[Tarantool-patches] [PATCH 2/2] fiber: destroy fiber.storage created by iproto
Konstantin Osipov
kostja.osipov at gmail.com
Fri Dec 13 10:58:50 MSK 2019
* Vladislav Shpilevoy <v.shpilevoy at tarantool.org> [19/12/13 09:42]:
> > Can you move it to Lua fiber object and iproto_msg object?
> I am not sure I understand what you mean. I can't move lua fiber
> storage destructor to iproto. I need Lua for that. So this should
> be in Lua folder.
I mean struct rlist on_request_end should be a member of
iproto_msg, not struct fiber. Does it make sense?
> If you are talking about moving trigger list to iproto and Lua,
> and somehow saying pointer at that list to a member in struct
> fiber, then
No, why do you need to store the list in struct fiber?
> 1) I would need to patch C version too, because we have public
> C API. The fact you forgot about C API says, that it is not
> a good idea to make that cleanup in each front end. Easy to
> miss something;
C api will enter into Lua land (lbox_pushfiber) as soon as it
creates a Lua fiber, and the Lua land will call the trigger in
the end of lbox_fiber_run_f.
> 2) That will give exactly the same - a member in struct fiber.
> There just no other communication channel between different
> frontends in which a fiber may participate during lifetime;
Why do you think there will be different frontends involved? The
storage is pure-Lua, there is no fiber storage for non-Lua fibers.
> 3) We would need to add a new member to struct fiber and
> increase its size.
Please see above, do you get the idea now?
Konstantin Osipov, Moscow, Russia
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