[Tarantool-patches] [PATCH luajit] Give expected results for negative non-base-10 numbers in tonumber().

Sergey Kaplun skaplun at tarantool.org
Mon Dec 27 16:42:37 MSK 2021

From: Mike Pall <mike>

This was undefined in Lua 5.1, but it's defined in 5.2.

(cherry picked from f3cf0d6e15240098147437fed7bd436ff55fdf8c)

`strtoul()` considers negative values as a valid input and silently
converts them to the equivalent unsigned long value. As a result yielded
value is unexpected to the user.

This patch adds reading of a sign (if exists) from argument and provide
the remaining part of the string as is if it starts with a digit or
alphabetical symbol to be consistent with Lua 5.2.

Sergey Kaplun:
* added the description and the test for the problem

Part of tarantool/tarantool#6548

Issue: https://github.com/tarantool/tarantool/issues/6548
Branch: https://github.com/tarantool/luajit/tree/skaplun/gh-noticket-tonumber-expected-results-full-ci
Tarantool branch: https://github.com/tarantool/tarantool/tree/skaplun/gh-noticket-tonumber-expected-results-full-ci

CI is red due to integration tests failes (same as on master) or due to
connection errors.

Side note: I suppose that undefinence Mike talking about is the
following lines in the Lua 5.1 Reference manual [1]:

| In base 10 (the default), the number can have a decimal part, as well
| as an optional exponent part (see paragraph 2.1). In other bases, only
| unsigned integers are accepted.

In the Lua 5.2 Reference manual [2] they are deleted.

 src/lib_base.c                                | 27 +++++++++++------
 ...onumber-negative-non-decimal-base.test.lua | 29 +++++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 47 insertions(+), 9 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 test/tarantool-tests/tonumber-negative-non-decimal-base.test.lua

diff --git a/src/lib_base.c b/src/lib_base.c
index 3a757870..d61e8762 100644
--- a/src/lib_base.c
+++ b/src/lib_base.c
@@ -287,18 +287,27 @@ LJLIB_ASM(tonumber)		LJLIB_REC(.)
   } else {
     const char *p = strdata(lj_lib_checkstr(L, 1));
     char *ep;
+    unsigned int neg = 0;
     unsigned long ul;
     if (base < 2 || base > 36)
       lj_err_arg(L, 2, LJ_ERR_BASERNG);
-    ul = strtoul(p, &ep, base);
-    if (p != ep) {
-      while (lj_char_isspace((unsigned char)(*ep))) ep++;
-      if (*ep == '\0') {
-	if (LJ_DUALNUM && LJ_LIKELY(ul < 0x80000000u))
-	  setintV(L->base-1-LJ_FR2, (int32_t)ul);
-	else
-	  setnumV(L->base-1-LJ_FR2, (lua_Number)ul);
-	return FFH_RES(1);
+    while (lj_char_isspace((unsigned char)(*p))) p++;
+    if (*p == '-') { p++; neg = 1; } else if (*p == '+') { p++; }
+    if (lj_char_isalnum((unsigned char)(*p))) {
+      ul = strtoul(p, &ep, base);
+      if (p != ep) {
+	while (lj_char_isspace((unsigned char)(*ep))) ep++;
+	if (*ep == '\0') {
+	  if (LJ_DUALNUM && LJ_LIKELY(ul < 0x80000000u+neg)) {
+	    if (neg) ul = -ul;
+	    setintV(L->base-1-LJ_FR2, (int32_t)ul);
+	  } else {
+	    lua_Number n = (lua_Number)ul;
+	    if (neg) n = -n;
+	    setnumV(L->base-1-LJ_FR2, n);
+	  }
+	  return FFH_RES(1);
+	}
diff --git a/test/tarantool-tests/tonumber-negative-non-decimal-base.test.lua b/test/tarantool-tests/tonumber-negative-non-decimal-base.test.lua
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..94df3b1f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/tarantool-tests/tonumber-negative-non-decimal-base.test.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+local tap = require('tap')
+local test = tap.test('tonumber-negative-non-decimal-base')
+-- Test valid tonumber() with +- signs and non-10 base.
+test:ok(tonumber('-010', 2) == -2, 'negative base 2')
+test:ok(tonumber('-10', 8) == -8, 'negative base 8')
+test:ok(tonumber('-0x10', 16) == -16, 'negative base 16')
+test:ok(tonumber('  -1010  ', 2) == -10, 'negative base 2 with spaces')
+test:ok(tonumber('  +1010  ', 2) == 10, 'positive base 2 with spaces')
+test:ok(tonumber('  -012  ', 8) == -10, 'negative base 8 with spaces')
+test:ok(tonumber('  +012  ', 8) == 10, 'positive base 8 with spaces')
+test:ok(tonumber('  -10  ', 16) == -16, 'negative base 16 with spaces')
+test:ok(tonumber('  +10  ', 16) == 16, 'positive base 16 with spaces')
+test:ok(tonumber('  -1Z  ', 36) == -36 - 35, 'negative base 36 with spaces')
+test:ok(tonumber('  +1z  ', 36) == 36 + 35, 'positive base 36 with spaces')
+test:ok(tonumber('-fF', 16) == -(15 + (16 * 15)), 'negative base 16 mixed case')
+test:ok(tonumber('-0ffffffFFFF', 16) - 1 == -2 ^ 40, 'negative base 16 long')
+-- Test invalid tonumber() for non-10 base.
+test:ok(tonumber('-z1010  ', 2) == nil, 'incorrect notation in base 2')
+test:ok(tonumber('--1010  ', 2) == nil, 'double minus sign')
+test:ok(tonumber('-+1010  ', 2) == nil, 'minus plus sign')
+test:ok(tonumber('- 1010  ', 2) == nil, 'space between sign and value')
+test:ok(tonumber('-_1010  ', 2) == nil,
+	'invalid character between sign and value')
+os.exit(test:check() and 0 or 1)

[1]: http://www.lua.org/manual/5.1/manual.html#pdf-tonumber
[2]: http://www.lua.org/manual/5.2/manual.html#pdf-tonumber

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