[Tarantool-patches] [PATCH 3/4] tools: add script to run Jepsen tests

sergeyb at tarantool.org sergeyb at tarantool.org
Wed Sep 16 10:07:22 MSK 2020

From: Sergey Bronnikov <sergeyb at tarantool.org>

Main script that handle creation of set of virtual machines
using Terraform, setup for remote connection, running
Jepsen tests and teardown test environment.

Part of #5277
 tools/run-jepsen-tests.sh | 77 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 77 insertions(+)
 create mode 100755 tools/run-jepsen-tests.sh

diff --git a/tools/run-jepsen-tests.sh b/tools/run-jepsen-tests.sh
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..865a8f4b0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/run-jepsen-tests.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+# Script performs setup of test environment using Terraform,
+# runs Jepsen tests and teardown test environment.
+# Script expects following environment variables:
+# 	TF_VAR_user_name
+# 	TF_VAR_password
+# 	TF_VAR_tenant_id
+# 	TF_VAR_user_domain_id
+# 	TF_VAR_keypair_name
+# 	TF_VAR_ssh_key
+# and three arguments: path to a Tarantool project source directory, path to a
+# Tarantool project binary directory and number on instances (optional).
+set -Eeo pipefail
+LEIN_OPTIONS="--nodes-file $NODES_FILENAME --username ubuntu --workload register"
+[[ -z ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR} ]] && (echo "Please specify path to a project source directory")
+[[ -z ${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR} ]] && (echo "Please specify path to a project binary directory")
+[[ -z ${TF_VAR_ssh_key} ]] && (echo "Please specify TF_VAR_ssh_key env var"; exit 1)
+[[ -z ${TF_VAR_keypair_name} ]] && (echo "Please specify TF_VAR_keypair_name env var"; exit 1)
+TERRAFORM_BIN=$(which terraform)
+LEIN_BIN=$(which lein)
+CLOJURE_BIN=$(which clojure)
+[[ -z ${TERRAFORM_BIN} ]] && (echo "terraform is not installed"; exit 1)
+[[ -z ${LEIN_BIN} ]] && (echo "lein is not installed"; exit 1)
+[[ -z ${CLOJURE_BIN} ]] && (echo "clojure is not installed"; exit 1)
+function cleanup {
+    echo "cleanup"
+    [[ -e $TERRAFORM_STATE ]] && \
+	terraform destroy -state=$TERRAFORM_STATE -auto-approve $TERRAFORM_CONFIG
+trap "{ cleanup; exit 255; }" SIGINT SIGTERM ERR
+echo -e "${TF_VAR_ssh_key//_/\\n}" > $SSH_KEY_FILENAME
+chmod 400 $SSH_KEY_FILENAME
+$(pgrep ssh-agent 2>&1 > /dev/null) || eval "$(ssh-agent)"
+if [[ -z ${CI_JOB_ID} ]]; then
+    TF_VAR_id=$CI_JOB_ID
+    RANDOM_ID=$(head /dev/urandom | tr -dc A-Za-z0-9 | head -c 13; echo '')
+export TF_VAR_id
+export TF_VAR_ssh_key_path=$SSH_KEY_FILENAME
+[[ -z ${INSTANCE_COUNT} ]] && TF_VAR_instance_count=1 || TF_VAR_instance_count=$INSTANCE_COUNT
+export TF_VAR_instance_count
+[[ -e $HOME/.ssh ]] || (mkdir $HOME/.ssh && touch $HOME/.ssh/known_hosts)
+terraform init $TERRAFORM_CONFIG
+terraform apply -state=$TERRAFORM_STATE -auto-approve $TERRAFORM_CONFIG
+terraform providers $TERRAFORM_CONFIG
+terraform output -state=$TERRAFORM_STATE instance_names
+terraform output -state=$TERRAFORM_STATE -json instance_ips | jq --raw-output '.[]' > $NODES_FILENAME
+pushd $TESTS_DIR && lein run test $LEIN_OPTIONS

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