[Tarantool-discussions] Consider exporting symbols from libraries: small, msgpuck

Alexander Turenko alexander.turenko at tarantool.org
Mon Sep 7 01:42:15 MSK 2020

I was accumulating thoughts around ABI compatibility for myself during
some time and want to share them. The main question that I bring into
attention here: whether it worth to expose msgpuck, small and other
libraries APIs into tarantool's module API.


A tarantool module (say, memcached) uses a library, which is also used in
tarantool (say, small). Let's assume that tarantool and the module use
different versions of the library. Say, a layout of some structure was
changed: a non-last field was removed or a field was added to the middle.

 | tarantool executable
 | --------------------
 | /* foo.h */
 | struct foo {
 |     uint64_t bar;
 |     uint64_t baz;
 |     struct foo *next;
 | }
 | void
 | foo_create(struct foo *foo, struct foo *next);
 | /* foo.c */
 | void
 | foo_create(struct foo *foo, struct foo *next)
 | {
 |     foo->bar = 0;
 |     foo->baz = 0;
 |     foo->next = next;
 | }

 | module dynamic library
 | ----------------------
 | /* foo.h */
 | struct foo {
 |     /* !! no bar !! */
 |     uint64_t baz;
 |     struct foo *next;
 | }
 | void
 | foo_create(struct foo *foo, struct foo *next);
 | /* foo.c */
 | void
 | foo_create(struct foo *foo, struct foo *next)
 | {
 |     /* !! no foo->bar = 0 !! */
 |     foo->baz = 0;
 |     foo->next = next;
 | }

Let's look how a breakage may occur.

After unhiding internal symbols in tarantool executable (see [1]), a call of
foo_create() from the module will actually call the function from tarantool
executable, which will set foo->next to NULL (`foo->baz = 0;`) and will access
a memory out of the structure bounds (`foo->next = next;`).

Note for myself: I would take extra care to inline functions in public
headers, however I have no example of a possible breakage in the mind.
Noted here to think around it later.

Note: Some msgpuck symbols were exposed even before [1]. I guess it was to use
them using LuaJIT FFI.

[1]: https://github.com/tarantool/tarantool/issues/2971


- Default on Linux: use a symbol from executable file.
- MacOS behaviour is like RTLD_DEEPBIND is used (from Vlad Sh.)
- See dlopen(3): RTLD_DEEPBIND (place a symbol from a library before global
  one in the lookup order).

Known cases

- LTO and ASAN complains about this.

  LTO fix: https://github.com/tarantool/tarantool/commit/36927e540549fbdfd156ac3518616dbf4642711f
  ASAN fix: https://github.com/tarantool/tarantool/commit/e8c72d4fe66ea94e357af2e527cb5cc4727f09da

- memcached fails on some tarantool versions.

  This case is almost same as the abstract one described above: the symbol
  unhiding patch leads to the breakage.


- box_txn_alloc() changes its behaviour.

  Not strictly related to the problem described above, but it is another
  tarantool public C API breakage. So it is related to the question below: how
  to test the API to prevent this kind of breakage.


My questions

- Should not we expose small, msgpuck libraries symbols from tarantool
  executable and ship corresponsing header files?

- How to ensure that exposed API / ABI is stable: one may use old headers to
  compile, but symbols from newer executable at runtime.
  - Of course, we should test tarantool changes against external modules. But
    it is not general ABI compatibility verification: some cases may not be
    covered by a module test, there may be closed-source modules.
  - How existing ABI compatibility checkers are? Say, [2].
    - Looks promising: at least the description suggests that the case above
      would be catched ('renamed fields').

- We should define rules how to change public API structures and functions.
  Existing of such checklists makes life easier.
  - Many points should be here, but I'll highlight one that comes into my mind
    (just to don't forgot about it): we possibly will need to use padding at
    end of public structures to have ability to extend it. Or explicitly state
    that a structure is not known at build time, so it may not be used in
    arrays or allocated on a stack. If there is no need to provide direct
    access to first N fields (say, due to performance matters), we can just
    make it opaque.

- Can we just ship small / msgpuck header files and expose its symbols from
  tarantool? Or we need a separate public API layer?
  - The former would obligate us to keep those libraries ABI compatible.
  - The latter don't: this way the library should only be used as static one.

- How about performance? Whether building a module with a library (like small
  or msgpuck) directly (not using of tarantool's one) may give better
  performance because of using inline functions and macros?

- Can we make bundling a library into a module safe using symbol renaming
  (say, some macro magic)?

- For particular case: using of fiber()->gc: can we expose some reduced API
  from tarantool and be happy?

[2]: https://lvc.github.io/abi-compliance-checker/

Why I started the discussion?

I want to implement Lua API for key_def as an external module, which should be
based on a public C API (which in turn should be extended for this matter).
The built-in key_def Lua module uses fiber->gc region; region functions are
part of the small library.

Considering version mismatch problems we already met in the past I would
prefer to expose small library symbols from tarantool executable and use them
in the module.

I found that just exposing relevant symbols does not shield us from ABI
breakage problems, so the questions above should be resolved (sooner or

Mea culpa

Well, I should google for 'how to write abi compatible libraries', read some
articles and I guess most of my questions will gone. I wrote the letter above
just to formalize things for myself, but than found that it may be used as the
base for further discussions.

Forward ABI compatibility guidelines

This sections is added later, so it may contradict with something written

Excerpts of useful info from different sources.

- https://gcc.gnu.org/onlinedocs/libstdc++/manual/abi.html
  - symbol versioning
    - when exactly it is needed? what a problem it solves?
  - policy: don't change anything, only add
  - separation of interface and implementation
    - how about macroses, which wraps sizeof() / alignof() calls?
  - testing
    - `make check-abi`
      - It just check all symbols using sizeof(), alignof() and so. I guess
        also check list of symbols and each structure field.
      - Files (from gcc tarball):
        - libstdc++-v3/testsuite/Makefile.in
        - libstdc++-v3/testsuite/util/testsuite_abi_check.cc
        - libstdc++-v3/testsuite/util/testsuite_abi.{h,cc}
        - libstdc++-v3/libsupc++/cxxabi.h
        - <...>
    - `make check-c++` just runs the C standard library test suite. The idea
      of ABI compatibility check is to run a testsuite from one version
      against another one.
    - http://abicheck.sourceforge.net/
      - It is linked from the page. Why? Is it used in GCC? Is it related to
        `make check-abi`? Is it just recommendation?
      - It just verifies a list of symbols used by an executable file against
        private / unstable lists. Not ready-to-use compare ABI vs ABI tool.

Traversed over several documents and, in brief, the best description is KDE
project guidelines (it is often linked from other good sources):


Those sources are (looked briefly):


What I need to think: is it okay to use padding for a structure instead of
d-pointer? How much padding is okay for performance matters? Is it ever okay
to have non-opaque structures (we have no ones now in module.h)?

Future updates

Now I investigated the area a bit and want to share certain

- How to expose a non-opacue structure to keep it ABI compatible over
  different tarantool versions (padding and so on).
- How to write a Lua/C module that able to use a feature from a new
  tarantool version, but work with reduced functionality on an old
  tarantool version (using dlsym()).

I'll do when time will permit.

WBR, Alexander Turenko.

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