[Tarantool-patches] [PATCH v2 1/2] lua: introduce table.equals method

Oleg Babin olegrok at tarantool.org
Fri Aug 13 08:30:20 MSK 2021

Thanks for your patch.

It seems it works in quite strange way:


tarantool> table.equals({a = box.NULL}, {})
- true

tarantool> table.equals({}, {a = box.NULL})
- false


I can change arguments order to get different result. Expected false in 
both cases.

For tap it was considered as buggy behaviour 

On 13.08.2021 02:30, Serge Petrenko via Tarantool-patches wrote:
> Introduce table.equals for comparing tables.
> The method respects __eq metamethod, if provided.
> Needed-for #5894
> ---

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