[Tarantool-patches] [PATCH 1/1] key_def: key_def.new() accept both 'field' and 'fieldno'

Alexander Turenko alexander.turenko at tarantool.org
Fri Oct 25 02:28:20 MSK 2019


WBR, Alexander Turenko.

On Thu, Oct 24, 2019 at 11:21:54PM +0200, Vladislav Shpilevoy wrote:
> Closes #4519
> @TarantoolBot document
> Title: key_def.new() accept both 'field' and 'fieldno'
> Before the patch key_def.new() took an index part
> array as it is returned in <index_object>.parts: each
> part should include 'type', 'fieldno', and what else
> .parts element contains.
> But it was not possible to create a key_def from an
> index definition - the array passed to
> <space_object>.create_index() 'parts' argument. Because
> key_def.new() didn't recognize 'field' option. That
> might be useful, when a key_def is needed on a remote
> client, where a space object and its indexes do not
> exist. And it would be strange to force a user to
> create them just so as he would be able to access
>     <net_box connection>.space.<space_name>.
>         index.<index_name>.parts
> As well as it would be crutchy to make a user manually
> replace 'field' with 'fieldno' in its index definition
> just to create a key_def.
> Additionally, an ability to pass an index definition
> to a key_def constructor makes the API more symmetric.
> Note, that it still is not 100% symmetric, because a
> user can't pass field names to the key_def
> constructor. A space is needed for that anyway.
> ---
> Branch: https://github.com/tarantool/tarantool/tree/gerold103/gh-4519-key_def-conform-create_index
> Issue: https://github.com/tarantool/tarantool/issues/4519

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