[Tarantool-patches] [PATCH v4 1/2] build: tune OSX environment

Oleg Piskunov o.piskunov at tarantool.org
Tue Jan 21 19:21:07 MSK 2020

Minor: Please remove "#WARNING" explanation. 
           It is describe specific case which can't happen anymore.

>Вторник, 21 января 2020, 19:03 +03:00 от Alexander V. Tikhonov <avtikhon at tarantool.org>:
>Added homebrew installation routine as it was suggested in its
>instructions. Added installation of the cmake tool. Added upgrade
>of the OSX packages to avoid of fails on already existed packages
>with the previous versions.
>Added reinstallation of the python2 with force option to be able
>to install it to /usr/local/ path to make pip install there too.
> .travis.mk | 37 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------
> 1 file changed, 29 insertions(+), 8 deletions(-)
>diff --git a/.travis.mk b/.travis.mk
>index 42969ff56..def513713 100644
>--- a/.travis.mk
>+++ b/.travis.mk
>@@ -127,17 +127,38 @@ test_asan_debian: deps_debian deps_buster_clang_8 test_asan_debian_no_deps
> # OSX #
> #######
>+# WARNING: installing pip it checks that python2 installed in /usr/local/
>+# path while python2 could be installed in /usr/bin path which will be
>+# the cause that pip installation will be done at /User/tarantool/ path,
>+# to avoid of it python2 must be reinstalled with force option to be able
>+# to install it to /usr/local/ path and pip will be installed there too.
>+OSX_PKGS=openssl readline curl icu4c libiconv zlib autoconf automake libtool cmake python2
> deps_osx:
>-	brew update
>-	brew install openssl readline curl icu4c libiconv zlib autoconf automake libtool --force
>-	python2 -V || brew install python2 --force
>-	curl --silent --show-error --retry 5  https://bootstrap.pypa.io/get-pip.py >get-pip.py
>-	python get-pip.py --user
>-	pip install --user --force-reinstall -r test-run/requirements.txt
>+	# install brew using command from Homebrew repository instructions:
>+	#  https://github.com/Homebrew/install
>+	# NOTE: 'echo' command below is required since brew installation
>+	# script obliges the one to enter a newline for confirming the
>+	# installation via Ruby script.
>+	#
>+	# try to install the packages either upgrade it to avoid of fails
>+	# if the package already exists with the previous version
>+	#
>+	# set PATH to /usr/local/bin as the main to be able to use brew
>+	# installed python and tools
>+	export PATH=/usr/local/bin:${PATH} ; \
>+		brew update || echo | /usr/bin/ruby -e \
>+			"$$(curl -fsSL  https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/master/install )" && \
>+		brew install --force ${OSX_PKGS} || brew upgrade ${OSX_PKGS} && \
>+		curl --silent --show-error --retry 5  https://bootstrap.pypa.io/get-pip.py >get-pip.py && \
>+		python get-pip.py && \
>+		pip install --force-reinstall -r test-run/requirements.txt
> build_osx:
>-	make -j
>+	export PATH=/usr/local/bin:${PATH} ; \
>+		cmake . -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=RelWithDebInfo \
>+		make -j
> test_osx_no_deps: build_osx
> 	# Limits: Increase the maximum number of open file descriptors on macOS:

Oleg Piskunov
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