[tarantool-patches] [PATCH v3 4/4] netbox: introduce iterable future objects

Vladislav Shpilevoy v.shpilevoy at tarantool.org
Fri Jun 1 23:55:58 MSK 2018

Netbox has two major ways to execute a request: sync and async.
During execution of any a server can send multiplie responses via
IPROTO_CHUNK. And the execution ways differ in how to handle the
chunks (called messages or pushes).

For a sync request a one can specify on_push callback and its
on_push_ctx argument called on each message.

When a request is async a user has a future object only, and can
not specify any callbacks. To get the pushed messages a one must
iterate over future object like this:
for i, message in future:pairs(one_iteration_timeout) do
Or ignore messages just calling future:wait_result(). Anyway
messages are not deleted, so a one can iterate over future object
again and again.

Follow up #2677
 src/box/lua/net_box.lua |  84 +++++++++++++++++++++
 test/box/push.result    | 191 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
 test/box/push.test.lua  |  79 +++++++++++++++++++-
 3 files changed, 349 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/box/lua/net_box.lua b/src/box/lua/net_box.lua
index fe113e740..5d896f7e3 100644
--- a/src/box/lua/net_box.lua
+++ b/src/box/lua/net_box.lua
@@ -272,6 +272,90 @@ local function create_transport(host, port, user, password, callback,
+    -- Get the next message or the final result.
+    -- @param iterator Iterator object.
+    -- @param i Index to get a next message from.
+    --
+    -- @retval nil, nil The request is finished.
+    -- @retval i + 1, object A message/response and its index.
+    -- @retval box.NULL, error An error occured. When this
+    --         function is called in 'for k, v in future:pairs()',
+    --         `k` becomes box.NULL, and `v` becomes error object.
+    --         If a one want to stop the cycle, he can do break.
+    --         With no break the cycle will be continued until
+    --         the request is finished. The iteration continuation
+    --         is useful for example when time is out during a
+    --         next message waiting, but a one does not consider
+    --         this error be critical.
+    --         On error the key becomes exactly box.NULL instead
+    --         of nil, because nil is treated by Lua as iteration
+    --         end marker. Nil does not participate in iteration,
+    --         and does not allow to continue it.
+    --
+    local function request_iterator_next(iterator, i)
+        if i == box.NULL then
+            -- If a user continues iteration after an error -
+            -- restore position.
+            if not iterator.next_i then
+                return nil, nil
+            end
+            i = iterator.next_i
+            iterator.next_i = nil
+        else
+            i = i + 1
+        end
+        local request = iterator.request
+        local messages = request.on_push_ctx
+    ::retry::
+        if i <= #messages then
+            return i, messages[i]
+        end
+        if request:is_ready() then
+            -- After all the messages are iterated, `i` is equal
+            -- to #messages + 1. After response reading `i`
+            -- becomes #messages + 2. It is the trigger to finish
+            -- the iteration.
+            if i > #messages + 1 then
+                return nil, nil
+            end
+            local response, err = request:result()
+            if err then
+                return box.NULL, err
+            end
+            return i, response
+        end
+        local old_message_count = #messages
+        local timeout = iterator.timeout
+        repeat
+            local ts = fiber_clock()
+            request.cond:wait(timeout)
+            timeout = timeout - (fiber_clock() - ts)
+            if request:is_ready() or old_message_count ~= #messages then
+                goto retry
+            end
+        until timeout <= 0
+        iterator.next_i = i
+        return box.NULL, box.error.new(E_TIMEOUT)
+    end
+    --
+    -- Iterate over all messages, received by a request. @Sa
+    -- request_iterator_next for details what to expect in `for`
+    -- key/value pairs.
+    -- @param timeout One iteration timeout.
+    -- @retval next() callback, iterator, zero key.
+    --
+    function request_index:pairs(timeout)
+        if timeout then
+            if type(timeout) ~= 'number' or timeout < 0 then
+                error('Usage: future:pairs(timeout)')
+            end
+        else
+            timeout = TIMEOUT_INFINITY
+        end
+        local iterator = {request = self, timeout = timeout}
+        return request_iterator_next, iterator, 0
+    end
+    --
     -- Wait for a response or error max timeout seconds.
     -- @param timeout Max seconds to wait.
     -- @retval result, nil Success, the response is returned.
diff --git a/test/box/push.result b/test/box/push.result
index 8645533b5..0816c6754 100644
--- a/test/box/push.result
+++ b/test/box/push.result
@@ -299,9 +299,6 @@ c:close()
-box.schema.user.revoke('guest', 'read,write,execute', 'universe')
 -- Ensure can not push in background.
@@ -316,3 +313,191 @@ ok, err
 - null
 - Session 'background' does not support push()
+-- Async iterable pushes.
+c = netbox.connect(box.cfg.listen)
+cond = fiber.cond()
+test_run:cmd("setopt delimiter ';'")
+- true
+function do_pushes()
+    for i = 1, 5 do
+        box.session.push(i + 100)
+        cond:wait()
+    end
+    return true
+test_run:cmd("setopt delimiter ''");
+- true
+-- Can not combine callback and async mode.
+ok, err = pcall(c.call, c, 'do_pushes', {}, {is_async = true, on_push = function() end})
+assert(not ok)
+- true
+assert(err:find('use future:pairs()') ~= nil)
+- true
+future = c:call('do_pushes', {}, {is_async = true})
+-- Try to ignore pushes.
+while not future:wait_result(0.01) do cond:signal() end
+- [true]
+-- Even if pushes are ignored, they still are available via pairs.
+messages = {}
+keys = {}
+for i, message in future:pairs() do table.insert(messages, message) table.insert(keys, i) end
+- - 101
+  - 102
+  - 103
+  - 104
+  - 105
+  - [true]
+- - 1
+  - 2
+  - 3
+  - 4
+  - 5
+  - 6
+-- Test timeouts inside `for`. Even if a timeout is got, a user
+-- can continue iteration making as many attempts to get a message
+-- as he wants.
+future = c:call('do_pushes', {}, {is_async = true})
+messages = {}
+keys = {}
+err_count = 0
+test_run:cmd("setopt delimiter ';'")
+- true
+for i, message in future:pairs(0.01) do
+    if i == nil then
+        err_count = err_count + 1
+        assert(message.code == box.error.TIMEOUT)
+        if err_count % 2 == 0 then
+            cond:signal()
+        end
+    else
+        table.insert(messages, message)
+        table.insert(keys, i)
+    end
+test_run:cmd("setopt delimiter ''");
+- true
+-- Messages and keys are got in the correct order and with no
+-- duplicates regardless of big timeout count.
+- - 101
+  - 102
+  - 103
+  - 104
+  - 105
+  - [true]
+- - 1
+  - 2
+  - 3
+  - 4
+  - 5
+  - 6
+- 10
+-- Test non-timeout error.
+s = box.schema.create_space('test')
+pk = s:create_index('pk')
+- [1]
+function do_push_and_duplicate() box.session.push(100) s:insert{1} end
+future = c:call('do_push_and_duplicate', {}, {is_async = true})
+- null
+- Duplicate key exists in unique index 'pk' in space 'test'
+messages = {}
+keys = {}
+for i, message in future:pairs() do table.insert(messages, message) table.insert(keys, i) end
+- - 100
+  - Duplicate key exists in unique index 'pk' in space 'test'
+- - 1
+  - null
+box.schema.user.revoke('guest', 'read,write,execute', 'universe')
diff --git a/test/box/push.test.lua b/test/box/push.test.lua
index da0634157..10bc201df 100644
--- a/test/box/push.test.lua
+++ b/test/box/push.test.lua
@@ -153,11 +153,86 @@ s:select{}
-box.schema.user.revoke('guest', 'read,write,execute', 'universe')
 -- Ensure can not push in background.
 f = fiber.create(function() ok, err = box.session.push(100) end)
 while f:status() ~= 'dead' do fiber.sleep(0.01) end
 ok, err
+-- Async iterable pushes.
+c = netbox.connect(box.cfg.listen)
+cond = fiber.cond()
+test_run:cmd("setopt delimiter ';'")
+function do_pushes()
+    for i = 1, 5 do
+        box.session.push(i + 100)
+        cond:wait()
+    end
+    return true
+test_run:cmd("setopt delimiter ''");
+-- Can not combine callback and async mode.
+ok, err = pcall(c.call, c, 'do_pushes', {}, {is_async = true, on_push = function() end})
+assert(not ok)
+assert(err:find('use future:pairs()') ~= nil)
+future = c:call('do_pushes', {}, {is_async = true})
+-- Try to ignore pushes.
+while not future:wait_result(0.01) do cond:signal() end
+-- Even if pushes are ignored, they still are available via pairs.
+messages = {}
+keys = {}
+for i, message in future:pairs() do table.insert(messages, message) table.insert(keys, i) end
+-- Test timeouts inside `for`. Even if a timeout is got, a user
+-- can continue iteration making as many attempts to get a message
+-- as he wants.
+future = c:call('do_pushes', {}, {is_async = true})
+messages = {}
+keys = {}
+err_count = 0
+test_run:cmd("setopt delimiter ';'")
+for i, message in future:pairs(0.01) do
+    if i == nil then
+        err_count = err_count + 1
+        assert(message.code == box.error.TIMEOUT)
+        if err_count % 2 == 0 then
+            cond:signal()
+        end
+    else
+        table.insert(messages, message)
+        table.insert(keys, i)
+    end
+test_run:cmd("setopt delimiter ''");
+-- Messages and keys are got in the correct order and with no
+-- duplicates regardless of big timeout count.
+-- Test non-timeout error.
+s = box.schema.create_space('test')
+pk = s:create_index('pk')
+function do_push_and_duplicate() box.session.push(100) s:insert{1} end
+future = c:call('do_push_and_duplicate', {}, {is_async = true})
+messages = {}
+keys = {}
+for i, message in future:pairs() do table.insert(messages, message) table.insert(keys, i) end
+box.schema.user.revoke('guest', 'read,write,execute', 'universe')
2.15.1 (Apple Git-101)

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