[tarantool-patches] Re: [PATCH 2/3] sql: SELECT from system spaces returns unpacked msgpack.

n.pettik korablev at tarantool.org
Mon Nov 19 20:27:39 MSK 2018

Please, don’t state problem in commit message. Instead, it would be
better to indicate fix of the problem. I would call it like:

sql: decode mgspack after SELECT from system spaces

Otherwise it looks like you are introducing new bug :)

Also, your patch affects not only system spaces.
For example:

box.space.t:format({{name = 'id', type = 'integer'}, {name = 'x', type = 'any'}})
box.space.t:create_index('i1', {parts = {1, 'int'}})
box.space.t:insert({1, {1,2,3}})
box.space.t:insert({2, {a = 3}})

Before your patch:

tarantool> cn:execute('select * from \"t\"')
- metadata:
  - name: id
    type: UNKNOWN
  - name: x
    type: UNKNOWN
  - [1, !!binary kwECAw==]
  - [2, !!binary gaFhAw==]


tarantool> cn:execute('select * from \"t\"')
- metadata:
  - name: id
    type: UNKNOWN
  - name: x
    type: UNKNOWN
  - [1, [1, 2, 3]]
  - [2, {'a': 3}]

I guess more precise to say sort of:

sql: decode ARRAY and MAP types after SELECT

Patch itself is OK, but I would rework test in order to avoid
using system spaces. It is up to you.

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