[Tarantool-patches] [PATCH v1] gitlab-ci: remove tag from pushed branch commit

Alexander V. Tikhonov avtikhon at tarantool.org
Wed Oct 14 23:59:41 MSK 2020

Drop a tag that points to a current commit (if any) on a job triggered
by pushing to a branch (as against of pushing a tag). Otherwise we may
get two jobs for the same x.y.z-0-gxxxxxxxxx build: one is run by
pushing a branch and another by pushing a tag. The idea is to hide the
new tag from the branch job as if a tag would be pushed strictly after
all branch jobs for the same commit.

Closes #3745

Co-authored-by: Alexander Turenko <alexander.turenko at tarantool.org>

Github: https://github.com/tarantool/tarantool/tree/avtikhon/gh-3745-force-push-live
Issue: https://github.com/tarantool/tarantool/issues/3745

 .gitlab-ci.yml | 15 +++++++++++----
 1 file changed, 11 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)

diff --git a/.gitlab-ci.yml b/.gitlab-ci.yml
index d40dc74e3..4166443c9 100644
--- a/.gitlab-ci.yml
+++ b/.gitlab-ci.yml
@@ -21,15 +21,22 @@ variables:
 #    https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/ci/yaml/README.html#git-submodule-strategy
 # List of steps:
 # 1) Check/clone the Tarantool repository with submodules.
-# 2) For shell based jobs change ownership of all the sources
+# 2) Drop a tag that points to a current commit (if any) on a job triggered by
+#    pushing to a branch (as against of pushing a tag). Otherwise we may get
+#    two jobs for the same x.y.z-0-gxxxxxxxxx build: one is run by pushing a
+#    branch and another by pushing a tag. The idea is to hide the new tag from
+#    the branch job as if a tag would be pushed strictly after all branch jobs
+#    for the same commit. See gh-3745.
+# 3) For shell based jobs change ownership of all the sources
 #    to gitlab-runner user (NOTE: in Docker based jobs the
 #    gitlab-runner user is not known).
-# 3) Fetch Tarantool sources with branches and force checkout
+# 4) Fetch Tarantool sources with branches and force checkout
 #    of the testing commit.
-# 4) Update submodules recursively (use force where supports).
-# 5) Cleanup all the sources from all files except from repository.
+# 5) Update submodules recursively (use force where supports).
+# 6) Cleanup all the sources from all files except from repository.
   - /bin/bash -c "pwd && ls -d .git || git clone --recurse-submodules ${CI_REPOSITORY_URL} ."
+  - /bin/bash -c "[ -z \"${CI_COMMIT_TAG:-}\" ] && git tag -d \"$(git tag --points-at HEAD)\" 2>/dev/null || true"
   - /bin/bash -c "! docker -v || (uid=`id -u` ; gid=`id -g` ; docker run -w /source -v ${PWD}:/source -i packpack/packpack:el-7 /bin/bash -c \"chown -R \$uid:\$gid * .[^.]*\")"
   - /bin/bash -c "git fetch -p && git checkout -f ${CI_COMMIT_SHORT_SHA}"
   - /bin/bash -c "git submodule sync --recursive && git submodule update --force --init --recursive || git submodule update --recursive --init"

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