
Thanks for the review, I've changed the commit message as you suggested.

Среда, 15 января 2020, 2:25 +03:00 от Igor Munkin <imun@tarantool.org>:


Thanks, the patch LGTM, though as discussed offline I see no relation to
ASAN. So I propose to reword the commit message as the following:
| All local connection timeout settings not related to the testing
| scenario are removed within this change. Instead of removed values the
| default one from src/box/lua/load_cfg.lua will be used. The approach
| with a single default value helps to avoid flaky test results
| regarding different timeout values and makes the future maintainence
| easier.
| The change is required for LSAN and ASAN testing machinery since it
| introduces a little overhead and cause failures for tests with
| excessively strict time limits.
| Needed for #2058

Feel free to adjust it on your own way.

On 21.11.19, Alexander V. Tikhonov wrote:
> Removed all local connection timeout setups, where it is not the part
> of the testing scenario. Instead of it the default value will be used.
> Also it is more comfortable to change the single default value instead
> of the change this value at each of the test scenarios, it will help
> to avoid of flaky results in tests beacuse of different timeout vlaues.

Typo: s/vlaues/values/.
Typo: s/beacuse/because/.

> The most of tests used the replication connection timeout is equal to
> 0.5 second, while defualt value is set at sources file:

Typo: s/defualt/default/.

> src/box/lua/load_cfg.lua
> to the value of 30 seconds:
> replication_connect_timeout = 30
> which is quite enough for all of the tests that don't need any special
> values for it.
> Part of #2058
> ---


> --
> 2.17.1

Best regards,

Alexander Tikhonov