I sent 2 versions of this patchset. Here is the second one
with discussed approach:
And tarantool/small patch:
Суббота, 15 февраля 2020, 0:00 +03:00 от Konstantin Osipov <kostja.osipov@gmail.com>:
* Ilya Kosarev <i.kosarev@tarantool.org> [20/02/14 22:41]:
> Changes in v2:
> Approach changed completely: now we are not trying to allocate
> service tuples in some safe way, but increasing memtx quota so
> that space:truncate() and space:delete() won't fail on allocation.

> Changes in v3:
> Now we are not increasing memtx quota. Instead we just set a flag to
> allow quota overuse for space:truncate() and space:delete().
> Changes in v4:
> improved quota on/off flag style
> took into account fail cases for box_upsert in space_truncate
> now we are switching the quota off for deletion only in case there is
> OutOfMemory error in diag
> removed extra checks
> added tests

Is it intentional that first you discuss the
recommendation I make on the mailing list, and then silently
disregard it?

Konstantin Osipov, Moscow, Russia
Ilya Kosarev