(L=None):
         if l:
             return cast('lua_State *', l)
 def G(L):
     return mref('global_State *', L['glref'])
 def J(g):
     typeGG = gtype('GG_State')
@@ -215,6 +245,7 @@ def J(g):
                 - int(typeGG['g'].bitpos / 8)
                 + int(typeGG['J'].bitpos / 8))
 def vm_state(g):
     return {
         i2notu32(0): 'INTERP',
@@ -228,6 +259,7 @@ def vm_state(g):
         i2notu32(8): 'ASM',
     }.get(int(tou32(g['vmstate'])), 'TRACE')
 def gc_state(g):
     return {
         0: 'PAUSE',
@@ -239,6 +271,7 @@ def gc_state(g):
         6: 'LAST',
     }.get(int(g['gc']['state']), 'INVALID')
 def jit_state(g):
     return {
         0: 'IDLE',
@@ -250,18 +283,22 @@ def jit_state(g):
         0x15: 'ERR',
     }.get(int(J(g)['state']), 'INVALID')
 def tvisint(o):
     return LJ_DUALNUM and itype(o) == LJ_TISNUM
 def tvisnumber(o):
     return itype(o) <= LJ_TISNUM
 def tvislightud(o):
     if LJ_64 and not LJ_GC64:
         return (cast('int32_t', itype(o)) >> 15) == -2
         return itype(o) == LJ_T['LIGHTUD']
 def strdata(obj):
     # String is printed with pointer to it, thanks to gdb. Just strip it.
@@ -269,6 +306,7 @@ def strdata(obj):
     except UnicodeEncodeError:
         return "<luajit-gdb: error occured while rendering non-ascii slot>"
 def itypemap(o):
     if LJ_64 and not LJ_GC64:
         return LJ_T['NUMX'] if tvisnumber(o) \
@@ -277,12 +315,14 @@ def itypemap(o):
         return LJ_T['NUMX'] if tvisnumber(o) else itype(o)
 def funcproto(func):
     assert(func['ffid'] == 0)
     return cast('GCproto *',
                 mref('char *', func['pc']) - gdb.lookup_type('GCproto').sizeof)
 def gclistlen(root, end=0x0):
     count = 0
     while(gcref(root) != end):
@@ -290,6 +330,7 @@ def gclistlen(root, end=0x0):
         root = gcnext(root)
     return count
 def gcringlen(root):
     if not gcref(root):
         return 0
@@ -307,6 +348,7 @@ gclen = {
     'mmudata': gcringlen,
 # The generator that implements frame iterator.
 # Every frame is represented as a tuple of framelink and frametop.
 def frames(L):
@@ -320,6 +362,7 @@ def frames(L):
         framelink = frame_prev(framelink)
 def lightudV(tv):
     if LJ_64:
         u = int(tv['u64'])
@@ -333,33 +376,42 @@ def lightudV(tv):
 # Dumpers {{{
 def dump_lj_tnil(tv):
     return 'nil'
 def dump_lj_tfalse(tv):
     return 'false'
 def dump_lj_ttrue(tv):
     return 'true'
 def dump_lj_tlightud(tv):
     return 'light userdata @ {}'.format(strx64(lightudV(tv)))
 def dump_lj_tstr(tv):
     return 'string {body} @ {address}'.format(
 def dump_lj_tupval(tv):
     return 'upvalue @ {}'.format(strx64(gcval(tv['gcr'])))
 def dump_lj_tthread(tv):
     return 'thread @ {}'.format(strx64(gcval(tv['gcr'])))
 def dump_lj_tproto(tv):
     return 'proto @ {}'.format(strx64(gcval(tv['gcr'])))
 def dump_lj_tfunc(tv):
     func = cast('struct GCfuncC *', gcval(tv['gcr']))
     ffid = func['ffid']
@@ -377,6 +429,7 @@ def dump_lj_tfunc(tv):
         return 'fast function #{}'.format(int(ffid))
 def dump_lj_ttrace(tv):
     trace = cast('struct GCtrace *', gcval(tv['gcr']))
     return 'trace {traceno} @ {addr}'.format(
@@ -384,9 +437,11 @@ def dump_lj_ttrace(tv):
 def dump_lj_tcdata(tv):
     return 'cdata @ {}'.format(strx64(gcval(tv['gcr'])))
 def dump_lj_ttab(tv):
     table = cast('GCtab *', gcval(tv['gcr']))
     return 'table @ {gcr} (asize: {asize}, hmask: {hmask})'.format(
@@ -395,15 +450,18 @@ def dump_lj_ttab(tv):
 def dump_lj_tudata(tv):
     return 'userdata @ {}'.format(strx64(gcval(tv['gcr'])))
 def dump_lj_tnumx(tv):
     if tvisint(tv):
         return 'integer {}'.format(cast('int32_t', tv['i']))
         return 'number {}'.format(cast('double', tv['n']))
 def dump_lj_invalid(tv):
     return 'not valid type @ {}'.format(strx64(gcval(tv['gcr'])))
@@ -426,13 +484,16 @@ dumpers = {
     'LJ_TNUMX': dump_lj_tnumx,
 def dump_tvalue(tvalue):
     return dumpers.get(typenames(itypemap(tvalue)), dump_lj_invalid)(tvalue)
 def dump_framelink_slot_address(fr):
     return '{}:{}'.format(fr - 1, fr) if LJ_FR2 \
         else '{}'.format(fr) + PADDING
 def dump_framelink(L, fr):
     if fr == frame_sentinel(L):
         return '{addr} [S ] FRAME: dummy L'.format(
@@ -448,6 +509,7 @@ def dump_framelink(L, fr):
         f=dump_lj_tfunc(fr - LJ_FR2),
 def dump_stack_slot(L, slot, base=None, top=None):
     base = base or L['base']
     top = top or L['top']
@@ -461,6 +523,7 @@ def dump_stack_slot(L, slot, base=None, top=None):
 def dump_stack(L, base=None, top=None):
     base = base or L['base']
     top = top or L['top']
@@ -502,6 +565,7 @@ def dump_stack(L, base=None, top=None):
     return '\n'.join(dump)
 def dump_gc(g):
     gc = g['gc']
     stats = ['{key}: {value}'.format(key=f, value=gc[f]) for f in (
@@ -530,6 +594,7 @@ class LJBase(gdb.Command):
         gdb.Command.__init__(self, name, gdb.COMMAND_DATA)
         gdb.write('{} command initialized\n'.format(name))
 class LJDumpArch(LJBase):
@@ -549,6 +614,7 @@ pointers respectively.
 class LJDumpTValue(LJBase):
 lj-tv <TValue *>
@@ -582,6 +648,7 @@ error message occurs.
         tv = cast('TValue *', parse_arg(arg))
 class LJDumpString(LJBase):
 lj-str <GCstr *>
@@ -601,6 +668,7 @@ is replaced with the corresponding error when decoding fails.
 class LJDumpTable(LJBase):
 lj-tab <GCtab *>
@@ -646,6 +714,7 @@ The command receives a GCtab adress and dumps the table contents:
                 n=mref('struct Node *', node['next'])
 class LJDumpStack(LJBase):
 lj-stack [<lua_State *>]
@@ -682,6 +751,7 @@ If L is ommited the main coroutine is used.
     def invoke(self, arg, from_tty):
 class LJState(LJBase):
@@ -701,6 +771,7 @@ The command requires no args and dumps current VM and GC states
 class LJGC(LJBase):
@@ -727,6 +798,7 @@ The command requires no args and dumps current GC stats:
 def init(commands):
@@ -783,6 +855,7 @@ def init(commands):
     gdb.write('luajit-gdb.py is successfully loaded\n')
 def load(event=None):
         'lj-arch': LJDumpArch,
diff --git a/src/luajit_lldb.py b/src/luajit_lldb.py
index b62705c3..bd8353d5 100644
--- a/src/luajit_lldb.py
+++ b/src/luajit_lldb.py
@@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ LJ_TISNUM = None
 # Global
 target = None
 class Ptr:
     def __init__(self, value, normal_type):
         self.value = value
@@ -82,6 +83,7 @@ class Ptr:
             return getattr(self.__deref, name)
         return self.__deref
 class MetaStruct(type):
     def __init__(cls, name, bases, nmspc):
         super(MetaStruct, cls).__init__(name, bases, nmspc)
@@ -108,6 +110,7 @@ class MetaStruct(type):
                         property(make_general(field[1], field[0])),
 class Struct(metaclass=MetaStruct):
     def __init__(self, value):
         self.value = value
@@ -274,6 +277,7 @@ class Command(object):
         automatically transformed into proper errors.
 def cast(typename, value):
     pointer_type = False
     name = None
@@ -321,31 +325,39 @@ def cast(typename, value):
         return casted
 def lookup_global(name):
     return target.FindFirstGlobalVariable(name)
 def type_member(type_obj, name):
     return next((x for x in type_obj.members if x.name == name), None)
 def find_type(typename):
     return target.FindFirstType(typename)
 def offsetof(typename, membername):
     type_obj = find_type(typename)
     member = type_member(type_obj, membername)
     assert member is not None
     return member.GetOffsetInBytes()
 def sizeof(typename):
     type_obj = find_type(typename)
     return type_obj.GetByteSize()
 def vtou64(value):
     return value.unsigned & 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
 def vtoi(value):
     return value.signed
 def dbg_eval(expr):
     process = target.GetProcess()
     thread = process.GetSelectedThread()
@@ -354,17 +366,21 @@ def dbg_eval(expr):
 # }}} Debugger specific
 def gcval(obj):
     return cast(GCobjPtr, cast('uintptr_t', obj.gcptr & LJ_GCVMASK) if LJ_GC64
                 else cast('uintptr_t', obj.gcptr))
 def gcref(obj):
     return cast(GCobjPtr, obj.gcptr if LJ_GC64
                 else cast('uintptr_t', obj.gcptr))
 def gcnext(obj):
     return gcref(obj).gch.nextgc
 def gclistlen(root, end=0x0):
     count = 0
     while(gcref(root) != end):
@@ -372,6 +388,7 @@ def gclistlen(root, end=0x0):
         root = gcnext(root)
     return count
 def gcringlen(root):
     if not gcref(root):
         return 0
@@ -389,6 +406,7 @@ gclen = {
     'mmudata': gcringlen,
 def dump_gc(g):
     gc = g.gc
     stats = ['{key}: {value}'.format(key=f, value=getattr(gc, f)) for f in (
@@ -407,9 +425,11 @@ def dump_gc(g):
     ) for stat, handler in gclen.items()]
     return '\n'.join(map(lambda s: '\t' + s, stats))
 def mref(typename, obj):
     return cast(typename, obj.ptr)
 def J(g):
     g_offset = offsetof('GG_State', 'g')
     J_offset = offsetof('GG_State', 'J')
@@ -418,9 +438,11 @@ def J(g):
         vtou64(cast('char *', g)) - g_offset + J_offset,
 def G(L):
     return mref(global_StatePtr, L.glref)
 def L(L=None):
     # lookup a symbol for the main coroutine considering the host app
     # XXX Fragile: though the loop initialization looks like a crap but it
@@ -435,12 +457,15 @@ def L(L=None):
         if l:
             return lua_State(l)
 def tou32(val):
     return val & 0xFFFFFFFF
 def i2notu32(val):
     return ~int(val) & 0xFFFFFFFF
 def vm_state(g):
     return {
         i2notu32(0): 'INTERP',
@@ -454,6 +479,7 @@ def vm_state(g):
         i2notu32(8): 'ASM',
     }.get(int(tou32(g.vmstate)), 'TRACE')
 def gc_state(g):
     return {
         0: 'PAUSE',
@@ -465,6 +491,7 @@ def gc_state(g):
         6: 'LAST',
     }.get(g.gc.state, 'INVALID')
 def jit_state(g):
     return {
         0: 'IDLE',
@@ -476,16 +503,19 @@ def jit_state(g):
         0x15: 'ERR',
     }.get(J(g).state, 'INVALID')
 def strx64(val):
     return re.sub('L?$', '',
                   hex(int(val) & 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF))
 def funcproto(func):
     assert(func.ffid == 0)
     proto_size = sizeof('GCproto')
     value = cast('uintptr_t', vtou64(mref('char *', func.pc)) - proto_size)
     return cast(GCprotoPtr, value)
 def strdata(obj):
         ptr = cast('char *', obj + 1)
@@ -493,48 +523,61 @@ def strdata(obj):
     except UnicodeEncodeError:
         return "<luajit-lldb: error occured while rendering non-ascii slot>"
 def itype(o):
     return tou32(o.it64 >> 47) if LJ_GC64 else o.it
 def tvisint(o):
     return LJ_DUALNUM and itype(o) == LJ_TISNUM
 def tvislightud(o):
     if LJ_64 and not LJ_GC64:
         return (vtoi(cast('int32_t', itype(o))) >> 15) == -2
         return itype(o) == LJ_T['LIGHTUD']
 def tvisnumber(o):
     return itype(o) <= LJ_TISNUM
 def dump_lj_tnil(tv):
     return 'nil'
 def dump_lj_tfalse(tv):
     return 'false'
 def dump_lj_ttrue(tv):
     return 'true'
 def dump_lj_tlightud(tv):
     return 'light userdata @ {}'.format(strx64(gcval(tv.gcr)))
 def dump_lj_tstr(tv):
     return 'string {body} @ {address}'.format(
         body=strdata(cast(GCstrPtr, gcval(tv.gcr))),
 def dump_lj_tupval(tv):
     return 'upvalue @ {}'.format(strx64(gcval(tv.gcr)))
 def dump_lj_tthread(tv):
     return 'thread @ {}'.format(strx64(gcval(tv.gcr)))
 def dump_lj_tproto(tv):
     return 'proto @ {}'.format(strx64(gcval(tv.gcr)))
 def dump_lj_tfunc(tv):
     func = cast(GCfuncCPtr, gcval(tv.gcr))
     ffid = func.ffid
@@ -552,6 +595,7 @@ def dump_lj_tfunc(tv):
         return 'fast function #{}'.format(ffid)
 def dump_lj_ttrace(tv):
     trace = cast(GCtracePtr, gcval(tv.gcr))
     return 'trace {traceno} @ {addr}'.format(
@@ -559,9 +603,11 @@ def dump_lj_ttrace(tv):
 def dump_lj_tcdata(tv):
     return 'cdata @ {}'.format(strx64(gcval(tv.gcr)))
 def dump_lj_ttab(tv):
     table = cast(GCtabPtr, gcval(tv.gcr))
     return 'table @ {gcr} (asize: {asize}, hmask: {hmask})'.format(
@@ -570,15 +616,18 @@ def dump_lj_ttab(tv):
 def dump_lj_tudata(tv):
     return 'userdata @ {}'.format(strx64(gcval(tv.gcr)))
 def dump_lj_tnumx(tv):
     if tvisint(tv):
         return 'integer {}'.format(cast('int32_t', tv.i))
         return 'number {}'.format(tv.n)
 def dump_lj_invalid(tv):
     return 'not valid type @ {}'.format(strx64(gcval(tv.gcr)))
@@ -616,6 +665,7 @@ LJ_T = {
     'NUMX': i2notu32(13),
 def itypemap(o):
     if LJ_64 and not LJ_GC64:
         return LJ_T['NUMX'] if tvisnumber(o) \
@@ -623,11 +673,13 @@ def itypemap(o):
         return LJ_T['NUMX'] if tvisnumber(o) else itype(o)
 def typenames(value):
     return {
         LJ_T[k]: 'LJ_T' + k for k in LJ_T.keys()
     }.get(int(value), 'LJ_TINVALID')
 def dump_tvalue(tvptr):
     return dumpers.get(typenames(itypemap(tvptr)), dump_lj_invalid)(tvptr)
@@ -646,6 +698,7 @@ FRAME = {
     'PCALLH': 0x7,
 def frametypes(ft):
     return {
         FRAME['LUA']: 'L',
@@ -654,17 +707,21 @@ def frametypes(ft):
         FRAME['VARG']: 'V',
     }.get(ft, '?')
 def bc_a(ins):
     return (ins >> 8) & 0xff
 def frame_ftsz(framelink):
     return vtou64(cast('ptrdiff_t', framelink.ftsz if LJ_FR2 \
                        else framelink.fr.tp.ftsz))
 def frame_pc(framelink):
     return cast(BCInsPtr, frame_ftsz(framelink)) if LJ_FR2 \
         else mref(BCInsPtr, framelink.fr.tp.pcr)
 def frame_prevl(framelink):
     # We are evaluating the `frame_pc(framelink)[-1])` with lldb's
     # REPL, because the lldb API is faulty and it's not possible to cast
@@ -673,32 +730,41 @@ def frame_prevl(framelink):
     # a pointer to it.
     return framelink - (1 + LJ_FR2 + bc_a(vtou64(dbg_eval('((BCIns *)' + str(frame_pc(framelink)) + ')[-1]'))))
 def frame_ispcall(framelink):
     return (frame_ftsz(framelink) & FRAME['PCALL']) == FRAME['PCALL']
 def frame_sized(framelink):
     return (frame_ftsz(framelink) & ~FRAME_TYPEP)
 def frame_prevd(framelink):
     return framelink - int(frame_sized(framelink) / sizeof('TValue'))
 def frame_type(framelink):
     return frame_ftsz(framelink) & FRAME_TYPE
 def frame_typep(framelink):
     return frame_ftsz(framelink) & FRAME_TYPEP
 def frame_islua(framelink):
     return frametypes(frame_type(framelink)) == 'L' \
         and frame_ftsz(framelink) > 0
 def frame_prev(framelink):
     return frame_prevl(framelink) if frame_islua(framelink) \
         else frame_prevd(framelink)
 def frame_sentinel(L):
     return mref(TValuePtr, L.stack) + LJ_FR2
 # The generator that implements frame iterator.
 # Every frame is represented as a tuple of framelink and frametop.
 def frames(L):
@@ -712,6 +778,7 @@ def frames(L):
         framelink = frame_prev(framelink)
 def dump_framelink_slot_address(fr):
     return '{start:{padding}}:{end:{padding}}'.format(
         start=hex(int(fr - 1)),
@@ -722,6 +789,7 @@ def dump_framelink_slot_address(fr):
 def dump_framelink(L, fr):
     if fr == frame_sentinel(L):
         return '{addr} [S ] FRAME: dummy L'.format(
@@ -737,6 +805,7 @@ def dump_framelink(L, fr):
         f=dump_lj_tfunc(fr - LJ_FR2),
 def dump_stack_slot(L, slot, base=None, top=None):
     base = base or L.base
     top = top or L.top
@@ -750,6 +819,7 @@ def dump_stack_slot(L, slot, base=None, top=None):
 def dump_stack(L, base=None, top=None):
     base = base or L.base
     top = top or L.top
@@ -845,6 +915,7 @@ The command requires no args and dumps current VM and GC states
 class LJDumpArch(Command):
@@ -863,6 +934,7 @@ pointers respectively.
 class LJGC(Command):
@@ -888,6 +960,7 @@ The command requires no args and dumps current GC stats:
 class LJDumpString(Command):
 lj-str <GCstr *>
@@ -906,6 +979,7 @@ is replaced with the corresponding error when decoding fails.
 class LJDumpTable(Command):
 lj-tab <GCtab *>
@@ -950,6 +1024,7 @@ The command receives a GCtab adress and dumps the table contents:
                 n=strx64(mref(NodePtr, node.next))
 class LJDumpStack(Command):
 lj-stack [<lua_State *>]
@@ -999,6 +1074,7 @@ def register_commands(debugger, commands):
         print('{cmd} command intialized'.format(cmd=cls.command))
 def configure(debugger):
     global LJ_64, LJ_GC64, LJ_FR2, LJ_DUALNUM, PADDING, LJ_TISNUM, target
     target = debugger.GetSelectedTarget()