[tarantool-patches] Re: [PATCH 4/4] Introduce storage reload evolution

Vladislav Shpilevoy v.shpilevoy at tarantool.org
Thu Aug 2 14:46:36 MSK 2018

Maybe this can help:

------------------------- LOG ------------------------------

Starting instance test...
Run console at unix/:/Users/v.shpilevoy/Work/Repositories/vshard/test/var/001_reload_evolution/test.control
mkdir /Users/v.shpilevoy/Work/Repositories/vshard/test/var/001_reload_evolution/test
2018-08-02 14:38:47.277 [82140] main/101/test C> Tarantool 1.9.1-58-g3c26b86d0
2018-08-02 14:38:47.278 [82140] main/101/test C> log level 5
2018-08-02 14:38:47.278 [82140] main/101/test I> mapping 268435456 bytes for memtx tuple arena...
2018-08-02 14:38:47.278 [82140] main/101/test I> mapping 134217728 bytes for vinyl tuple arena...
2018-08-02 14:38:47.286 [82140] iproto/101/main I> binary: bound to [::1]:38707
2018-08-02 14:38:47.286 [82140] main/101/test I> initializing an empty data directory
2018-08-02 14:38:47.311 [82140] snapshot/101/main I> saving snapshot `/Users/v.shpilevoy/Work/Repositories/vshard/test/var/001_reload_evolution/test/00000000000000000000.snap.inprogress'
2018-08-02 14:38:47.318 [82140] snapshot/101/main I> done
2018-08-02 14:38:47.318 [82140] main/101/test I> ready to accept requests
2018-08-02 14:38:47.318 [82140] main/105/checkpoint_daemon I> started
2018-08-02 14:38:47.319 [82140] main/105/checkpoint_daemon I> scheduled the next snapshot at Thu Aug  2 16:27:59 2018
2018-08-02 14:38:47.320 [82140] main/106/console/::1:38618 I> started
2018-08-02 14:38:47.321 [82140] main C> entering the event loop
ls: illegal option -- -
usage: ls [-ABCFGHLOPRSTUWabcdefghiklmnopqrstuwx1] [file ...]
usage: cp [-R [-H | -L | -P]] [-fi | -n] [-apvXc] source_file target_file
        cp [-R [-H | -L | -P]] [-fi | -n] [-apvXc] source_file ... target_directory
Your branch is ahead of 'origin/master' by 2 commits.
   (use "git push" to publish your local commits)
Note: checking out '8fbf81c~1'.

You are in 'detached HEAD' state. You can look around, make experimental
changes and commit them, and you can discard any commits you make in this
state without impacting any branches by performing another checkout.

If you want to create a new branch to retain commits you create, you may
do so (now or later) by using -b with the checkout command again. Example:

   git checkout -b <new-branch-name>

HEAD is now at e4f8c21... Fix races related to object outdating
2018-08-02 14:38:47.591 [82140] main C> got signal 15 - Terminated: 15

------------------------ RESULT ------------------------------

test_run = require('test_run').new()
git_util = require('lua_libs.git_util')
util = require('lua_libs.util')
vshard_copy_path = util.BUILDDIR .. '/test/var/vshard_git_tree_copy'
evolution_log = git_util.log_hashes({args='vshard/storage/reload_evolution.lua', dir=util.SOURCEDIR})
-- Cleanup the directory after a previous build.
_ = os.execute('rm -rf ' .. vshard_copy_path)
-- 1. `git worktree` cannot be used because PACKPACK mounts
-- `/source/` in `ro` mode.
-- 2. Just `cp -rf` cannot be used due to a little different
-- behavior in Centos 7.
_ = os.execute('mkdir ' .. vshard_copy_path)
_ = os.execute("cd " .. util.SOURCEDIR .. ' && cp -rf `ls -A --ignore=build` ' .. vshard_copy_path)
-- Checkout the first commit with a reload_evolution mechanism.
git_util.exec('checkout', {args='-f', dir=vshard_copy_path})
git_util.exec('checkout', {args=evolution_log[#evolution_log] .. '~1', dir=vshard_copy_path})
REPLICASET_1 = { 'storage_1_a', 'storage_1_b' }
REPLICASET_2 = { 'storage_2_a', 'storage_2_b' }
test_run:create_cluster(REPLICASET_1, 'reload_evolution')

Here the test is finished.

On 02/08/2018 14:40, Vladislav Shpilevoy wrote:
> Hi! Thanks for the fixes!
> Test reload_evolution/storage.test.lua fails on my computer
> and detaches git head.
> ======================================================================================
> WORKR TEST                                            PARAMS          RESULT
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> [001] reload_evolution/storage.test.lua
> [001] TarantoolInpector.handle() received the following error:
> [001] Traceback (most recent call last):
> [001]   File "/Users/v.shpilevoy/Work/Repositories/vshard/test/test-run/lib/inspector.py", line 92, in handle
> [001]     result = self.parser.parse_preprocessor(line)
> [001]   File "/Users/v.shpilevoy/Work/Repositories/vshard/test/test-run/lib/preprocessor.py", line 95, in parse_preprocessor
> [001]     return self.server(stype, sname, options)
> [001]   File "/Users/v.shpilevoy/Work/Repositories/vshard/test/test-run/lib/preprocessor.py", line 278, in server
> [001]     getattr(self, attr)(ctype, sname, opts)
> [001]   File "/Users/v.shpilevoy/Work/Repositories/vshard/test/test-run/lib/preprocessor.py", line 206, in server_create
> [001]     self.servers[sname].deploy(silent=True, **opts)
> [001]   File "/Users/v.shpilevoy/Work/Repositories/vshard/test/test-run/lib/tarantool_server.py", line 507, in deploy
> [001]     self.install(silent)
> [001]   File "/Users/v.shpilevoy/Work/Repositories/vshard/test/test-run/lib/tarantool_server.py", line 493, in install
> [001]     self.copy_files()
> [001]   File "/Users/v.shpilevoy/Work/Repositories/vshard/test/test-run/lib/tarantool_server.py", line 512, in copy_files
> [001]     shutil.copy(self.script, self.script_dst)
> [001]   File "/System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/lib/python2.7/shutil.py", line 119, in copy
> [001]     copyfile(src, dst)
> [001]   File "/System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/lib/python2.7/shutil.py", line 82, in copyfile
> [001]     with open(src, 'rb') as fsrc:
> [001] IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/Users/v.shpilevoy/Work/Repositories/vshard/test/reload_evolution/storage_1_a.lua'
> [001]
> [001]
> [001] Test.run() received the following error:
> [001] Traceback (most recent call last):
> [001]   File "/Users/v.shpilevoy/Work/Repositories/vshard/test/test-run/lib/test.py", line 167, in run
> [001]     self.execute(server)
> [001]   File "/Users/v.shpilevoy/Work/Repositories/vshard/test/test-run/lib/tarantool_server.py", line 144, in execute
> [001]     self.killall_servers(server, ts, crash_occured)
> [001]   File "/Users/v.shpilevoy/Work/Repositories/vshard/test/test-run/lib/tarantool_server.py", line 107, in killall_servers
> [001]     crash_occured = crash_occured or server.process.returncode not in (None, 0, -signal.SIGKILL, -signal.SIGTERM)
> [001] AttributeError: 'TarantoolServer' object has no attribute 'process'
> [001]
> [001] Worker "001_reload_evolution" received the following error; stopping...
> [001] Traceback (most recent call last):
> [001]   File "/Users/v.shpilevoy/Work/Repositories/vshard/test/test-run/lib/worker.py", line 266, in run_task
> [001]     task, self.server, self.inspector)
> [001]   File "/Users/v.shpilevoy/Work/Repositories/vshard/test/test-run/lib/test_suite.py", line 193, in run_test
> [001]     short_status = test.run(server)
> [001]   File "/Users/v.shpilevoy/Work/Repositories/vshard/test/test-run/lib/test.py", line 219, in run
> [001]     shutil.copy(self.tmp_result, self.reject)
> [001]   File "/System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/lib/python2.7/shutil.py", line 119, in copy
> [001]     copyfile(src, dst)
> [001]   File "/System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/lib/python2.7/shutil.py", line 83, in copyfile
> [001]     with open(dst, 'wb') as fdst:
> [001] IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'reload_evolution/storage.reject'

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