Sergey, thanks for review. See my four comments below:
Среда, 20 мая 2020, 11:07 +03:00 от Sergey Bronnikov <>:
>    - test
> +  - integr_test

1. We have no string length limitation here, please replace it with
Sure. will do.


>  build_debian:

2. What is purpose of enabling ENABLE_DIST here?
The reason is that tarantoolctl needed for testing vshard module.
-DENABLE_DIST=ON option is used to enable tarantoolctl during «make install».
> +       make install
> +       git clone --recurse-submodules vshard

3. We don't need full GIT history here, so I propose to limit it for 1
level with '--depth=1'. It reduces time a bit on clone repository.
It doesn’t work, because some tests use git history:
TEST: reload_evolution/storage.test.lua
  vshard_copy_path = util.git_checkout('vshard_git_tree_copy',                    \

4. You are using latest version of vshard from a master branch, so you
are testing latest version of tarantool against latest *non-released*
version of vshard. Why? From my point of view we should test against
released and supported versions of vshard. Latest release was on Feb 24
and we must use it in testing.
As we discussed in chat — latest version of vshard will be used.
Oleg Piskunov