[Tarantool-patches] [PATCH 5/6] error: Add test for extended error

Leonid Vasiliev lvasiliev at tarantool.org
Tue Mar 24 15:46:03 MSK 2020

Needed for #4398
 test/box-tap/extended_error.test.lua | 168 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 168 insertions(+)
 create mode 100755 test/box-tap/extended_error.test.lua

diff --git a/test/box-tap/extended_error.test.lua b/test/box-tap/extended_error.test.lua
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..58a4984
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/box-tap/extended_error.test.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,168 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env tarantool
+local netbox = require('net.box')
+local os = require('os')
+local tap = require('tap')
+local uri = require('uri')
+local test = tap.test('check an extended error')
+function error_func()
+    box.error(box.error.PROC_LUA, "An old good error")
+function custom_error_func()
+    box.error(box.error.CUSTOM_ERROR, "My Custom Type", "A modern custom error")
+local function version_at_least(peer_version_str, major, minor, patch)
+    local major_p, minor_p, patch_p = string.match(peer_version_str,
+                                                   "(%d)%.(%d)%.(%d)")
+    major_p = tonumber(major_p)
+    minor_p = tonumber(minor_p)
+    patch_p = tonumber(patch_p)
+    if major_p < major
+        or (major_p == major and minor_p < minor)
+        or (major_p == major and minor_p == minor and patch_p < patch) then
+            return false
+    end
+    return true
+local function grant_func(user, name)
+    box.schema.func.create(name, {if_not_exists = true})
+    box.schema.user.grant(user, 'execute', 'function', name, {
+        if_not_exists = true
+    })
+local function check_error(err, check_list)
+    if type(check_list) ~= 'table' then
+        return false
+    end
+    for k, v in pairs(check_list) do
+        if k == 'type' then
+            if err.type ~= v then
+                return false
+            end
+        elseif k == 'custom_type' then
+            if err.custom_type ~= v then
+                return false
+            end
+        elseif k == 'message' then
+            if err.message ~= v then
+                return false
+            end
+        elseif k == 'trace' then
+            local trace = "File " .. err.trace[1]['file']
+                         .. "\nLine " .. err.trace[1]['line']
+            if not string.match(trace, v) then
+                return false
+            end
+        elseif k == 'errno' then
+            if err.errno ~= v then
+                return false
+            end
+        elseif k == 'bt' then
+            if not string.match(err.bt, v) then
+                return false
+            end
+        elseif k == 'is_custom' then
+            if err:is_custom() ~= v then
+                return false
+            end
+        else
+            return false
+        end
+    end
+    return true
+local function test_old_transmission(host, port)
+    grant_func('guest', 'error_func')
+    local connection = netbox.connect(host, port)
+    local _, err = pcall(connection.call, connection, 'error_func')
+    local backtrace_pattern =
+    "^stack traceback:\n" ..
+    "%s+%[C%]: in function 'new'\n" ..
+    "%s+builtin/box/net_box.lua:%d+: in function 'perform_request'\n" ..
+    "%s+builtin/box/net_box.lua:%d+: in function '_request'\n" ..
+    "%s+builtin/box/net_box.lua:%d+: in function <builtin/box/net_box.lua:%d+>\n" ..
+    "%s+%[C%]: in function 'pcall'\n" ..
+    ".*box%-tap/extended_error.test.lua:%d+: in function 'test_old_transmission'\n" ..
+    ".*box%-tap/extended_error.test.lua:%d+: in main chunk$"
+    local check_list = {
+        type = 'ClientError',
+        message = 'An old good error',
+        trace = '^File builtin/box/net_box.lua\nLine %d+$',
+        bt = backtrace_pattern,
+        is_custom = false
+    }
+    local check_result = check_error(err, check_list)
+    test:ok(check_result, 'Check the old transmission type')
+    connection:close()
+local function test_extended_transmission(host, port)
+    grant_func('guest', 'custom_error_func')
+    local connection = netbox.connect(host, port, {error_extended = true})
+    local _, err = pcall(connection.call, connection, 'custom_error_func')
+    local backtrace_pattern =
+    "^Remote%(.+:%d+%):\n" ..
+    "stack traceback:\n" ..
+    "%s+%[C%]: in function 'error'\n" ..
+    ".*box%-tap/extended_error.test.lua:%d+: in function <.*box%-tap/extended_error.test.lua:%d+>\n" ..
+    "%s+%[C%]: at 0x%w+\n" ..
+    "End Remote\n" ..
+    "stack traceback:\n" ..
+    "%s+builtin/box/net_box.lua:%d+: in function 'parse_extended_error'\n" ..
+    "%s+builtin/box/net_box.lua:%d+: in function 'perform_request'\n" ..
+    "%s+builtin/box/net_box.lua:%d+: in function '_request'\n" ..
+    "%s+builtin/box/net_box.lua:%d+: in function <builtin/box/net_box.lua:%d+>\n" ..
+    "%s+%[C%]: in function 'pcall'\n" ..
+    ".*box%-tap/extended_error.test.lua:%d+: in function 'test_extended_transmission'\n" ..
+    ".*box%-tap/extended_error.test.lua:%d+: in main chunk$"
+    local check_list = {
+        type = 'CustomError',
+        custom_type = 'My Custom Type',
+        message = 'User custom error: A modern custom error',
+        trace = '^File builtin/box/net_box.lua\nLine %d+$',
+        bt = backtrace_pattern,
+        is_custom = true
+    }
+    local check_result = check_error(err, check_list)
+    test:ok(check_result, 'Check the extended transmission type')
+    connection:close()
+    listen = os.getenv('LISTEN')
+local tarantool_ver = string.match(box.info.version, "%d%.%d%.%d")
+local host= uri.parse(box.cfg.listen).host or 'localhost'
+local port = uri.parse(box.cfg.listen).service 
+if version_at_least(box.info.version, 2, 4, 1) then
+    test_extended_transmission(host, port)
+    test:ok(true, 'Current version of tarantool(' .. tarantool_ver .. ')' ..
+            ' don\'t support extended transmission')
+test_old_transmission(host, port)
+os.exit(test:check() and 0 or 1)

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