[tarantool-patches] [PATCH] Extend range of printable unicode characters

Konstantin Osipov kostja at tarantool.org
Tue Jul 16 21:31:57 MSK 2019

* Serge Petrenko <sergepetrenko at tarantool.org> [19/07/16 16:44]:
> Before the patch IS_PRINTABLE macros was used
> to determine if given character is printable or not.
> This macros did not take into account characters
> encoded with 4 bytes.
> After the patch IS_PRINTABLE is replaced with new
> corresponding function. Now the range of printable
> characters is: (libyaml old range) U (icu range). This
> new range include characters encoded with 4 bytes.

Please don't forget to upstream the patch to the maintainer once
it's reviewed.

Has there been any changes in the upstream which we should be
aware of?

On another note, since we're switching to Lua emitter as the
defualt one quite soon, we can perhaps close #4090 as won't fix
rather than bother improving libyaml.

> Related to tarantool/tarantool#4090

Konstantin Osipov, Moscow, Russia

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