Alexander, I’ve tried your suggestion on brew update and created the issue on testing suites list, check the following.   >Среда, 25 марта 2020, 15:30 +03:00 от Alexander Turenko : >  >> >> + brew update || echo | /usr/bin/ruby -e \ >> >> + "$(curl -fsSL )" >> > >> >Why don't update formulae after installing brew? >> >> The tapped formula does not exist in brew any more, though it can’t be >> updated. > >After installing brew you'll have fresh brew, but no formulae, I guess. >Will the next `brew install` work? I guess, no. You need `brew update` >after this. I’ve tried to remove the brew and reinstalled it with this command, seems that all needed updates were tried to do during the installation: ==> Tapping homebrew/core Cloning into '/usr/local/Homebrew/Library/Taps/homebrew/homebrew-core'... remote: Enumerating objects: 699135, done. remote: Total 699135 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0), pack-reused 699135 Receiving objects: 100% (699135/699135), 283.20 MiB | 8.49 MiB/s, done. Resolving deltas: 100% (459609/459609), done. Tapped 2 commands and 4942 formulae (5,205 files, 310.5MB). Already up-to-date. Also the next command with installation passed without any issues and installed all the needed packages. > >So it seems logical to do `[ -z "$(which brew) "] && ruby >brew_install_script; brew update` rather than `brew update || ruby >brew_install_script`. > >> >From the previous review [1]: >> > >> >> > > So you added brew installation when it is not installed. Add this to the >> >> > > commit message at least. >> >> > >> >> > Is it possible at all for a machine that is enabled into CI? Aren't you >> >> > use brew to install gitlab runner? >> >> > >> >> > I’ve added the commit message about it. This change is really needed to be sure that >> >> > our customers can use this script too. >> > >> >Are there any customer who run our testing? I don't know anyone. Even if >> >one doing it, (s)he prepares an environment and invoke `make test` or >> >`cd test && ./`. >> > >> >So it is the dead code. Personally I prefer to don't have dead code. If >> >you decided to do it, okay. >> > >> >[1]: >> >> Actually, I’ve meant that people who run on Mac hosts, like people >> in our group. > >Developers doing `make test` or `cd test && ./`. Nobody want >to run a testing script and found that something was changed in its >system. So I'm still on my view. > >> >> + # try to install the packages either upgrade it to avoid of fails >> >> + # if the package already exists with the previous version >> >> + brew install --force ${OSX_PKGS} || brew upgrade ${OSX_PKGS} >> >> + pip install --force-reinstall -r test-run/requirements.txt >> > >> >--user (pip option) is not needed anymore? It was added to avoid using >> >of sudo or virtualenv. Is it related to a Travis CI infrastructure >> >change? >> >> Right, but in real it was added because of gitlab-ci, for now we have >> well configured OSX like travis’s. > >'It' -- the option? Okay so. Good piece of information to add to the >commit message. Ok, added. > >> >It looks a bit strance that pip w/o --user just works from 'travis' >> >user. >> You may check that testing passed with installation part without issues (check from line 8908): >> > >Okay. Yep, it seems pip assumes --user by default in Travis CI. Maybe I >wrongly remember that --user was added for Travis CI (AFAIR it was done >by Arseniy). > >> >> + cd test && ./ --vardir /tmp/tnt --force $(TEST_RUN_EXTRA_PARAMS) \ >> >> app/ app-tap/ box/ box-py/ box-tap/ engine/ engine_long/ long_run-py/ luajit-tap/ \ >> >> replication-py/ small/ sql/ sql-tap/ swim/ unit/ vinyl/ wal_off/ xlog/ xlog-py/ >> > >> >Why not to use --exclude or TEST_RUN_EXCLUDE? >> > >> >Are there any issue about disabled tests? >> > >> >Why the whole suite is going to be disabled? To save time to investigate >> >problems? >> > >> >When we'll investigate and enable tests rather then only disable them? >> >The past year trend to don't enable anything back… >> >> This commit is already complete of changes and the change on the >> testing suites better to make in the next patch, due to the list of >> suites were not changed. > >Let's add the info about Mac OS X testing into the relevant issue to >track disabled tests (AFAIR you have one, but it was about testing >during RPM packages build). Ok, sure: > >> >From the previous review [1]: >> > >> >> > The problem with 'var' directory is not related to the new way to Python >> >> > 2 installation? Why everything is in one commit? >> >> >> >> This commit is about OSX host setup for building and testing, so I >> >> think it is ok to set it here. >> > >> >It sounds as 'because something going not right, when something was >> >changed'. Neat reason. >> > >> >I cannot say neither 'ok', not 'not ok' for this. Okay, I can guess that >> >working directory is changed somehow, but why and where? >> >> ‘var’ directory lays too deep at the path and the length of the path >> is too long for tool which fails because of it, the >> solution to fix it is to use the short link for the ‘var’ directory. > >Why it was okay, but becomes too long? Because the name of the user on the new mac mini and its home path is really long echo ~ | wc -c       28 also the path of tarantool/test/var adds.   -- Alexander Tikhonov