[Tarantool-patches] [PATCH v2 2/2] lua: abort trace recording on fiber yield

Igor Munkin imun at tarantool.org
Mon Sep 28 18:36:27 MSK 2020

There was an issue with out of source build in the newly added test[1].
Here is the fix:


diff --git a/test/app-tap/gh-1700-abort-recording-on-fiber-switch.test.lua b/test/app-tap/gh-1700-abort-recording-on-fiber-swit
index 027dee219..f4ceb9455 100755
--- a/test/app-tap/gh-1700-abort-recording-on-fiber-switch.test.lua
+++ b/test/app-tap/gh-1700-abort-recording-on-fiber-switch.test.lua
@@ -28,7 +28,8 @@ if #arg == 0 then
   local vars = {
     LUABIN = arg[-1],
     SCRIPT = arg[0],
-    PATH   = arg[0]:gsub('/?[^/]+%.test%.lua', ''),
+    -- To support out-of-source build use relative paths in repo
+    PATH   = arg[-1]:gsub('src/tarantool', 'test/app-tap'),
     SUFFIX = package.cpath:match('?.(%a+);'),


[1]: https://gitlab.com/tarantool/tarantool/-/jobs/760937971

Best regards,

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