[Tarantool-patches] [PATCH 2.X 1/7] module api: export box_tuple_validate

Alexander Turenko alexander.turenko at tarantool.org
Fri Oct 9 04:11:02 MSK 2020

> > +int
> > +box_tuple_validate(box_tuple_format_t *format, box_tuple_t *tuple);
> 2. OCD mode on. I would propose either make tuple the first
> argument, or rename it to box_tuple_format_validate_tuple().
> So as to be consistent with our agreement, that if something
> is a method of <type>, then the <type> argument goes first,
> and the method name is <type>_<action>.
> I see we currently have in the public API the functions:
> 	box_tuple_validate - your new function, a bit
> 		inconsistent.
> 	box_tuple_validate_key_parts - this should have been
> 		box_key_def_validate_tuple from the beginning,
> 		but we can't do anything about it now.

We can. It is part of my patchset.

> 	box_key_def_validate_key - correct. Key_def goes first,
> 		and the name is consistent.
> So if you will make box_tuple_validate consistent, we will have
> more correct signatures (2/3) than incorrect, for validation
> methods at least.

So, if we'll apply all your suggestions, the key_def module API will
contain the following functions:

 | Function                     | Consumer        | Name variants (for history)     |
 | ---------------------------- | --------------- | ------------------------------- |
 | box_key_def_new()            | already present |                                 |
 | box_key_part_def_create()    | key_def module  |                                 |
 | box_key_def_new_v2()         | key_def module  | box_key_def_new_ex()            |
 | box_key_def_dump_parts()     | key_def module  |                                 |
 | box_key_def_merge()          | key_def module  |                                 |
 | box_key_def_dup()            | merger module   |                                 |
 | box_key_def_delete()         | already present |                                 |
 | box_key_def_validate_tuple() | key_def module  | box_tuple_validate_key_parts()  |
 | box_tuple_compare()          | already present |                                 |
 | box_tuple_compare_with_key() | already present |                                 |
 | box_key_def_extract_key()    | key_def module  | box_tuple_extract_key_{ex,v2}() |
 | box_key_def_validate_key()   | key_def module  |                                 |

All functions around key_defs and tuples are prefixed with 'box_key_def_',
except box_tuple_compare*(), which are already present.

If we'll follow current internal naming:

 | Function                       | Name variants (may fit better) |
 | ------------------------------ | ------------------------------ |
 | box_key_def_new()              |                                |
 | box_key_part_def_create()      |                                |
 | box_key_def_new_v2()           |                                |
 | box_key_def_dump_parts()       |                                |
 | box_key_def_merge()            |                                |
 | box_key_def_dup()              |                                |
 | box_key_def_delete()           |                                |
 | box_tuple_validate_key_parts() | box_tuple_validate_key()       |
 | box_tuple_compare()            |                                |
 | box_tuple_compare_with_key()   |                                |
 | box_tuple_extract_key_v2()     |                                |
 | box_key_def_validate_key()     | box_validate_key()             |

Here functions that operate on key_def itself are prefixed with
'box_key_def_', but functions that operate on tuples using a key
definition are named 'box_tuple_<action>()' (generally, see below).

The exception is box_key_def_validate_key(), but we can rename it to
box_validate_key(). And also drop '_parts' from
box_tuple_validate_key_parts() (because it meaningless):

 | Function                       |
 | ------------------------------ |
 | box_key_def_new()              |
 | box_key_part_def_create()      |
 | box_key_def_new_v2()           |
 | box_key_def_dump_parts()       |
 | box_key_def_merge()            |
 | box_key_def_dup()              |
 | box_key_def_delete()           |
 | box_tuple_validate_key()       |
 | box_tuple_compare()            |
 | box_tuple_compare_with_key()   |
 | box_tuple_extract_key_v2()     |
 | box_validate_key()             |

Isn't that nice?

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