Alexander, I’ve tried your suggestion on brew update and created the issue on testing suites list, check the following.
Среда, 25 марта 2020, 15:30 +03:00 от Alexander Turenko <>:
> >> + brew update || echo | /usr/bin/ruby -e \
> >> + "$(curl -fsSL )"
> >
> >Why don't update formulae after installing brew?
> The tapped formula does not exist in brew any more, though it can’t be
> updated.

After installing brew you'll have fresh brew, but no formulae, I guess.
Will the next `brew install` work? I guess, no. You need `brew update`
after this.
I’ve tried to remove the brew and reinstalled it with this command, seems that all needed updates were tried to do during the installation:
==> Tapping homebrew/core
Cloning into '/usr/local/Homebrew/Library/Taps/homebrew/homebrew-core'...
remote: Enumerating objects: 699135, done.
remote: Total 699135 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0), pack-reused 699135
Receiving objects: 100% (699135/699135), 283.20 MiB | 8.49 MiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (459609/459609), done.
Tapped 2 commands and 4942 formulae (5,205 files, 310.5MB).
Already up-to-date.

Also the next command with installation passed without any issues and installed all the needed packages.

So it seems logical to do `[ -z "$(which brew) "] && ruby
brew_install_script; brew update` rather than `brew update || ruby

> >From the previous review [1]:
> >
> >> > > So you added brew installation when it is not installed. Add this to the
> >> > > commit message at least.
> >> >
> >> > Is it possible at all for a machine that is enabled into CI? Aren't you
> >> > use brew to install gitlab runner?
> >> >
> >> > I’ve added the commit message about it. This change is really needed to be sure that
> >> > our customers can use this script too.
> >
> >Are there any customer who run our testing? I don't know anyone. Even if
> >one doing it, (s)he prepares an environment and invoke `make test` or
> >`cd test && ./`.
> >
> >So it is the dead code. Personally I prefer to don't have dead code. If
> >you decided to do it, okay.
> >
> >[1]:
> Actually, I’ve meant that people who run on Mac hosts, like people
> in our group.

Developers doing `make test` or `cd test && ./`. Nobody want
to run a testing script and found that something was changed in its
system. So I'm still on my view.

> >> + # try to install the packages either upgrade it to avoid of fails
> >> + # if the package already exists with the previous version
> >> + brew install --force ${OSX_PKGS} || brew upgrade ${OSX_PKGS}
> >> + pip install --force-reinstall -r test-run/requirements.txt
> >
> >--user (pip option) is not needed anymore? It was added to avoid using
> >of sudo or virtualenv. Is it related to a Travis CI infrastructure
> >change?
> Right, but in real it was added because of gitlab-ci, for now we have
> well configured OSX like travis’s.

'It' -- the option? Okay so. Good piece of information to add to the
commit message.
Ok, added.

> >It looks a bit strance that pip w/o --user just works from 'travis'
> >user.
> You may check that testing passed with installation part without issues (check from line 8908):

Okay. Yep, it seems pip assumes --user by default in Travis CI. Maybe I
wrongly remember that --user was added for Travis CI (AFAIR it was done
by Arseniy).

> >> + cd test && ./ --vardir /tmp/tnt --force $(TEST_RUN_EXTRA_PARAMS) \
> >> app/ app-tap/ box/ box-py/ box-tap/ engine/ engine_long/ long_run-py/ luajit-tap/ \
> >> replication-py/ small/ sql/ sql-tap/ swim/ unit/ vinyl/ wal_off/ xlog/ xlog-py/
> >
> >Why not to use --exclude or TEST_RUN_EXCLUDE?
> >
> >Are there any issue about disabled tests?
> >
> >Why the whole suite is going to be disabled? To save time to investigate
> >problems?
> >
> >When we'll investigate and enable tests rather then only disable them?
> >The past year trend to don't enable anything back…
> This commit is already complete of changes and the change on the
> testing suites better to make in the next patch, due to the list of
> suites were not changed.

Let's add the info about Mac OS X testing into the relevant issue to
track disabled tests (AFAIR you have one, but it was about testing
during RPM packages build).
Ok, sure:

> >From the previous review [1]:
> >
> >> > The problem with 'var' directory is not related to the new way to Python
> >> > 2 installation? Why everything is in one commit?
> >>
> >> This commit is about OSX host setup for building and testing, so I
> >> think it is ok to set it here.
> >
> >It sounds as 'because something going not right, when something was
> >changed'. Neat reason.
> >
> >I cannot say neither 'ok', not 'not ok' for this. Okay, I can guess that
> >working directory is changed somehow, but why and where?
> ‘var’ directory lays too deep at the path and the length of the path
> is too long for tool which fails because of it, the
> solution to fix it is to use the short link for the ‘var’ directory.

Why it was okay, but becomes too long?
Because the name of the user on the new mac mini and its home path is really long
echo ~ | wc -c
also the path of tarantool/test/var adds.
Alexander Tikhonov