[Tarantool-patches] [PATCH 5/5] replication: introduce anonymous replica.

Sergey Petrenko sergepetrenko at tarantool.org
Thu Dec 26 19:08:54 MSK 2019

>Среда, 25 декабря 2019, 21:23 +03:00 от Vladislav Shpilevoy <v.shpilevoy at tarantool.org>:
>Hi! Thanks for the fixes!
Hi! Thanks for your answer!

>>> See 16 comments/questions below.
>>> On 15/12/2019 21:58, sergepetrenko wrote:
>>>> This commit introduces anonymous replicas. Such replicas do not pollute
>>>> _cluster table (they can only be read-only and have a zero id in return).
>>>> An anonymous replica can be promoted to a normal one if needed.
>>> 1. Do we need the promotion? Seems like it was not asked for, but we will
>>> need to support it forever in case we allow this now. Also it looks not
>>> even, when I can promote, but can't demote.
>> Well, one of the use cases for anonymous replica, in my opinion, is a backup
>> instance, which can be promoted once one of the normal instances gets down.
>> (Almost like a hot standby instance).
>Fair, then lets keep it.
>> Regarding demotion, what if I add it later after giving it some thought?
>Sounds good.
Opened a ticket. https://github.com/tarantool/tarantool/issues/4708

>>>> +relay_final_join(io->fd, header->sync, &start_vclock, &stop_vclock);
>>>> +say_info("final data sent.");
>>>> +
>>>> +struct xrow_header row;
>>>> +/* Send end of WAL stream marker */
>>>> +xrow_encode_vclock_xc(&row, &replicaset.vclock);
>>>> +row.sync = header->sync;
>>>> +coio_write_xrow(io, &row);
>>>> +
>>>> +/*
>>>> + * Advance the WAL consumer state to the position where
>>>> + * FINAL JOIN ended and assign it to the replica.
>>>> + */
>>>> +gc_consumer_advance(gc, &stop_vclock);
>>>> +replica = replica_by_uuid(&instance_uuid);
>>>> +if (replica->gc != NULL)
>>>> +gc_consumer_unregister(replica->gc);
>>> 9. How is that possible that the former anon replica has gc?
>> Anon replica receives a gc registration in replica_set_id, which is called
>> above.
>I missed that, thanks. Then it looks ok.
>>>>  /** Vinyl run info stored in .index file */
>>>>  VY_INDEX_RUN_INFO = 100,
>>>> diff --git a/src/box/relay.cc b/src/box/relay.cc
>>>> index e849fcf4f..14644716d 100644
>>>> --- a/src/box/relay.cc
>>>> +++ b/src/box/relay.cc
>>>> @@ -569,11 +569,17 @@ relay_subscribe_f(va_list ap)
>>>>  cbus_pair("tx", relay->endpoint.name, &relay->tx_pipe,
>>>>    &relay->relay_pipe, NULL, NULL, cbus_process);
>>>> -/* Setup garbage collection trigger. */
>>>> +/*
>>>> + * Setup garbage collection trigger.
>>>> + * Not needed for anonymous replicas, since they
>>>> + * aren't registered with gc at all.
>>>> + */
>>> 14. If a master does not register an anon replica as a gc consumer,
>>> it will remove xlogs even if the replica didn't get them yet. Not
>>> sure, if we want that behaviour. AFAIU, purpose of anon replicas
>>> is to break the limit on vlock size about 32 instances only.
>> True, but if we do register replicas as gc consumers there is no way
>> to exclude them, so such a replica, in case of failure, will stall gc on master
>> forever. We need some mechanism, to remove anonymous replicas from gc
>> consumers. Normal replicas can be removed by deleting their entries from
>> _cluster, we cannot do this for anonymous replicas. And if we just remove
>> replica from gc consumer on every disconnect, there is no point in registering
>> it with gc at all, since the point of gc consumer, among others, is to wait for
>> dead replicas to reconnect and collect xlogs.
>How anon replicas are removed now? I mean when are they dropped automatically
>from the master? Is it done on each disconnect?
Yes, anon replicas are removed on each disconnect.

Sergey Petrenko
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