[tarantool-patches] Re: [PATCH v2 1/5] sql: introduce structs assembling DDL arguments during parsing

Vladislav Shpilevoy v.shpilevoy at tarantool.org
Tue Mar 12 15:50:46 MSK 2019

Hi! Thanks for the fixes! See my comments below,
fixes at the end of the email, and on the branch
(it is np/gh-3914-fix-create-index-v2).

>> Below I listed the calls you do to create each 'terminal' structure.
>> 	alter_entity_def_init
>> 	rename_entity_def_init
>> 	alter_entity_def_init
>> 	create_entity_def_init
>> 	create_table_def_init
>> 	alter_entity_def_init
>> 	drop_entity_def_init
>> 	alter_entity_def_init
>> 	create_entity_def_init
>> 	create_constraint_def_init
>> 	create_fk_def_init
>> 	DROP FK:
>> 	alter_entity_def_init
>> 	drop_entity_def_init
>> 	alter_entity_def_init
>> 	drop_entity_def_init
>> 	alter_entity_def_init
>> 	create_entity_def_init
>> 	create_index_def_init
>> 	CHECK:
>>         alter_entity_def_init
>>         create_entity_def_init
>> 	create_ck_def_init
>> 	alter_entity_def_init
>> 	create_entity_def_init
>> 	create_trigger_def_init
>> 	alter_entity_def_init
>> 	drop_entity_def_init
>> Here are some problems with what you said earlier and with
>> the whole structure.
>> Firstly, some of sequences are not finished with a an explicit
>> terminal. For example, *all* DROPs are finished with an abstract
>> drop_entity_def_init() taking an entity type explicitly. Despite
>> the words you said earlier that you initialize everything in steps.
>> So in the case of DROP the rule is violated already. I think, that
>> you should define static inline helpers in parse_def.h with names
>> drop_table_def_init(), drop_index_def_init(), drop_check_def_init()
>> etc.
> Drop procedure (i.e. arguments filling) is the same for all entities
> (this situation is likely to remain unchanged). Does it make any
> sense to duplicate code without any necessity? What these
> helpers are supposed to do?

Nothing functional. Just syntax sugar and API consistency. Otherwise
your statement, that we have a tree of structures with terminal nodes,
is false. For other nodes you have _table/index/fk etc suffix, but
drop is just 'entity'. For me it looks odd. The same for rename_entity.

Strictly speaking, your hierarchy of structures is even not a tree -
in your code create_table_def and create_view_def store alter_entity_def,
but do not initialize nor use it.

Additionally, for not named constraints you do not call
alter_entity_def_init nor even create_constraint_def_init - you just
memset all the structure. So your tree in fact is really corrupted and
ill, sorry.

Talking of duplication - each wrapper around drop_entity and
rename_entity would take 11 simple lines:

     struct drop_<term>_def {
             struct drop_entity_def base;

     static inline void
     drop_<term>_def_init(struct drop_<term>_def *def,
                          struct SrcList *parent_name, struct Token *name,
                          bool if_exist)
             drop_entity_def_init(&def->base, parent_name, name, if_exist,

For compiler it is nothing - functions are inlined, for binary file
as well. For code and naming consistency it is a big deal. IMO. But
probably I should stop teaching here - you can leave it as is in terms
of list entities or listen to my objectives. Anyway you are likely to be a
single maintainer of all of this for a long time.

>> Secondly, some words about create_entity_def_init(). It is the
>> most arguable function for a public usage (out of parse_def.h)
>> because hardly I can imagine a situation when you parsed a word
>> CREATE, but can not parse a next one: TABLE, TRIGGER, CONSTRAINT etc.
>> And we see it in the lists above. Below I listed all of this function
>> usage cases and how you can replace that function here.
>> - create_entity_def_init() in create_table ::= rule, line 172. Here
>>   it is followed by create_table_def_init() on the next line.
>> - create_entity_def_init() in cconsname_parse ::= rule line 250.
>>   This rule is a prefix for a constraint definition, so this function
>>   can be substituted with create_constraint_def_init().
>> - create_entity_def_init() in cmd ::= rule (about CREATE VIEW),
>>   line 400. Here we see, that 1) you missed ENTITY_TYPE_VIEW,
>>   2) create_view_def_init() can be called here.
>> - create_entity_def_init() in cmd ::= rule (about CREATE INDEX),
>>   line 1246. Here it is followed by create_index_def_init() on the
>>   next line.
>> - create_entity_def_init() in trigger_decl ::= rule, line 1367.
>>   Here it is followed by create_trigger_def_init().
>> - create_entity_def_init() in cmd ::= rule (about ALTER TABLE ADD
>>   CONSTRAINT FOREIGN KEY), line 1500. Here it is followed by
>>   create_constraint_def_init().
>> So as you can see create_entity_def_init() is not necessary to use
>> out of parse_def.h. You can put it into
>> create_table/index/constraint_def().
> Ok, done. See updated version at the end of letter.
>> Now about create_constraint_def_init(). In your patch it is always
>> followed by create_fk_def_init().
> I didn’t get this point. create_constraint_def_init() may come before
> create_fk_def_init() as well as before create_index_def/create_ck_def.

The only place, where create_constraint_def_init can not be replaced with
a next level term, is a rule "cconsname_parse ::= CONSTRAINT nm(X).". But
you did not answer below why do you need it here.

>> But after you did the comment above
>> about create_entity_def_init(), you will have create_constraint_def_init()
>> in cconsname_parse ::= CONSTRAINT nm(X) rule. And I do not see any
>> concrete reasons why can not you remove it from here and use only
>> create_index_def_init(), create_ck_def_init() etc in ccons ::= rule.
>> You said, that some of pointers should be nullifed, but what pointers
>> and why? What if you do not nullify them right after CONSTRAINT word
>> is met?
> We had to nullify them since in previous versions members of some
> structures might leave uninitialised. Now _init funs fill all members,
> so there is no any problem.

I see, that you nullify them, but you did not answer my questions. Why
can not you postpone that nullification until a next word is met -
UNIQUE, PK, FK, CK etc? It would allow you to fold
create_constraint_def_init and always use a term def.

What is more, you initialize named constraints twice - first you
nullify them in cconsname_start with memset, and then call

I did my own investigation of this matter, and managed to remove
cconsname_start rule, as well as double init. After that I have
cconsname_parse followed by many term constraint rules, and I tried to
figure out why can't we just inline cconsname into terms ccons and
tcons and remove create_constraint_def_init from public. Especially
taking into account that it is not many changes thanks to that:

It means, that we could inline 'CONSTRAINT nm(X)' in 8 places only:

     1) "ccons ::= PRIMARY KEY"
     2) "ccons ::= UNIQUE"
     3) "ccons ::= check_constraint_def"
     4) "ccons ::= REFERENCES"

      + the same for tcons.

But then I realized, that cconsname helps us to keep the name
optional. To solve that we need to somehow save nm(X) result until
a terminal constraint is reached, or nullify it. I think, that we
could add struct Token constraint_name to union of alter entities in
struct Parse, and fetch it from there in terminal constraint
definitions (PK, UNIQUE, CK, FK). It is possible, because in such
a case this union's memory is not occupied by create_constraint_def
until term. It will allow us to remove create_constraint_def_init
from public usage. And to close the issue 3820 alongside.

This is what I wanted to hear from you.

Besides, I have some lowlevel comments on the code.

1) Usually we do not pass structures by value, even such small
as struct Token.

2) You've moved struct Token into parse_def.h, but kept its
routines in sqlite3Int.h. Please, move them too. And please,
rebase - 'sqlite3' has already been replaced with 'sql'.

3) Since now and after point 2 we have internal and long functions
in parse_def, I think it is time to introduce parse_def.c and hide
them here.


My diff below and on the branch:

commit 68499ad902d7315447e83e77b83ee8c93db5e239
Author: Vladislav Shpilevoy <v.shpilevoy at tarantool.org>
Date:   Tue Mar 12 13:49:30 2019 +0300

     Review fixes

diff --git a/src/box/sql/parse.y b/src/box/sql/parse.y
index 1f7678a4b..e9643a71a 100644
--- a/src/box/sql/parse.y
+++ b/src/box/sql/parse.y
@@ -168,7 +168,7 @@ cmd ::= ROLLBACK TO savepoint_opt nm(X). {
  cmd ::= create_table create_table_args.
  create_table ::= createkw TABLE ifnotexists(E) nm(Y). {
-  create_table_def_init(&pParse->create_table_def, Y, E);
+  create_table_def_init(&pParse->create_table_def, &Y, E);
    pParse->create_table_def.new_table = sqlite3StartTable(pParse, &Y, E);
  createkw(A) ::= CREATE(A).  {disableLookaside(pParse);}
@@ -239,15 +239,15 @@ nm(A) ::= id(A). {
  carglist ::= carglist cconsdef.
  carglist ::= .
  cconsdef ::= cconsname ccons.
-cconsname ::= cconsname_start cconsname_parse .
-cconsname_start ::= . {
-  memset(&pParse->create_index_def.base, 0, sizeof(struct create_constraint_def));
+cconsname ::= CONSTRAINT nm(X). {
+  create_constraint_def_init(&pParse->create_constraint_def, NULL, &X, false,
+                             false);
-cconsname_parse ::= CONSTRAINT nm(X). {
-  create_constraint_def_init(&pParse->create_index_def.base, NULL, X, false,
+cconsname ::= . {
+  struct Token t = Token_nil;
+  create_constraint_def_init(&pParse->create_constraint_def, NULL, &t, false,
-cconsname_parse ::= .
  ccons ::= DEFAULT term(X).            {sqlite3AddDefaultValue(pParse,&X);}
  ccons ::= DEFAULT LP expr(X) RP.      {sqlite3AddDefaultValue(pParse,&X);}
  ccons ::= DEFAULT PLUS term(X).       {sqlite3AddDefaultValue(pParse,&X);}
@@ -346,7 +346,7 @@ tcons ::= UNIQUE LP sortlist(X) RP. {
  tcons ::= check_constraint_def .
  tcons ::= FOREIGN KEY LP eidlist(FA) RP
	   REFERENCES nm(T) eidlist_opt(TA) refargs(R) defer_subclause_opt(D). {
-  ((struct create_constraint_def *) &pParse->create_fk_def)->is_deferred = D;
+  pParse->create_fk_def.base.is_deferred = D;
    create_fk_def_init(&pParse->create_fk_def, FA, &T, TA, R);
@@ -377,8 +377,8 @@ cmd ::= drop_start(X) drop_table . {
  drop_table ::= ifexists(E) fullname(X) . {
-  drop_entity_def_init(&pParse->drop_entity_def, X, (struct Token) {}, E,
-                       ENTITY_TYPE_TABLE);
+  struct Token t = Token_nil;
+  drop_entity_def_init(&pParse->drop_entity_def, X, &t, E, ENTITY_TYPE_TABLE);
  %type drop_start {bool}
@@ -394,7 +394,7 @@ ifexists(A) ::= .            {A = 0;}
  cmd ::= createkw(X) VIEW ifnotexists(E) nm(Y) eidlist_opt(C)
	   AS select(S). {
    if (!pParse->parse_only) {
-    create_view_def_init(&pParse->create_view_def, Y, &X, C, S, E);
+    create_view_def_init(&pParse->create_view_def, &Y, &X, C, S, E);
    } else {
      sql_store_select(pParse, S);
@@ -1239,7 +1239,7 @@ paren_exprlist(A) ::= LP exprlist(X) RP.  {A = X;}
  cmd ::= createkw uniqueflag(U) INDEX ifnotexists(NE) nm(X)
	 ON nm(Y) LP sortlist(Z) RP. {
-                             sqlite3SrcListAppend(pParse->db, 0, &Y), X, NE,
+                             sqlite3SrcListAppend(pParse->db, 0, &Y), &X, NE,
    create_index_def_init(&pParse->create_index_def, Z, U, SORT_ORDER_ASC);
@@ -1305,7 +1305,7 @@ collate(C) ::= COLLATE id.   {C = 1;}
  ///////////////////////////// The DROP INDEX command /////////////////////////
  cmd ::= DROP INDEX ifexists(E) nm(X) ON fullname(Y).   {
-  drop_entity_def_init(&pParse->drop_entity_def, Y, X, E, ENTITY_TYPE_INDEX);
+  drop_entity_def_init(&pParse->drop_entity_def, Y, &X, E, ENTITY_TYPE_INDEX);
@@ -1357,8 +1357,8 @@ cmd ::= createkw trigger_decl(A) BEGIN trigger_cmd_list(S) END(Z). {
  trigger_decl(A) ::= TRIGGER ifnotexists(NOERR) nm(B)
		     trigger_time(C) trigger_event(D)
		     ON fullname(E) foreach_clause when_clause(G). {
-  create_trigger_def_init(&pParse->create_trigger_def, E, B, C, D.a, D.b,
-                          G, NOERR);
+  create_trigger_def_init(&pParse->create_trigger_def, E, &B, C, D.a, D.b, G,
+                          NOERR);
    A = B; /*A-overwrites-T*/
@@ -1469,7 +1469,8 @@ raisetype(A) ::= FAIL.      {A = ON_CONFLICT_ACTION_FAIL;}
  ////////////////////////  DROP TRIGGER statement //////////////////////////////
  cmd ::= DROP TRIGGER ifexists(NOERR) fullname(X). {
-  drop_entity_def_init(&pParse->drop_entity_def, X, (struct Token){}, NOERR,
+  struct Token t = Token_nil;
+  drop_entity_def_init(&pParse->drop_entity_def, X, &t, NOERR,
@@ -1480,20 +1481,20 @@ cmd ::= ANALYZE nm(X).          {sqlite3Analyze(pParse, &X);}
  //////////////////////// ALTER TABLE table ... ////////////////////////////////
  cmd ::= ALTER TABLE fullname(X) RENAME TO nm(Z). {
-  rename_entity_def_init(&pParse->rename_entity_def, X, Z);
+  rename_entity_def_init(&pParse->rename_entity_def, X, &Z);
	 LP eidlist(FA) RP REFERENCES nm(T) eidlist_opt(TA) refargs(R)
	 defer_subclause_opt(D). {
-  create_constraint_def_init(&pParse->create_fk_def.base, X, Z, D, false);
+  create_constraint_def_init(&pParse->create_fk_def.base, X, &Z, D, false);
    create_fk_def_init(&pParse->create_fk_def, FA, &T, TA, R);
  cmd ::= ALTER TABLE fullname(X) DROP CONSTRAINT nm(Z). {
-  drop_entity_def_init(&pParse->drop_entity_def, X, Z, false, ENTITY_TYPE_FK);
+  drop_entity_def_init(&pParse->drop_entity_def, X, &Z, false, ENTITY_TYPE_FK);
diff --git a/src/box/sql/parse_def.h b/src/box/sql/parse_def.h
index c3ed2f72d..c7640c523 100644
--- a/src/box/sql/parse_def.h
+++ b/src/box/sql/parse_def.h
@@ -84,6 +84,8 @@ struct Token {
	bool isReserved;
+#define Token_nil ((struct Token) {NULL, 0, false})
   * Structure representing foreign keys constraints appeared
   * within CREATE TABLE statement. Used only during parsing.
@@ -131,7 +133,11 @@ enum entity_type {
-	entity_type_MAX
+	/**
+	 * For assertion checks that constraint definition is
+	 * created before initialization of a term constraint.
+	 */
  enum alter_action {
@@ -246,92 +252,91 @@ struct create_index_def {
  /** Basic initialisers of parse structures.*/
  static inline void
  alter_entity_def_init(struct alter_entity_def *alter_def,
-		      struct SrcList *entity_name)
+		      struct SrcList *entity_name, enum entity_type type,
+		      enum alter_action action)
	alter_def->entity_name = entity_name;
+	alter_def->entity_type = type;
+	alter_def->alter_action = action;
  static inline void
  rename_entity_def_init(struct rename_entity_def *rename_def,
-		       struct SrcList *table_name, struct Token new_name)
+		       struct SrcList *table_name, struct Token *new_name)
-	alter_entity_def_init(&rename_def->base, table_name);
-	rename_def->new_name = new_name;
-	struct alter_entity_def *alter_def =
-		(struct alter_entity_def *) rename_def;
-	alter_def->entity_type = ENTITY_TYPE_TABLE;
-	alter_def->alter_action = ALTER_ACTION_RENAME;
+	alter_entity_def_init(&rename_def->base, table_name, ENTITY_TYPE_TABLE,
+	rename_def->new_name = *new_name;
  static inline void
-create_entity_def_init(struct create_entity_def *create_def, struct Token name,
-		       bool if_not_exist)
+create_entity_def_init(struct create_entity_def *create_def,
+		       enum entity_type type, struct SrcList *parent_name,
+		       struct Token *name, bool if_not_exist)
-	create_def->name = name;
+	alter_entity_def_init(&create_def->base, parent_name, type,
+	create_def->name = *name;
	create_def->if_not_exist = if_not_exist;
  static inline void
  create_constraint_def_init(struct create_constraint_def *constr_def,
-			   struct SrcList *parent_name, struct Token name,
+			   struct SrcList *parent_name, struct Token *name,
			   bool if_not_exists, bool is_deferred)
-	alter_entity_def_init(&constr_def->base.base, parent_name);
-	create_entity_def_init(&constr_def->base, name, if_not_exists);
+	create_entity_def_init(&constr_def->base, ENTITY_TYPE_CONSTRAINT,
+			       parent_name, name, if_not_exists);
	constr_def->is_deferred = is_deferred;
  static inline void
  drop_entity_def_init(struct drop_entity_def *drop_def,
-		     struct SrcList *parent_name, struct Token name,
+		     struct SrcList *parent_name, struct Token *name,
		     bool if_exist, enum entity_type entity_type)
-	alter_entity_def_init(&drop_def->base, parent_name);
-	drop_def->name = name;
+	alter_entity_def_init(&drop_def->base, parent_name, entity_type,
+	drop_def->name = *name;
	drop_def->if_exist = if_exist;
-	drop_def->base.entity_type = entity_type;
-	drop_def->base.alter_action = ALTER_ACTION_DROP;
  static inline void
  create_trigger_def_init(struct create_trigger_def *trigger_def,
-			struct SrcList *table_name, struct Token name,
+			struct SrcList *table_name, struct Token *name,
			int tr_tm, int op, struct IdList *cols,
			struct Expr *when, bool if_not_exists)
-	alter_entity_def_init(&trigger_def->base.base, table_name);
-	create_entity_def_init(&trigger_def->base, name, if_not_exists);
+	create_entity_def_init(&trigger_def->base, ENTITY_TYPE_TRIGGER,
+			       table_name, name, if_not_exists);
	trigger_def->tr_tm = tr_tm;
	trigger_def->op = op;
	trigger_def->cols = cols;
	trigger_def->when = when;
-	struct alter_entity_def *alter_def =
-		(struct alter_entity_def *) trigger_def;
-	alter_def->entity_type = ENTITY_TYPE_TRIGGER;
-	alter_def->alter_action = ALTER_ACTION_CREATE;
  static inline void
  create_ck_def_init(struct create_ck_def *ck_def, struct ExprSpan *expr)
-	ck_def->expr = expr;
-	struct alter_entity_def *alter_def =
-		(struct alter_entity_def *) ck_def;
+	struct alter_entity_def *alter_def = (struct alter_entity_def *) ck_def;
+	assert(alter_def->alter_action == ALTER_ACTION_CREATE);
+	assert(alter_def->entity_type == ENTITY_TYPE_CONSTRAINT);
	alter_def->entity_type = ENTITY_TYPE_CK;
-	alter_def->alter_action = ALTER_ACTION_CREATE;
+	ck_def->expr = expr;
  static inline void
  create_index_def_init(struct create_index_def *index_def, struct ExprList *cols,
		      enum sql_index_type idx_type, enum sort_order sort_order)
-	index_def->cols = cols;
-	index_def->idx_type = idx_type;
-	index_def->sort_order = sort_order;
	struct alter_entity_def *alter_def =
		(struct alter_entity_def *) index_def;
+	assert(alter_def->alter_action == ALTER_ACTION_CREATE);
+	assert(alter_def->entity_type == ENTITY_TYPE_CONSTRAINT);
	alter_def->entity_type = ENTITY_TYPE_INDEX;
-	alter_def->alter_action = ALTER_ACTION_CREATE;
+	index_def->cols = cols;
+	index_def->idx_type = idx_type;
+	index_def->sort_order = sort_order;
  static inline void
@@ -339,42 +344,35 @@ create_fk_def_init(struct create_fk_def *fk_def, struct ExprList *child_cols,
		   struct Token *parent_name, struct ExprList *parent_cols,
		   int actions)
-	assert(fk_def != NULL);
+	struct alter_entity_def *alter_def = (struct alter_entity_def *) fk_def;
+	assert(alter_def->alter_action == ALTER_ACTION_CREATE);
+	assert(alter_def->entity_type == ENTITY_TYPE_CONSTRAINT);
+	alter_def->entity_type = ENTITY_TYPE_FK;
	fk_def->child_cols = child_cols;
	fk_def->parent_name = parent_name;
	fk_def->parent_cols = parent_cols;
	fk_def->actions = actions;
-	struct alter_entity_def *alter_def =
-		(struct alter_entity_def *) fk_def;
-	alter_def->entity_type = ENTITY_TYPE_FK;
-	alter_def->alter_action = ALTER_ACTION_CREATE;
  static inline void
-create_table_def_init(struct create_table_def *table_def, struct Token name,
+create_table_def_init(struct create_table_def *table_def, struct Token *name,
		      bool if_not_exists)
-	create_entity_def_init(&table_def->base, name, if_not_exists);
+	create_entity_def_init(&table_def->base, ENTITY_TYPE_TABLE, NULL, name,
+			       if_not_exists);
-	struct alter_entity_def *alter_def =
-		(struct alter_entity_def *) table_def;
-	alter_def->entity_type = ENTITY_TYPE_TABLE;
-	alter_def->alter_action = ALTER_ACTION_CREATE;
  static inline void
-create_view_def_init(struct create_view_def *view_def, struct Token name,
+create_view_def_init(struct create_view_def *view_def, struct Token *name,
		     struct Token *create, struct ExprList *aliases,
		     struct Select *select, bool if_not_exists)
-	create_entity_def_init(&view_def->base, name, if_not_exists);
+	create_entity_def_init(&view_def->base, ENTITY_TYPE_VIEW, NULL, name,
+			       if_not_exists);
	view_def->create_start = create;
	view_def->select = select;
	view_def->aliases = aliases;
-	struct alter_entity_def *alter_def =
-		(struct alter_entity_def *) view_def;
-	alter_def->entity_type = ENTITY_TYPE_VIEW;
-	alter_def->alter_action = ALTER_ACTION_CREATE;
  static inline void
diff --git a/src/box/sql/sqliteInt.h b/src/box/sql/sqliteInt.h
index 139c3c763..f8ec3519e 100644
--- a/src/box/sql/sqliteInt.h
+++ b/src/box/sql/sqliteInt.h
@@ -2734,6 +2734,7 @@ struct Parse {
		struct create_ck_def create_ck_def;
		struct create_fk_def create_fk_def;
		struct create_index_def create_index_def;
+		struct create_constraint_def create_constraint_def;
		struct create_trigger_def create_trigger_def;
		struct create_view_def create_view_def;
		struct rename_entity_def rename_entity_def;

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