[tarantool-patches] [PATCH v2] sql: prohibit type_def keywords in the VALUES statement

Stanislav Zudin szudin at tarantool.org
Tue Jan 29 13:55:18 MSK 2019

The parser didn't distinguish the type definition keywords from values.

Closes #3888
Branch: https://github.com/tarantool/tarantool/tree/sz/gh-3888-values-blob-assert
Issue: https://github.com/tarantool/tarantool/issues/3888
 extra/mkkeywordhash.c                        |  6 +-
 src/box/sql/parse.y                          |  6 +-
 test/sql/gh-3888-values-blob-assert.result   | 61 ++++++++++++++++++++
 test/sql/gh-3888-values-blob-assert.test.lua | 33 +++++++++++
 4 files changed, 100 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 test/sql/gh-3888-values-blob-assert.result
 create mode 100644 test/sql/gh-3888-values-blob-assert.test.lua

diff --git a/extra/mkkeywordhash.c b/extra/mkkeywordhash.c
index d92b9eeb7..2b21cb863 100644
--- a/extra/mkkeywordhash.c
+++ b/extra/mkkeywordhash.c
@@ -109,7 +109,7 @@ static Keyword aKeywordTable[] = {
   { "BEFORE",                 "TK_BEFORE",      TRIGGER,          false },
   { "BEGIN",                  "TK_BEGIN",       TRIGGER,          true  },
   { "BETWEEN",                "TK_BETWEEN",     ALWAYS,           true  },
-  { "BLOB",                   "TK_BLOB",        RESERVED,         true  },
+  { "BLOB",                   "TK_BLOB_KW",     RESERVED,         true  },
   { "BY",                     "TK_BY",          ALWAYS,           true  },
   { "CASCADE",                "TK_CASCADE",     FKEY,             false },
   { "CASE",                   "TK_CASE",        ALWAYS,           true  },
@@ -235,12 +235,12 @@ static Keyword aKeywordTable[] = {
   { "DOUBLE",                 "TK_DOUBLE",      RESERVED,         true  },
   { "ELSEIF",                 "TK_STANDARD",    RESERVED,         true  },
   { "FETCH",                  "TK_STANDARD",    RESERVED,         true  },
-  { "FLOAT",                  "TK_FLOAT",       RESERVED,         true  },
+  { "FLOAT",                  "TK_FLOAT_KW",    RESERVED,         true  },
   { "FUNCTION",               "TK_STANDARD",    RESERVED,         true  },
   { "GET",                    "TK_STANDARD",    RESERVED,         true  },
   { "GRANT",                  "TK_STANDARD",    RESERVED,         true  },
   { "INT",                    "TK_INT",         RESERVED,         true  },
-  { "INTEGER",                "TK_INTEGER",     RESERVED,         true  },
+  { "INTEGER",                "TK_INTEGER_KW",  RESERVED,         true  },
   { "INOUT",                  "TK_STANDARD",    RESERVED,         true  },
   { "INSENSITIVE",            "TK_STANDARD",    RESERVED,         true  },
   { "ITERATE",                "TK_STANDARD",    RESERVED,         true  },
diff --git a/src/box/sql/parse.y b/src/box/sql/parse.y
index 0bcf41594..8e21b6fca 100644
--- a/src/box/sql/parse.y
+++ b/src/box/sql/parse.y
@@ -1469,7 +1469,7 @@ wqlist(A) ::= wqlist(A) COMMA nm(X) eidlist_opt(Y) AS LP select(Z) RP. {
 /* Primitive types. */
 %type typedef {struct type_def}
 typedef(A) ::= TEXT . { A.type = AFFINITY_TEXT; }
-typedef(A) ::= BLOB . { A.type = AFFINITY_BLOB; }
+typedef(A) ::= BLOB_KW . { A.type = AFFINITY_BLOB; }
 typedef(A) ::= DATE . { A.type = AFFINITY_REAL; }
 typedef(A) ::= TIME . { A.type = AFFINITY_REAL; }
 typedef(A) ::= DATETIME . { A.type = AFFINITY_REAL; }
@@ -1496,8 +1496,8 @@ typedef(A) ::= VARCHAR char_len(B) . {
 %type number_typedef {struct type_def}
 typedef(A) ::= number_typedef(A) .
-number_typedef(A) ::= FLOAT|REAL|DOUBLE . { A.type = AFFINITY_REAL; }
-number_typedef(A) ::= INT|INTEGER . { A.type = AFFINITY_INTEGER; }
+number_typedef(A) ::= FLOAT_KW|REAL|DOUBLE . { A.type = AFFINITY_REAL; }
+number_typedef(A) ::= INT|INTEGER_KW . { A.type = AFFINITY_INTEGER; }
 %type number_len_typedef {struct type_def}
 number_typedef(A) ::= DECIMAL|NUMERIC|NUM number_len_typedef(B) . {
diff --git a/test/sql/gh-3888-values-blob-assert.result b/test/sql/gh-3888-values-blob-assert.result
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..75152bb05
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/sql/gh-3888-values-blob-assert.result
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+-- sql: assertion fault on VALUES #3888
+-- Make sure that tokens representing values of integer, float,
+-- and blob constants are different from tokens representing
+-- keywords of the same names.
+test_run = require('test_run').new()
+engine = test_run:get_cfg('engine')
+box.sql.execute('pragma sql_default_engine=\''..engine..'\'')
+-- check 'VALUES' against typedef keywords (should fail)
+- error: 'near "blob": syntax error'
+- error: 'near "float": syntax error'
+-- check 'SELECT' against typedef keywords (should fail)
+box.sql.execute('SELECT blob')
+- error: 'near "blob": syntax error'
+box.sql.execute('SELECT float')
+- error: 'near "float": syntax error'
+-- check 'VALUES' against ID (should fail)
+- error: 'no such column: THECOLUMNNAME'
+-- check 'SELECT' against ID (should fail)
+box.sql.execute('SELECT TheColumnName')
+- error: 'no such column: THECOLUMNNAME'
+-- check 'VALUES' well-formed expression  (returns value)
+- - [-0.005]
+box.sql.execute('SELECT X\'507265766564\'')
+- - ['Preved']
+-- check 'SELECT' well-formed expression  (return value)
+box.sql.execute('SELECT 3.14')
+- - [3.14]
+box.sql.execute('SELECT X\'4D6564766564\'')
+- - ['Medved']
diff --git a/test/sql/gh-3888-values-blob-assert.test.lua b/test/sql/gh-3888-values-blob-assert.test.lua
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9adab488c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/sql/gh-3888-values-blob-assert.test.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+-- sql: assertion fault on VALUES #3888
+-- Make sure that tokens representing values of integer, float,
+-- and blob constants are different from tokens representing
+-- keywords of the same names.
+test_run = require('test_run').new()
+engine = test_run:get_cfg('engine')
+box.sql.execute('pragma sql_default_engine=\''..engine..'\'')
+-- check 'VALUES' against typedef keywords (should fail)
+-- check 'SELECT' against typedef keywords (should fail)
+box.sql.execute('SELECT blob')
+box.sql.execute('SELECT float')
+-- check 'VALUES' against ID (should fail)
+-- check 'SELECT' against ID (should fail)
+box.sql.execute('SELECT TheColumnName')
+-- check 'VALUES' well-formed expression  (returns value)
+box.sql.execute('SELECT X\'507265766564\'')
+-- check 'SELECT' well-formed expression  (return value)
+box.sql.execute('SELECT 3.14')
+box.sql.execute('SELECT X\'4D6564766564\'')

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